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Only three hundred soldiers in this dont attack but there is no official confirmation so far who has been hit before by israeli airstrikes. Earlier this year and back then israel said that it was a believed to be and a gathering of iranian advisors and the command building of the syrian armys First Armored division well its a play in three acts it all started with any iranian drone a remotely piloted vehicle which entered israel proper we dont know yet where they are for surveillance or attack and it was shot down by an Israeli Armed Apache Helicopter now following that particular incident the Israeli Air Force has retaliated against the launcher of this particular drone. Hitting the. Command and control of vehicle and perhaps the launcher itself and during this attack one of the israeli f. Sixteen s. Was either a hit by Syrian Ground defenses or the pilots got the impression that they are about to be here and bailed out israel has again retaliated hipping be it twelve targets several of them being iranian and several syrian this is the most serious incident. Between israel and syria and definitely between israel and iran in many years perhaps in ten or fifteen years we have not seen the like of it. With less than a month to go till general elections in italy tensions are boiling over hundreds of anti fascist protesters are gathering in a central city as much an art or a week ago in march of artist suffered a racially motivated shooting which left six injured and just this thursday hundreds of supporters of a far right party clashed with police that. Misuse it was targeting african Migrants Police found a copy of hitlers mind comfy in his apartment as well as a flag with a far right symbol the shooter said he wanted to avenge the death of an italian woman allegedly killed by a nigerian asylum seeker. The incident has fuelled concerns about the rise of neo fascist forces initially national as well as foreign media have way you did the shooters lawyer told journalists that his client was greeted as a hero in prison they say racial and religious violence has sought in recent years these are the shocking numbers from the as highly and police force hate crimes have jumped ten fold us in just four years the issue is raising concern at the highest level with its least Justice Minister revealing that he was threatened when he visited the matches are to shooting victims in hospital. I received threats against me and my family but i was told the fascists run away when the time comes to take action so im not. Going to meanwhile the video has appeared in the media showing the mattered are to shooter shaking hands with the leader of the right wing league annoyed and moreover the shooters stood as a candidate for the party in local elections last year my colleague nearly harvey debated the issue with a legal north councillor. If this guy did what he did he became a criminal so we are very strict about it and our. We pons our pencil in the next election the people will use it to vote and this is the only way we act any violent act carried out by an immigrant it seems like the response is is also considerable surely this is not good for the country as a whole how do you feel about whats been reported the rise of nationalism and fascism in italy we are just telling you the people we need lo we need contour of a county we cannot lose our identity because italy if these mood of immigration will rise and we will lose in a dainty ally of your party the former soviet belle is going hes called migrants a time bomb now is fairly aggressive rhetoric is only going to further divide people you said your weapon is your pension should we be trying to bring people together we found always the right way to act together and when we have been in the government the last time in two thousand eighty two two thousand and eleven we particularly stopped their arrival of Illegal Immigrants in two thousand and eleven we had only four thousand arrival in one year in last year we had the more than one hundred forty thousand arrival of Illegal Immigrants in it and so you can see the difference and this is a bomb because at the most of those people are illegal they will never go get the. Paper. Refugee because just the five maximum ten percent of them is a real refugee. Now u. K. University is preventing were such studies into transgenders who have regretted that decision to change sex but that story after the break. Heres what people have been saying about rejected in the us it actually does belong on the only show i go out of my way to lunch you know what it is that really packs a punch oh yeah its the john oliver of party americans do the same we are apparently better than the blue. Sea people youve never heard of low down for the night not the president of the world bank so very. Seriously send us an email. The bond market will not crash this time it will continue to go even lower and negative yields on various bonds will increase from the multi trillion dollars worth of negative yielding sovereign debt now the even more multi multi multi trillion dollars of negative yielding sovereign debt and were going to go down the rabbit hole even further but it certainly smells like what the panic cash withdrawal in places like china and west sell off in all these various markets and what the oil prices climbing higher in gold looking better than weve got here an Old Fashioned reversal. Welcome back the south korean president said hes ready to accept an invitation to visit pyongyang from the north Korean Leader if certain conditions are met this potentially sets up the first meeting between koreas leaders in more than a decade the invitation was delivered by kim jong uns sister who is attending the Winter Olympics in south korea shes the first member of north koreas ruling family to visit the south since the nine hundred fifty s. She met with president moon for three hours talks in the Opening Ceremony of the winter games also hinted at flooring ties between the two states with both teams marching together. And one Media Attention focused on the v. I. P. s section at the Opening Ceremony it was revealed that not everyone was too happy about the unified korean team u. S. Finds president mike pence made headlines by not standing up as the korean team arch during the ceremony reports say he was one of a few who remained seated and did not applaud pence later explains that he came to south korea to cheer u. S. Athletes but still the recent friendly relations between the two countries are widely seen as a breakthrough thats after the countrys held their first talks in two years Hong Kong City university is joseph chung a Political Science professor believes the president ial invitation is a major step forward. This is a small brick fruit. Moon of seoul korea understands that his people would like to see the escalation of tension in the Korean Peninsula the conditions normally will be cessation of Nuclear Power then. Miss out on the part of north korea and north korea in turn will. Terminate of large scale military exercises are on the par of south korea. And the United States while the two koreas were able to march under a single unified flank and then pick athletes from russias on the team as its known and to the Opening Ceremony under a neutral flag however although the russian flag was banned by the International Olympic committee it still found its way into the stadium r. T. If he explains. No russian flags at the Opening Ceremony nations parade chang the i. O. C. Set some very strict rules and promised no excuses for anyone whod violate them so who would have thought the russian tricolor would still make it into the ceremony all thanks to a blogger by korean t. V. Just as team france were walking into the arena a russian flag i can well while the zero eight our team were carrying the white a live big flag maybe russian flags flashed around the arena at the stands but it turned out that not only russians brought them there we spoke to one american fan who grabbed one too and i thought it would be nice to you know show a bit of support for them because theyve basically worked for years for this moment to represent their countries and now they cant and so i was kind of trying to sort of you know help them feel at home i was trying to sort of send a message that they should be included because the olympics is for all countries i dont exactly know the particulars of the doping thing i dont know what the right decision is really im just trying to show a sense of unity im trying to kind of put the politics aside im trying to support these athletes because we know for a fact that these athletes are clean theres no doubt about it but then theyre being punished for what others may or may not have done and so thats a collective guilt and i dont like collective guilt i think when you have all so many verses of beths athletes banned just before the games instead of you know just for the game so they cant appeal they dont actually have any they dont communicate directly what they did wrong but then all their best athletes are sort of banned i think that is too much to be a coincidence. On saturday brings the first in pick medal to the team of a limp athletes of russia short track semi on the start off hasnt a bronze which he later dedicated to old those russian athletes who were banned from participating in the games. A psychotherapist and gender specialist in the u. K. Is challenging a university which is blocking research into people who regret undergoing gender change james caspian claims the move by bath Spy University is an attack on free speech is really extremely stressful to find myself in broad in these proceedings which i think should be of great concern to anyone who values free speech and knowledge i do believe that the research ive proposed is important to the world being the transgendered community the research proposed by mr caspian was initially approved by academics back in twenty fifteen but was later dropped in december of twenty sixteen High Court Judges ruled in the universitys favor according to mr caspian the University Dropped the rest because it feared there would be a backlash on social media are to discuss the issue with walt heyer who reversed his decision to become a woman. Been back now to my birth gender for twenty five years have been married for twenty years you know when i discovered. That this whole that this whole transgender thing is built solely on feelings theres absolutely no objective proof that anyone has a transgender except by no self identifying as a transgender is no medical proof that anyone is a transgender and theres no proof that anyone benefits from the surgery over the long term some people like myself feel like we had a good to employ it lasted but when the truth rears its ugly head and you want your life back you want to live in reality and. You know surgically made transgender life i have found out in my many years of working with transgendered people that there is a groundswell of people day transitioning im working with them all the time no more and more letters from around the world from people who after five seven twelve maybe fifteen even twenty years they wanted to transition back calling the surgery in their gender change just pure folly and bullishness and totally unnecessary so they wont help you transition just as. Well spots by investing to comment on this decision regarding mr caspians research mr caspians Research Proposal was not refused on the grounds of topic but on the methodological approach the investee was not convinced the approach would guarantee the anonymity of his participants and the confidentiality of data it was such a loss to the first round of his legal battle leaving him to cover the universitys court costs he sets up a crowdfunding page to cover the expenses and mount a fresh legal challenge against the university and so far raised almost fourteen thousand pounds while today again believes the university has been politically motivated in its decision. I think its political absolutely i think its totally political airfreighted b l g b t which is so powerful it would probably overwhelm a university if they start studying this like james caspian wanted to do at the university what they would find out is theres a basque number of people who are already transitioning because they regret having changed their gender so i think theyre fearful of the truth coming out and this is their way of preventing research from being done well the latest headlines for you at the top of the hour who say that. Its. Been a long hard dont you on the idea that dropping bombs brings to the Chicken Hawks of course and you know fighting the battle. For the flock to try to tell you that every gossip and family are. Modernising telling him to not like their products. Are the hawks have him on the on the walking thing and. Some my money and entertainment have become good in our culture and we have children grow up playing playing war games on the computer this war has somehow been to mystic cited as entertainment to russians just theres nothing funny about war it is so serious russia will be the last to give up Nuclear Weapons because russia regards Nuclear Weapons as the bow. Of the against inflation or war but its a period covetousness full up. In america a College Degree requires a great deal. Paying a decades long debt. Studying so hard it requires trust. Going through humiliation to enter an elite society. And parching to dance sometimes quite literally. Want other true colors of universities in the us. Kozar this is the kaiser report lets talk about the overall economy hows it doing max were talking about the g. D. P. Now forecast Atlanta Office of the Federal Reserve predicting a five point four percent g. D. P. In q one two thousand and eighteen preston j. Byrne responds wow these are reagan early one nine hundred eighty s. Numbers thats a lot of growth of brought on by policies that would stimulate growth so what is the opposition going to say to try to make this sound bad i dont know well i imagine your guess from the second half is going to say the atlanta fed has always had an outlier saying wow the economy is booming and in fact theyll have to revise it down to like two or three percent right now theyre saying its five point four percent it could just be a parting gift for janet yellen who was the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve i can pull up my collar in honor of her you know as she can or something i have no idea but she does seem to prefer putting her little collars up not in town suits she wears pantsuits again with the pantsuits look all this growth is also being reflected in the rising ills of the bond market or falling prices which is an indication of inflation and of course that would put the kobayashi on a thirty eight year old bond the bull market and that brings all kinds of new wrinkles and twists and turns to the stock and bond markets of course the markets have been kind of tumbling relative to what theyre used to theyre not real tumbles of the one nine hundred eighty seven magnitude that youre. Still which would be a six thousand point drop but you know markets or is certainly the media gets quite hysterical when it falls at two hundred two hundred points which is fraction of a percent so when the markets have responded negatively to make the positive job numbers that also came out last week this g. D. P. Forecast being forecast higher all of these you know bonuses that major corporations are giving their employees the tax cuts those were all priced in last year and now theyre kind of i guess some say seeing inflation on the horizon and that this is going to be negative for bonds and markets you know wall street and main street time to go at odds with each other whats good for one is usually not good for the other and if wall streets going to take a breather with rising rates and falling stock and bond prices that would generally mean rising relative strength in wages so those are the voters that put this guy in office back in twenty six tame and theyll do it again in two thousand and twenty if wages are going up twenty eighteen is a little bit more important than midterm elections coming up to september this november so well see what happens there but heres another tweet regarding the markets and the economy and this is real another five billion dollars into last night brings january total to Seventy Eight point six billion dollars which destroys all time monthly flow record by eighteen billion dollars or thirty percent this is nearly four billion Dollars Per Day pace Retail Investors are pouring into e. T. S. You know they really love these e. T. F. Of. The two the top two recipients of the of these funds flowing into egypt where state streets s. And p. Five hundred e. T. F. And then i shares s. And p. Five hundred e. T. F. So theyre going for the s. And p. Five hundred eighty. The next previous largest inflow of e. T. F. Funds was in december twenty sixth seen well its very dangerous because this a multitude of e. T. S. Would have the same stock in their e. T. F. So youd have multiple claims on the same stock its a fractional reserve model and so if there is a downturn lets say the market dropped twenty twenty five thirty percent and theres like what ation and you try to liquidate these e. T. F. And ten or twenty eighty s. Own the same thousand shares of i. B. M. Or General Electric or microsoft which one truly has those shares none of them have it for sure and its a compound thing of the cascade as it drops down into a black hole called a dame a bull market catastrophe sucking sound posing as the grim reaper as they rip aisha sleaze steal from the millennialists their hard earned cappuccino money in one flail swoop due to their over exuberance brought on by the cheap rates engineer and by the central bankers who have no accountability other than their academic overlords who write keynesian based faldo are all in their textbooks based on theories that have never been proven and all was and catastrophic lee well of course theyve been a perfect contrary and indicator these millenniums they have stayed out of the market since two thousand and eight in fear for a crash and now they have finally gone long as we covered in a previous episode they somehow believe that donald trump provides some sort of insulation i have no idea what they mean when they say they think he provides insulation to the markets nevertheless this is what theyre pouring their money into e. T. F. Now as somebody selling to them like working at donald trump rubber mask in a best of all throwing a toaster plugged into the wall and saying i dont know why i got electrocuted i have this donald trump rubber mask on wasnt insulated there is another interesting story out in the past week as well. That was from china and zero had covered that chinese stocks tumble as hong kong officials monitor surge in a. T. M. Withdrawals parent li there were reports of mainland chinese. Citizens arriving in hong kong with like up to fifty bank cards so they would go to machine after researching and withdraw hundreds of thousands of dollars this is been happening according to the Hong Kong Monetary authorities there have been a few robberies they say of people of mainland chinese with having hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen so there seems to be some sort of capital flight situation we dont know of course a lot of information that comes out of china is hard to interpret well this is as much to do with Money Laundering a capital flight the liquidation of stocks cryptocurrency s. And now mass a. T. M. Withdrawals suggest more is going on than the usual pretty new year liquidity hoarding theres a mad dash for cash because the thirty eight year bull market in bonds looks like its coming to an end inflation is upon us and bond prices are going to fall theyre already falling yields are rising of course ive been saying this for five years and others in the financial punditry space have been saying this for five years and ive been wrong for five years so with that caveat i will infallibly once again say without equivocation that i could be wrong again that the bond market will not crash this time it will continue yields will go even lower and negative yields on various bonds will increase from the multi trillion dollars worth of negative yielding sovereign debt now the even more multi multi multi trillion dollars of negative yielding sovereign debt and were going to go down the rabbit hole even further but it certainly smells like with the panicked cash withdrawal in places like china and with the sell off in all these various markets and what the oil prices climb. Higher gold looking better that weve got here an Old Fashioned reversal its a rotation and i want to actually turn to a tweet now that you posted yeah and this is a tweet i found interesting you also sent me some Text Messages yes but this is a tweet from alex writer so people can go there and look at this and that is max keiser store of value plus liquid means of exchange is got utility and its a great investment its portable fungible divisible and desirable yes thats more of a laundry detergent and if you look closely you can see that this is a photo from a u. S. Supermarket somewhere the laundry detergent has to be tied down secured with locks and its not just a marketing gimmick because its called tide now i didnt mention but even though you could see it i dont want to promote them to that even though the well thats a big in the news a cover people are eating and i forgot to add edible on to that yes at a final edible about this weve covered this actually before lauder detergent like this in poor neighborhoods has been a currency for years and years its you go in there you snatch some of the laundry detergent and its highly desirable which is any currency is desirable portable fungible divisible and this is what in the ghetto in the in the slums in the poor areas is used as currency and entrepreneur can go into a bodega oh they can snatch some of this bodega but they gotta go but they go out on a day old the day goes go into the day go and they have a nice butt dishes sandwich iau and they run out of the shop with their pearl oil and a lot of detergent you can quickly exchange for a little crack or something and then mark that up for a few bucks and youre not for sure youre on your way to being the next on trump i think tramp this is where you got to be where that is actually all of those tied together in the next headline because we have Deutsche Bank which donald trump. Of Million Dollars to we have crime running away with ill gotten gains and we have a fungible transferrable get out of jail free card for these bankers and the headline reads from reuters business u. S. C f t c orders Deutsche Bank unit to pay seventy Million Dollars penalty penalty yes well this is a c f t c and they have basically fined Deutsche Bank a civil fine of manipulating that is the fix benchmark between january two thousand and seven a may twenty twelve so you know may two thousand and twelve long after they appeared before the public and prostrate themselves and said well never commit these crimes again we will never commit these crimes again course that is the fix market is a many many many trillions if not quite jillions of dollars market and they rigged it for their own benefit to profit for the bank to profit on their own derivatives positions so here they are paying a small fine we dont know they didnt they didnt say in their statements how much they gained from regaining is the fix but theyre paying a seventy Million Dollar fine and to the ordinary person whos running off with some laundry detergent as their own fungible transferrable trainable currency well they think well seventy Million Dollars well that sounds like. Thats like thirty five three hundred fifty thousand gallons of liquid laundry detergent as you point out this is coming after all these bags promise not to do all these crimes again going back to the two thousand and eight period you know what impacts or fix hasnt been rick is live for for x. Gold or silver now multiple banks have been finally era vocally irrefutably convicted or frowned to be guilty of fixing those prices and they pay a fine now if you apply the same justice to the people that were stealing the laundry detergent from various shops in the ghetto you would go to them and say hey man dont steal everything from the store and they would give you like ten by. To say heres my find is a ten buck fine leave me alone dont dont bother me i got stuff to do and then they would do this crime these prison population in the cost of prison population would die would go down substantially if they apply the same sense of justice to people stealing

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