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Other some other regions no which north korea you know come to it was north korea might want to have some kind of economy because north korea might want to have some kind of Economic Cooperation with the south korea or maybe north korea might want to drive a wedge between seoul in washington but south korea knows all those in the intentions of north korea but despite all those intentions we wont you know dont move korea and try to come over to some kind of breakthrough to the current stalemate but were up asking is do you feel like trumps contribution was intentional to bring the two countries together are any potential basically was it all a big plan or was it has to i dont know i dont know. No i dont know whether its intentional or unintentional but. You know if north korea can have a dialogue with the United States directly they would have not come to south korea but you know President Trump you know how to north korea might have approval north korea compass of korea now at the same time i heard you say in an interview to c. N. N. Back in september that if the u. S. Had spent at least one fifth of effort they put into the iran deal on the north korean issue is the whole problem could have been resolved do you think the u. S. Is reluctant to bring about a plausible solution to the issue if you know how to speak pay more attention to. The north Korean Nuclear issue i personally believe the us code can come up with a solution but. The u. S. Has been paying too much attention to military no solutions but i hope the u. S. Would pay more attention to peaceful solution to the north Korean Nuclear problem. Presently and you right now have been praising President Trump for his role in kicking off they enter korean talks why do you get trump credit for this specifically i mean not just the u. S. But who russia and china have also been calling for talks and say since the very beginning actually. Very simple because north korea want to play havoc with the u. S. Is returning. Would rather choice for north korea to have just that there is to come come to south korea you know and mostly no we are hoping the north korea can have a role with the United States through some kinds of mediation of south korea. So obviously this talks between the two koreas in early january they have been viewed as a huge breakthrough i mean the last time it happened was back in two thousand and fifteen and since then things were deteriorating how do you make sure things go well this time i want to slide back into another blame game. Im not really optimistic about the future over into korean relations but what i have been are used to and we make every effort to you know that happens if it is not really you know not of to misty prejudice projection but if you know our mandate to what weve knows we have to focus on problem. Great now when were back well continue talking to you and morning special advisor for the National Security and Foreign Policy to the president of south korea well talk more about ways out of the Nuclear Crisis on the Korean Peninsula stay with us. Seem wrong why dont we just dont. Let me get you to shape our business comes out to. And in detroit equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Runs of the with the flow for the best out of the dogs with. The concepts i was preparing to perform i had actually prepared myself to die. Oh you dont know said hed well. Sorry trust me. As most of. You know homo stuff tariana her. Scanty clothes. She had the goods sewed on solution. So well see of getting. What. Was it he could with us to. Yes get more here to keep me she. Had to finish. A couple so kind of toilet p. S. K. I mean here and there. Was. Join me everything on the alex im im sure and ill be speaking to get off of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. The everybody im stephen both. Hollywood. Proud american first of all under george bush in our view this is my buddy famous financial guru where shes a little bit different. Going to the well you know with all the drama happening in our country and. Everyday americans. We start to bridge the gap this is the great american. People. And were back with child and little special advisor for the National Security and Foreign Policy to the president of south korea discussing how the Nuclear Standoff between north korea and the rest of the world is going to play out now president moon is hoping to bring washington n. P. R. New onto the negotiating table but when you hear this who is nuclear but is bigger talk from trump and kim jong goon calling him a loser if the u. S. And north korea finally hold talks are all those insults going to be just tossed aside and forgotten about completely like they never happened nor will it be a mutual gretsch what do you think one matters is the National Interest nothing of the leaders emotion therefore youve. Can get together they would come up with a much more practical discussions on the use of the new creation of north korea to fore yes you know possibly this could have a some kind of emotional scars on those in the exchange of hostile remarks to but i personally believe that they will be able to overcome such a kind of pass through by pushing for National Interest and you know theres a common interest of mankind is that South Koreans are coordinating closely with washington cosell thing before making any move why south korea need washingtons blessing to engage in diplomacy with the north i mean its koreans talking to koreans why wait for american permission not because we have a we have a alliance a relationship nice to eat we have a make conclusion in south korea and north korea does the american troops in south korea as a source of a hostile intent in policy and north korea therefore we have the kinds of standards between the north korea and the United States but we hide in the bed alliance with the United States because of the berry strip coming from north korea cape deal for not due to new choice but us to coordinate with the United States the whole point is a free template north korea has a no no script claims can test a Nuclear Weapons then but we have a Nuclear Weapons and we have n. P. T. Reteam nonproliferation regime which would not allow us to have you know the Nuclear Weapons then what is our choice but to rely on to make a Nuclear Umbrella the alternate and me wish to be intense wisdom what so does that mean that for instance if america tells you not to talk to north korea then while north korea is willing to talk to south that you want to talk to them. No and because of this of the american interests and we want to have told we do north korea but knows when i was not coming close and north korea was arguing that this was devoted to north korean National Interest these are in the getting rid of American Military a Nuclear Threat from to its fullest Nuclear Threat that is why do you want to protect pull wheezy know the United States but you havent you noticed it was not responding to north korea you know so has been arguing that a mess north korea still is very concrete steps toward a nuclear jason it would not have a dialogue with north korea then good word to North Koreans are coming to south korea of course north korean intention was to be such that the that or now we have a Nuclear Weapons now from the position of Nuclear Weapons state would do what we south korea but south korea will never accept that position because south korean position is basically a i will go to denuclearizing north korea ok if and no matter what we. Knowledge what we are always up north Korean Nuclear weapons capability but our goal is to and to keep the nuclear rods in north korea that was thinking about the sanctions you set yourself that the current very tough sanctions on north korea arent working since its such an isolated selfreliant society that is used to hardship so what are the sections for then i mean what do they have and should they be there at all. Now government position is very clear that sanctions and precious instrument to bring north korea to dialogue and negotiation table therefore we are not pushing the policy of sense and for the sake of sentence ok therefore its time for north korea to really think about it one very clearly our government number one priority can dial when negotiation but north korea has not you know showing an attempt to have a dialogue and negotiation with the south korea as well as United States that there is why selfhate been joining International Effort to to put the sanction on north korea but keep north korea or just come back to the the negotiation table we may no lose an hour in a sentence when north korea maybe International Community may also loosen its ascensions from north korea of course north korea to take a very concrete moves toward denuclearization starting with the freezing of its nuclear and missile activities do you think that you ask can decide on some kind of hostile unilateral action against north korea without consulting say well for us and what kessel did to rein in the american hocks alferez and made it very clear no more while under the Korean Peninsula no military action without prior consultation and agreement with us will not be accepted. The u. S. And south korea light allies cannot take a military and sometimes they can make this its ally south korea suffer from immense collateral damages given all of these things ok well hoping that the u. S. Would not take a military action we cannot rule out the post lead that you nice to take a military action but the United States to do expect you know whos opposition from south korea and the controversial Missile Shield that has been deployed in south korea already with the deployment help advance to go shake hands with the north or hinder progress. I will say that this has not produced any profound impact going into korea and poke so these become a major. Issue between china and the u. S. In the south korea being century to the north korea criticize the deployment of the thousand said was has not become any major impediment to into korean talks the u. S. And south korea are not the only ones involved in affairs for instance china seems to have a lot of influence over appealing on what kind of help can south korea count on from beijing here beijing and so do share a common interest in making peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula in denuclearized in north korea and for story in a peaceful resolution of the Nuclear Issue through the tire when you were safe and therefore i dont see any major difference between beijing and sold on the field of north korean could you. Just in your personal opinion do you feel like beijing truly. Has so much influence on north korea as everyone seems to same or its an illusion. Yes it is true the trial has a huge influence over north korea but. Cannot influence the regime in the National Security north korea the clear. Influence of the north korean economy and the areas. With regard to. National security north korea now the ultimate goal of dialogue that is being pursued right now is that hell advocate is i imagine total reunification the north and south korea are so vastly different in terms of Economy Technology perhaps even mentality any reunification will be a huge shop cant say all of forth that for instance i am just thinking about you know im just thinking about reunification of germany the east germany is germany still behind the west economically after thirty years of being together. You know we have several more of those so unification one is a german model in which he you know south korea kudos of north korea or vice versa another more than the me small korean youve. Come from after a Major Military conflict or you could be consensual unification between north and south our government policy too in the sea. Our government policy you too stupid consensual consensual unification therefore we are hoping that you know so sonos two together and trying to find out some peace who ways of unifying the korea meeting take a much longer time so if it does happen then why and then when will we have to wait for it came to grow old and die before a peaceful reunification can happen no no no we do not norm we do not know but for what we can do is that we can promote exchange and cooperation with north korea we can build a trust with north korea and we can trade any minute you know making free for all people. If we dont having legal unification we can push through. Some form of Corporation Integration between north and south ok there is our government put it. All right mr link thank you very much for at this if you will been talking to chung going on special adviser to the president of south korea for Foreign Affairs and National Security taken into the Nuclear Danger that looms over the Korean Peninsula thats it for at this edition of self and out c. N. N. Thank you. The bond market will not crash this time it will continue to go even lower and negative yields on various bonds will increase from the trillion dollars worth of negative yielding sovereign debt now the even more. Dollars of negative yielding sovereign debt and were going to go down the rabbit hole even further but it certainly smells like what the panic cash withdrawal in places like china. Sell off in all these various markets and what the oil prices climbing higher in gold looking better than weve got here and reversed. The pentagon recently released its new Nuclear Posture review its critics are stunned not only that use of Nuclear Weapons is now more thinkable but its also but threshold for their use has been lowered dr strangelove would be proud is the world facing another dangerous arms race. I. A glittering Opening Ceremony heralds the start of the twenty eighth Winter Olympics and south korea but. Celebrate the event protesters take to the streets their anger the participation of the North Koreans in the games. I. Have dozens of russian athletes the opening of the games is overshadowed by fridays decision of the court of arbitration for sport at the very last moment cant dismiss their appeals against the doping related. Supporters of clash with police in an italian city that suffered a racially motivated shooting last week its a big massive debate over growing nationalist emotions in the country. As a prominent anti harassment activist of the movement is accused. Of sexual misconduct. Thanks for joining us this hour. This is r. T. International. The Winter Olympics in south korea hi. Ive officially begun it all kicked off with a grand Opening Ceremony and the host region film chan gailey three thousand athletes from ninety two countries to poland in the Opening Ceremony of what is the fifty third winter games correspondent philippe trying to has more from the event the young chang is flashing lights ive heard it roar a few times it is happening at the Opening Ceremony of the winter Olympic Games saying oh the korean these guys definitely know how to put up a show and done the audience just take the famous rapper psi once rocked the world with his band of. Buds to this Opening Ceremony special for many other reasons so let me just name a few that is the north and the south korean team was marching under the same flag then. Our team or the olympic athletes from russia marching without their flags and this is the first time we dont see them wash out and a little bit Opening Ceremony nine hundred ninety two back then the athletes from the former soviet republic march under the i. O. C. Flag after the collapse of the soviet union also at todays ceremony the American Team consisting of exactly two hundred forty two athletes the Biggest National going to gays in the history of the Winter Olympics i can tell you that most people dont have that seeing around me are three or four perhaps the only reason why theyre a little bit disappointed is that theyre not inside that arena but believe it or not just meters away from where im standing right now locals are protesting instead of watching the Opening Ceremony of the olympics being glued to their t. V. And just a couple of hours ago i saw punches being burned and pepper spray being used by police. Just hours before the Opening Ceremony protests have erupted outside the Olympic Stadium as you can see this group of people thats carrying american and israeli flags south korean flags as well are protesting against the invitation of the north korean team to the piano chuang a lympics. Though it looks like the small market trying to use the Opening Ceremony to deliver their message we have two countries south korea and north korea we didnt make we are not to cater. To the regime. Trying right. Now at the very same time on the other side of the street there is a rival protests a much smaller one but the slogans there are completely different it says against war for peace young to go home so these people it looks like theyre in favor of the steps that the governments of north and south korea have made to make sure that something is happening between the two countries during the Winter Olympics and young chang the number of Police Officers is growing so is the number of protesters these people are definitely going to stay here during the opening ceremonies so this is going to be the background of the opening of young chang twenty eight seeing all the conflict over the Korean Peninsula reese casting a shadow over the games and its not just to this clashing of the crisis but also politicians. School to put the morning of. Todays military parade will show off the powerful status of the democratic peoples republic of korea as long as hostile policies from the u. S. Continue the mission of the Korean Peoples Army can never change. The. United states of america wolf and indeed to stand shoulder to shoulder in our effort to bring maximum pressure to bear on north korea until that time comes when the finally and permanent in your reverse of what abandon their nuclear and Ballistic Missile and. The. First since the. North Korean Leader kim jong uns sister arrived in south korea friday to attend the Opening Ceremony top south korean officials greeted her at the airport where she arrived on her Brothers Private jet to north korea kim jong is responsible for propaganda and shes the first member of north koreas leading family to visit the. Since the nine hundred fifty s. While the south korean president shook hands with north koreas ceremonial head that was it a pre Opening Ceremony reception athletes from the two koreas marched together under a single flag at the ceremony the decision was reached a breakthrough talks initiated by the north last month and prior to that a last minute appeal from forty five russian athletes and two coaches because the ban preventing them from competing failed the court of arbitration for sport the secretary general announced the ruling with just hours to go until the games got underway the athletes lawyers are branded the decision sanctions in disguise gas arbitrators of concerts at the process. To establish an invitation list of russian athletes to compete as olympic athletes from russia could not be described as a sanction but rather as an eligibility decision. Not demonstrates that the manner in which to special Commission System by the i. O. C. Was carried out in a discriminatory arbitrary. My colleague here in discuss the courts decision with arties daniel hawkins. Well reaction from the i. O. C. And water certainly would have been positive they would perhaps have viewed this as a victory for sport as justice served against doping if you will from those of appeal from the laws of course perhaps when one of surprise those forty seven russian athletes and coaches have appealed based on the grounds that a large part of the group initially didnt face any sanctions from the i. O. C. Whatsoever and another part of the group of course did receive bias had their medals their awards from social twenty fourteen taken away but those were subsequently overturned because of lack of evidence by that cast this isnt just about a week or so ten days ago the coach is representing the athletes of course pulled no punches in criticizing this cast decision to take a listen i dont know what to say im really disappointed i cant understand the cast decision first they cleared the athletes and now they say sorry you cant go to the olympics this is some kind of madness its terrible not just for athletes but for all of International Sport did i expect cas to reach this decision fifty fifty especially after thomas back in one of his later speeches pressured the court of arbitration for sport after ruled in our favor he was literally threatening the court he was almost seeing he would dissolve the court if it ruled again in favor of russian athletes that have been claims from the head coach of russias news team that the i. O. C. Was pressuring kathy this decision is that the case that the i. O. C. President thomas spock was certainly scathing about the decision when that came through it would have been viewed very much as a decision on the mind of the i. O. C. Is all thirty and also very much put a spoke in the wheel of water their investigation and on the mining also the credibility of the Mclaren Report house a decision is a streamlet disappointing and surprising for. The i. O. C. We would never have expected these for these decision of the rich and the need. For reforms in though the interludes structural failure because a lot was probably sparks reporter the original cast rolling which effectively upheld the principle of innocent until Proven Guilty saying that there was insufficient evidence that those russian athletes

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