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Hed well. Im sorry trust me. As most of. You want to see in the home of. Time that i am. This country was. He had a good. Soul. What. Was it he could with us to. Yes get more deeply she. Told me she had a couple so kind of twenty b. S. I mean here you. Guys are financial survival. When customers go by you reduce the price. Well reducing our. Thats undercutting but whats good for food markets its not good for the global economy. In america a College Degree requires a great deal. Paying a decades long debt. Study requires. Going through humiliation to enter an elite society. And. Sometimes quite literally. Want of the true colors of universities in the u. S. In the wise words of harvey milk politics is theater it doesnt matter if you when you make a statement you say im here Pay Attention to me and so it was this week that for motives selfserving or compassionate Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi took to the op to the house floor to put on some theater of her own holding the floor uninterrupted for eight hours and calling on congress to protect aka recipients from imminent deportation amidst a Government Spending battle the minority leader did certainly generate headlines but was ultimately outdone as the government appears to be on course for a long term Funding Agreement that once again leaves the questions of dreamers kicked a few more weeks down the road so as both left and right wait with bated breath to see what comes of this theatrical production were joined today by political analysts and commentators ryan desk and Jonathan Harris to make sense of what exactly the audience can expect this week. From our favorite thank you so much you guys for coming out i want to start you know one of the central messages of closing speech was that she would not be supporting the broader budget deal thats being rolled out since she hasnt gotten a commitment that there would also be a vote a darker job of that all start with you during the shutdown the democrats resiting tried to make clear that they werent shutting down the government over immigration doesnt this speech closure speech contradict that narrative that they support their earlier. No i dont i dont think so i think nancy pelosi is very clear that she was going to do this until they got a resolution on doc and you had paul ryan coming out today saying that he would bring a bill for bring it to the floor for a vote and then it would have the president s signature so i think i think she got what she wanted i think she definitely put that out there and ensured that there would be a vote on docket ok and ryan that was her goal and ryan let me ask you though this weeks events of also seem to kind of reset everybodys narratives to a certain extent do you see this budget deal taking shutdowns off the table when for any side or the other i mean was there a winner in this mess. Well what politicians will tell you is that that both sides win because republicans get more military spending and democrats get an extension on schiff and a bunch of other goodies and i think that the people who lose are really millennia old and future taxpayers who are there just adding debt to their own more unfunded liabilities thats really the big tragedy this entire deal and i think youre going to have people both on the left and the right opposed it already that the House Freedom caucus and the house panic caucus etc they are not voting for this bill. Democrats are allegedly according to louis good sierras he said today on c. N. N. That the democrats are not whipping the votes to kill the bill but they are not what the the votes really to pass the bill either so i mean well see rand paul of speaking on the senate floor right now hes probably against the bill. It was a mess as far as nancy pelosi what did she get she got a lot of attention for and not much else. Have anything to say to that a. Deal to get as low here. I mean she got exactly what she wanted she said that she wanted an agreement on doco from the house side and paul ryan came out and said again emphatically that he would bring something to the floor for a vote on dhaka and that he would pass and would get the president s signature so i think to say that she didnt get anything out of it is not entirely accurate she exactly would she want to. Know if youre misunderstanding what paul ryan said paul ryan said he would bring President Trumps immigration bill to the floor that doesnt mean she is getting what she wanted what she wanted what a lot of progress is one of was a clean doc a bill or some that any percent pro democrats have present for republican and he percent pro democrats have percent for republican paul ryan is saying theyre saying hes going to bring the floor of the bill to a bill to the floor thats going to end chain migration thats really what paul ryan was saying no and was saying that a very nice way he said he was going to bring a resolution for daca to the floor. Or and that would be voted on and signed but after that i learned from get it. Right i guess you can say and President Trump said that he supported a resolution for dakar for dreamers so i mean i guess you can play semantics or suggest that hes playing semantics with it but if you take him at face value with what he said then again like i said she got what she wanted unless you think that somehow he was. Tiptoeing around his words to mislead her in the American People in the media that he was talking to their power which i guess is all to do is tiptoe around folks like mislead the American People thats there and i hope right and youre not going to get any argument from me that i think paul ryan on the right are regularly liars so maybe we can agree on that but i mean if what he said was what i heard was what he meant and he wasnt being intentionally misleading then nancy pelosi got what she wanted ok well then theres the people sitting on then look this seems that nobody seems to really be happy ultimately with this with the budget agreement or this budget arrangement so people on the left feel betrayed because they feel like its being pushed through before daucus fix before theres really been like youre saying a real solid plan on the table and a lot of people on the right are starting to oppose or oppose because theres huge spending hikes that deal impact on the deficit these are things that you know fiscal conservatives you know wherever you are socially fiscal conservatives arent liking the idea of more money and no cots to a certain things like if we need how does that i mean im just wondering where that is ryan cutting through thats been the g. O. P. Leadership has to be simply paying off moderate democrats with spending giveaways in an attempt to fight the immigration battle on more favorable terms what happened to republicans promising to cut the National Debt and eliminate budget deficits because that is what i keep i get i hear all the time from republicans and conservatives where the spending i was i would love to know rand paul said you know fiscal conservatives where are you and i would would i. Absolutely love to know that you know its George Carlin families say when whenever politicians wrap themselves around children the flag or troops the American People are getting screwed and thats this bill this one hundred fifty billion dollars in adding for military spending its not going to the troops the troops are receiving ten thousand dollars each for a big bonuses or big wage increases this is to military contractors in Northern Virginia this is to dumb donors this is absolute garbage this entire bill and it should go down the flaming pile. In a pile of flames rather but i think that i think that i think that right now what theyre doing is enjoying their majority and theyre just throwing that i mean theyre throwing away the sequester the tea party with the tea Party Promise the only victory the tea party had was the sequester and theyre killing it is mind blowing well let me ask you jonathan that this all sort of deal the whole deal sort of hinges on moderate vulnerable democrats putting having to make the decision about putting government funding before the parties immigration platform not me ask you this doesnt this imply that the democrats arent as unified on immigration and on their platform as we been led to believe. I wouldnt say that theyre not unified i think that you always have kind of two bodies in both parties you have you know the conservatives that are supporting this bill the paul ryan arm of the party i guess if you will on the right and then you have the Freedom Caucus part of the right that is furious about this and sees this is excessive spending i think the democrats are the same i think you have more mainstream kind of nancy pelosi democrats and you have you know the more kind of loose Luis Gutierrez kind of arm of the democrats that are wondering why there wasnt you know why they didnt stand their ground on this and get more support for dreamers so i think at the end of the day this is what bipartisanship looks like and this is what the American People say they want but then you have you you have this in then you have them going well why did this happen i dont want this but this is what the American People say they want and this is exactly what bipartisanship looks like theres theres domestic spending one hundred thirty billion dollars worth of domestic spending but then you also have the spending for the military which the right said they wanted so again i think yeah i think the more extreme arms of both parties arent pleased but this is bipartisanship. One things that im sorry say that one thing that i think a big part of that also is that if you look at internal polling and public polling and you look at them the issues that galvanize democrats immigration like six or seven as much as democratic politicians have a carrot immigration democratic voters overwhelmingly its either health care on the economy education and immigration is like seven or eight immigration a much bigger issue for republicans and as for democrats and i just think that they would rather be able to deliver a chip extensions of one can literally health care is more important to their vote which they got which is more important their voters and then the doctor as much as they sit there and say its important that we have these i think that was a really interesting point you brought up john of the its sometimes hard for people to i think especially in todays share i say culture its hard for people to see compromise correctly you know its kind of like ok were going to have a little bit of a compromise ever got to meet a little bit in the middle because its so hard to do that because everyone kind of has either their pet project or their baby. No one wants to kill their babies everyone get their thing and everybody ration about one thing right and do you do you do are we going to see i mean when you see these four factions thats called for factions you see you know democrats split into two things the public is split into two things are we going to see this fracture out into four maybe the individual groups that become their own parties or is this going to still Stay Together were going to still kind of have this two party stalemate. I think it will i think a large part of it will hinge upon how they handle the theater aspect of this going forward. Considering that this passes in theres a Government Shutdown is avoided considering how they go and take this back to their constituents thats how were going to see if this plays out well if you see the Freedom Caucus for example continuing to hammer away at this and saying that its a mistake i think youre going to see a fracture i think if you see the kind of Luis Gutierrez part of the democrats saying you know why didnt you stand your ground on dr why didnt you stand your ground on doc and they go back to their constituency and brand of the democrat the nancy pelosi arm as well as not having stood up for daca then youll see a fracture but if they kind of paint this as this kind of tip Oneill Reagan era of bipartisanship is a good thing for the country i dont think youll see a fracture at all i think youll see a more united front process and i got to run more parties do i got to run i got one quick question i want to throw at you very quickly is so this is a two year extension if this passes that means that were talking twenty twenty which is the next president ial Election Year is that not kind of a trap for both parties to fall into them that theyre going to have a huge budget fight in the twenty twenty president ial Election Year. Oh this is congress they dont sing more than three weeks at a time. They are you holding your way a overplaying theyre able to say ok you with the story or the writers goods out of there as they did you say if you go on hours of great revenue goes over there you. Will think it was a. Parents especially as children often contend with wanting to change the world their child lives in not changing their child in the case of eighteen month old lucas warren of dalton georgia he is the one changing the world lucas was named this years gerber baby and a contest the baby brand has run since two thousand and ten heres the first gerber baby and its ninety year history with down syndrome chosen from some one hundred and forty thousand entries lucas wowed them with his joyful smile and a spirit that made him a perfect fit to represent that every baby no matter who they are really i guess is a gerber baby his mother court warren entered on on a whim but now sees her son as a trails put trailblazer saying quote he may have Downs Syndrome but hes always lucas first hes got an awesome personality and he goes to the milestones of every child were hoping when he grows up and looks back on those who we proud of himself and not ashamed of his disability heres to lucas and his family who recognize the most important lesson for children to learn is to love themselves and to teach that love to others oh theres love in the show and love because that is our show today and remember everyone in this world we are love told that we all love develops will tell you all i love you i robot and on top of all its people watching all those hawks out there that were good. All to. He we have a great team we need to strengthen before the free float and your backs have been a legend to keep it so i took it back. In one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in last but we won and im hoping to bring some of that waiting spirit to the r. C. C. Reason the ive had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that Peter Schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will call on that story as well as three. Thousand zero zero zero zero zero. Strike i know the left left left more left ok stuff thats really good heres what people have been saying about redacted in the sense that its full on. The only show i go out of my way to find you know what it is that really packs a punch oh yeah mr john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than the blue. Sea people you never heard of love right back to the night president of the world bank hate to write me seriously send us an email. Despite its time given the history of the soviet union you know whos going to the International Sport however this was not about the lives of those champions from the. Right moment you were. More moved there with the. Good news your brother described as what would you. Just think it is up to you if you were to the first some of you to limp a team with nine hundred fifty to win the polluted seats of isis concentration camp prisoners. The frontline soldiers push your baby in this good there is corruption because you are much better to be sure. Because your birth put you in for being one who pushes forward to get out of the future you think didier were going to go with. The variations youre push rupert through personal person into your as he moves over when you do when youre out there still wouldnt you be putting your work through were going to be on in the book guys you know can we. The fall market will not crash and this time itll continue yields a go even lower and negative yields on various basel increase from the multi trillion dollars what the negative yielding sovereign debt now to even more multi multi multi trillion dollars of negative yielding sovereign debt and were going to go down the rabbit hole even further but it certainly smells like what the panic attacks which are all in places like china and west the sell off in all these various markets and with the oil prices climbing higher and gold looking better than weve got here an Old Fashioned reversed. Ackley. Eat eat. Sleep i am going to make. It twenty eighteen Winter Olympics get underway in south korea with the Opening Ceremony currently in full swing but its people in pyongyang china celebrate the event protesters take to the streets angered at the participation of the north koreans in the game. That was. For dozens of russian athletes the opening of the games is overshadowed by fridays decision of the court of arbitration for sport at the last moment a cast dismissed their appeals against a doping related ban. Both of which probably faced one of the biggest urban warfare since world war two. Unicefs representative in iraq speaks to our teeth as the humanitarian group raises the alarm over three quarters of a million children struggling to get basic medical services in the city of mosul seven months after the u. S. Led coalitions victory over islamic state. And. Hello and welcome im nicky aaron and this is r. T. International good to have you with us this hour now the Winter Olympics twenty eight c. And i have officially started with the Opening Ceremony in south koreas pyong challenge now underway nearly three thousand athletes from ninety two countries are attending the Opening Ceremony of the fifty third Winter Olympics and our correspondent is there for us he has more from the big of that. The Olympic Stadium chang is flashing lights ive heard it roar a few times it is happening at the Opening Ceremony of the winter Olympic Games twenty saying oh the koreans these guys definitely know out of put up a show and stunned the audience just take the famous rapper aside who once rocked the world with his band of style but to this Opening Ceremony is special for many other reasons so let me just name of that is the north and the south korean teams marching under the same flag then the o. A. R. Team or the olympic athletes from russia marching without their flag and this is the first time we dont see the russian flag at an olympic Opening Ceremony since one thousand nine hundred two back then the athletes from the former soviet republics march under the i. O. C. Flag after the collapse of the soviet union also at todays ceremony the American Team consisting of exactly two hundred forty two athletes the Biggest National delegation in the history of the Winter Olympics i can tell you that most people that ive been seeing around me are true for perhaps the only reason why theyre a little bit disappointed is that theyre not inside that arena but believe it or not just meters away from where im standing right now locals are protesting instead of watching the Opening Ceremony of the olympics being glued to their t. V. And just a couple of hours ago i saw punches flags being burned and pepper spray being used by police. Just hours before the Opening Ceremony protests have ever. Outside the Olympic Stadium as you can see this group of people thats carrying american and israeli flags and south korean flags as well are protesting against the invitation of the north korean team to the piano chang a lympics. Though it looks like these are for trying to use the Opening Ceremony to deliver their message to countries. In north korea we didnt make we are not to cater. To the regimes. Rule reddin. Trying. Now at the very same time on the other side of the street there is a rival protests a much smaller one but the slogans there are completely different it says against war for peace young to go home so these people it looks like theyre in favor of the steps that the governments of north and south korea have made to make sure that something is happening between the two countries during the Winter Olympics and young chang the number of Police Officers is growing so is the number of protesters these people are definitely going to stay here during the opening ceremonies so this is going to be the background of the opening of young chang twenty eight seeing the conflicts over the Korean Peninsula is casting a shadow on the game and its not only activists clashing of the crisis but politicians as well. Skeet its what we need to put a little bit. Into. Todays military parade will show off the Council Status of the democratic peoples republic of korea as long as hostile policies from the u. S. Continues and mission of the Korean Peoples Army can never achieve. United states for merkel says the students shoulder to shoulder you know the effort to bring back from the approaches to bear on north korea until the time comes when the final and permanent in your reversible abandon their nuclear and Ballistic Missile and. Theyll. Theyll. Be the. North Korean Leader kim jong uns sister arrived in south korea on friday to attend the Opening Ceremony top south korean officials greeted her at the airport where she arrived on her Brothers Private jet and north korea kim jong is responsible for propaganda and agitation shes the first member of north koreas leading. Family to visit the south since the one nine hundred fifty s. Meanwhile the south korean president shook hands with north koreas ceremonial head at a pre Opening Ceremony reception athletes from the two koreas are marching together under a single flag at the Opening Ceremony which is now under way that decision was reached a breakthrough talks initiated by the north early last month. Earlier a last minute appeal from forty five russian athletes and two coaches against a ban preventing them from competing in the Winter Olympics failed the court of arbitration for sport the secretary general announced the ruling with just hours to go before the games got underway in south korea the athletes lawyers have branded the decision sanctions in disguise just arbitrators of constitute the process. To establish an invitation list of russian athletes to compete as olympic athletes from russia would not be described as a sanction but rather as an eligibility decision. Applicants did not demonstrate that the manner in which to special commission system. Was carried out in a discriminatory. Daniel hawkins joins me in the studio now to discuss the cast decision further daniel thanks for coming in again so what has been the reaction to the decision well reaction from the i. O. C. And water certainly would have been positive they would perhaps have viewed this as a victory for sport as a justice served against doping if you will from those of appeal from the laws of course perhaps when one of surprise those forty seven russian athletes and coaches have appealed based on the grounds that a large part of the group initially didnt face any sanctions from the i. O. C. Whatsoever and another part of the group of course did receive bans have their medals their awards from sochi twenty fourteen taken away but those were subsequently overturned because of lack of evidence by that cast this isnt just about a week or so ten days ago the coach is representing the athletes of course pulled no punches in criticizing this cast this is going to take a listen. I dont know what to say im really disappointed i cant understand the cast decision first they cleared the athletes and now they say sorry you cant go to the olympics this is some kind of madness its terrible not just for our athletes but for all of International Sport did i expect kass to reach this decision fifty fifty especially after thomas buck in one of his later speeches pressured the court of arbitration for sport after rule in our favor he was literally threatening the court he was almost saying he would dissolve the court if it ruled again in favor of russian athletes. And there have been claims from the head coach of russias news team that the i. O. C. Was pressuring cathy this decision is that the case that the i. O. C. President thomas bach was certainly scathing about the decision when that came through it would have been viewed very much as a decision on the mind of the i. O. C. Was or thirteen also very much put a spoke in the wheel of one of their investigation and undermining also the credibility of the Mclaren Report house a decision is a extremely disappointing and surprising care for. The the i. O. C. We would never have expected

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