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Ballistic missile and. See. Around seven hundred fifty thousand children are struggling to get basic medical services in the war torn iraqi city of mosul thats according to the uns childrens rights body unicef an estimated seventy four Million Dollars are needed to rebuild Health Facilities for children that seven months after the euphoria that greeted the liberation of mosul from Islamic State the iraqi city is still struggling to get back on its feet. Number of. Health centers or hospitals is very limited the fent of the damage has affected it i was there in one of the Health Centers the other day and one family came in with their baby isnt two month old baby they wanted a vaccinated there was vaccine there was everything there and stuff we were seeing over one hundred children a day were able to vaccinate this child but those families have to walk far i also saw the baby unit there was nine incubators six of which which were filled with premature babies who would not have survived unless those incubators with that its a wide area wide level of levels of devastation families have to walk in the norm assistances to be able to get the health care what were saying is that the Cumulative Health care that is required of any child anywhere else in the world is not available yet in mosul. And that more than half a year since its liberation and the city remains strewn with corpses and warning you may find the following scenes distressing the condition of many of the bodies is making it difficult to confirm the identities most of the victims appear to be civilians women children and the elderly and residents are calling on the government to do something about the situation given the risks to health and unicefs representative in iraq we to hold him to scribe the situation in mosul as wiring. I think what we need to understand is the extent of the problem this is a massive city mosul city probably faced one of the biggest urban warfare since World War Two and. Two point two million to two point four Million People affected its an enormous challenge for everybody to try and clear everything up and get the people working again. Republican lawmakers in the us are threatening to cut funding to the World Health Organizations Cancer Research program thats after the International Agency for research on cancer said that americas most widely used weed killer made by monsanto is probably carcinogenic when i grow cultural giant im on santos strongly disagrees with classification of glide for state the International Agency for research on cancer is part of the World Health Organization quod mates and conducts research into the causes of cancer in addition it leads Cancer Prevention activities and helps to shape the International Agenda of some u. S. Lawmakers found the organizations findings doubtful i arched unsubstantiated claims i are your responsible handling of data and why ark should receive any government funding in the future theyre disputing the organizations findings regarding its leading herbicide called round up round up is made by man santo and its the worlds most widely used weve killer since the seventys its been sprayed on our corn soybeans cotton and other crops and now republicans believe that the study was flawed and relied on cherry pick science accusing the agency of lack of transparency an anti industry bias they say that if quite a sadist designated as carcinogenic it will require manufacturers and retailers to warn workers and consumers and plus itll increase costs and instill fear in the public some have disagreed with republicans it is important that we review the methods. And tactics that industry has used to influence this administration and attack independent scientific organizations like the World Health Organizations International Agency for research on cancer or i would like to say that fundamentally this hearing is about the ability of a Public Health agency to call a carcinogen a carcinogen even if that carcinogen makes a huge amount of money for powerful corporations according to the center for responsive politics monsanto lobbied more than four point three Million Dollars in twenty seven teams the Environmental Protection agency which is not an International Organization concluded that the same ingredient does not cause cancer and i are says that theyve been under attack ever since they published their conclusions against life est at the same time monsanto has been pushing against these findings through several different means and the company is seen as quite controversial not only in the u. S. But all over the world president micron promised in november that would be banned within three years and medically modified crops have been banned in over thirty five Different Countries but not banned in the u. S. International organizations have concluded that life is it could be cancerous so these lawmakers intentions are quite unclear the republicans seeking to cut funding through the w. H. O. Are on the u. S. House Science Committee the views expressed by current and former members of the panel have sometimes raised some eyebrows. We dont know what those other cycles were caused by in the past could be dinosaur flatulence. What happened when the c o two was greater since then and now theres been any cycles of up and down the dinosaur flagyl. All this illusion of. Reality you. Law really. Think about if your ice cube melts your glass it doesnt overflow it was displacement i mean this is the thing some of the things that theyre talking about mathematically and scientifically dont make sense. The u. S. Government is in shutdown mode again just weeks after the last one thats after senator rand paul of kentucky blocked lawmakers from voting on new budget deals the republican says he objects to the spending increases entailed by a proposed two year budget the senator is demanding a vote on an amendment that would keep in place strict caps on spending. Still to come here on r. T. International reports from singapore where the worlds biggest investors gather to discuss crypto currency is that and much more after a small break. You know if you noticed the p. More attention to peace who had to shoot the north Korea Nuclear issue i. Can come up with Just Solutions but i seem to us has been paying too much attention to military no solutions but the us would pay more attention to solution to north korea and. The bond market will not crash this time it will continue to go even lower and negative yields on various bonds will increase from the multi trillion dollars worth of negative yielding sovereign debt now to even more multi multi multi trillion dollars of negative yielding sovereign debt and were going to go down the rabbit hole even further but its certainly smells like what the panic. All in places like china and the sell off in these various markets and what the oil prices climbing higher in gold looking better than weve got here fashion reversed. It is good to have you with us to a taxi driver in new york has committed suicide outside city hall he left a note on facebook accusing politicians of failing to protect his industry and saying services such as it financially ruined his life are reporting now on the scale of. On the home front of. The. Douglas shifter took his own life after parking his car in front of New York City Hall it wasnt hard for Police Investigators to figure out why the for his suicide intended to draw attention to the ordeal that he and other professional drivers go through he posted this on facebook. I want one hundred to one hundred twenty consecutive hours almost every week for the past fourteen plus use there are over one hundred thousand of us suffering daily now is the new slavery i hope with the public sacrifice i make now some attention to the plight of the dry uses and the people will be done to save them and it will not have been in vain shifter had been driving cabs in a limo sense the nine hundred eighty s. However in recent years its become a far harder job with far less pay at the time of his death he was facing severe financial troubles as well as clinical depression he blames city hall for ruining his industry for years he had been writing articles for black car news a blog for drivers his articles pointed toward some of the hard hitting truths about the vehicles for hire industry he cared about other people and cared about the industry that he worked and. I met him he had sent a letter to the editor a bunch of years ago and it was an angry tune and he said some things that i thought made sense so i invited him to write for me and he did that for a few years and generally his content was you know to help the industry you know all the people that were struggling the way he was struggling he wanted them to know to help them now shifter wasnt alone hes one of three drivers in the last three months to take his own life taxing Union Officials say that boomer and other mobile app services have made a once well paying industry into a massive long hours low pay and economic insecurity now at this point in light of his death regulators are stepping up to help ease the problem. We understand to many of are in licensees happening under tremendous pressure due to this onslaught of competition from app dispatch services to despair felt so deeply by mr shifter has become a topic of daily debate and concern for us and while we lacked the jurisdiction to limited licensing of drivers or vehicles were tackling the issue of Driver Earnings protections this Year Economic analysts have talked about a gig economy where workers dont have regular jobs with regular paychecks and hours but instead work here and there with irregular service and irregular pay back in two thousand and thirteen there were forty seven thousand vehicles for hire a new york city now that number exceeds one hundred thousand and the regular pay has dropped from eighty eight thousand to sixty nine thousand the Business Model which is to bring as many drivers on as possible. Has ended up backfiring and so now the pie is spinning sliced into too many pieces and makes it difficult for all the drivers to earn a living keep in mind that yellow cab drivers have to rent their vehicles cover their own Credit Card Service fees plus supply their own gasoline at the end of the day theyre not left with much money to take home in the most expensive city in the country a little option r t new york. Cryptocurrency is a not for the faint of heart and sitting in all time high last December Bitcoin prices have been in freefall miguel of profits are to go tops the mood in single poll where some of the worlds biggest investors will get that to discuss all things crypto. Well to kill one and only stop for everything how to excite in the world of botching ology so currency this is parties are told that. The price of bitcoin drops below six thousand dollars panic on the streets we go to the tokens twenty eighteen its not me to change course in singapore to get on the inside find out whats going on. Meet. The Worlds Largest crypto fund and tell me thinks the worlds most accurate and clean price predict big did. People think its the end you know the bubbles bursting as it were done were the point. What do you think all right here that are by that bit you get a five of them. Ill believe a point i just i really think its really been going to be the innovation of the future because it has always reversed because some of the smartest computer scientists in the world are working on it making it more secure making it more usable making it cheaper for trying to trends are and will get there but i doubt that tomorrow but well get there when will the price stabilize because its going its going down so i think theres probably a strong support level at six thousand obviously that could be a bridge that we could go lower but it feels like theres definitely like ho dealers down there right and i think thats really going to produce that uplift that we need i do not see bitcoin going lower than one thousand three hundred dollars and i think that is actually the i feel point for the fall too before it goes all the way back to twenty dollars and it. Sounds a little scary theres like a sometimes like a boss will pull over and then it will stoop down right the boss will kind of lower down so you can get any easier right so right now the boss is lowering now right so in a way like if you can get any easier now like its a lot easier to get it now. You can watch all the latest from martys crypto on our website or you tube channel a new episodes out every friday. Rushers siberia is famed for its extreme weather particularly at this time of the year but that doesnt stop some from regarding it as the ideal place for a winter dip eighty five feet under the thick ice of lake baikal. Well thanks for joining us here on r. T. International we are back in half an hour. And in america a College Degree requires a great deal. Paying a decades on debt. Studying so hard it requires drugs just. Going through humiliation to enter an elite society. And partying to death sometimes quite literally. Want other true colors of universities in the u. S. But pentagon recently released its new Nuclear Posture review its critics are stunned not only the use of Nuclear Weapons is now more thinkable but its also been threshold for their use has been lowered dr strangelove would be proud is a world facing enough. Their dangerous arms race dont look now but the government may be working has bipartisanship returned to Washington Well take a look at that on this edition. Of politicking on larry king its been a while since its happening but the senate is showing signs of bipartisanship leaders in that chamber announced wednesday an agreement to fund the government for two years which would bring an end to a series of short term stopgap measures which would become the norm of late Democratic Leaders senator Chuck Schumer called this agreement a sprout of bipartisanship can the goodwill continue in the house which takes up the measure next and what will the spending bill old and mentally look like lets talk with david jolly who knows very well the workings of the house of representatives Republican Former congresswoman from florida he joins me from West Des Moines illinois iowa hey dave in iowa. Everybody vacations in iowa and february larry you know that in iowa days. Listen i it likely going to use this this visit to inform a book but i have also said very clearly that i intend to be part of a team of republicans that mouth a primary challenge to donald trump we have yet to determine who that candidate might be but i think its important for republicans to find a place in the party that they can call home and prevent splitting off to a third party at the budget deal overall budget deal as going to go through. Well you know certainly it has to because even when we have government shutdowns they can simply cannot last forever i think the numbers will get worked out were seeing indications of that this week the bigger question larry though what is not worked out this week and will well see for another month is what happens on this comprehensive immigration debate will the president get funding for his wall and what will happen to the status of the dreamers those who are here without documentation what we call the doc a program in the United States that is largely unresolved and so looking that in the house particularly you have house conservatives saying they dont want to spend money you have House Democrats saying were not going along with anything if we dont fix the status of dreamers you have a president who for all of his criticisms and i have laid many on him the reality is you have a republican president finally talking about creating some type of pathway for the dreamers and i do think thats an important conversation for the country to have and youre in iowa laying the groundwork for someone to come forward to run against trump in the primaries and twenty twenty or is this group going to pick someone like maybe david jolley or someone to be someone to run against trump rather than eleven people. I think it has to we have to find a candidate emerge and you know you hear names like a sick you even here it will mitt romney run the realistic the lessons of history suggest a primary challenge to a sitting president would be unsuccessful we saw that in ninety two with pat buchanan and george bush forty one but larry for many republicans particularly those more center right not hard right conservatives there is no political home in either party right now and so you face a question do you split off a third party which largely would be unsuccessful or do you commit to saying were going to mount mount a primary challenge to donald trump create a landing place for Reasonable Republicans within the party and even if we lose it has made an effort to keep in the Party Together i dont know if that will be successful even in that mission because i can tell you with each passing month of the trumpet ministration many republicans wonder if we can stay within the party but why do they stay silent was we know we know that so many republicans put him down off the record but wont go on the record that says theyre putting party above country one. They are its a moral failure and theyve all negotiated with themselves what they can get out of the Trump Administration and for some its as simple as keeping their jobs and elective politics for others its accomplishing certain political wins in the policy arena i think paul ryan is a great example of someone who probably does not personally support donald trump but has been willing to look the other way so he can accomplish a political agenda larry politics can be used as a leading indicator or lagging indicator most republicans right now are just following along they are lagging indicators of where the party is going under trumping the base we need more republicans to be leading indicators to say we can have these conservative convictions but its going to look very differently and we want to take the party in a different direction those Leaders Within the party we are trying to have emerge and coalesce around a candidate and two thousand and twenty david can we have a big military parade like russia or china or or in north. Korea why dont we just marj all these missiles and bombs and the president stands in the middle maybe high up maybe a salute maybe even never mind can we do that you know. Larry few issues provide such a perfect example of the conflict of the trumpet ministration and what i mean by that is this a parade to show appreciation and honor our military and our veterans is a net good we see it in communities across the country it is part of the spirit of america it is a wonderful thing to honor our troops and so in a typical environment if we were talking about that i think the American People would embrace it the anxiety and suspicion and questions youre hearing is because people are questioning Donald Trumps motives theyre questioning his sincerely and theyre doing it based on this distrust that donald trump himself has created is this intended to truly be something that honors our troops or is this something thats being done to spotlight donald trump we know how he and my are strong and on the world stage and those are the questions we have about why the president is pursuing this i will say politically larry if you have one hundred thousand americans honoring our troops walking down pennsylvania avenue you though it may feed the wrong beast that is donald trump many people across the country i bet folks right here in iowa would be appreciative of honoring our military and i have not for a democrats might overplay their hand and push back on this when to be graded one hundred thousand americans not military march down supporting the military do we have and i will be on that list when shuns and tanks. Exactly so are we doing this to kind of honor the greatness of america or are we doing this in the role of kind of a strongman would and when you paint the picture of some of these parades there is a a noticeable difference in some of these parades there are those that you see in north korea where their troops are marched down the street and they turn and they pledge their allegiance and they honor the state leader right in this case donald trump and then there are those that you experience and hometowns across the country where families come out to pay tribute and participate in the parade themselves the reality is i think there is such controversy around this because of the distrust of donald trump and the fact that it would cost twenty Million Dollars that could be spent elsewhere on other things its probably best to just leave this one alone and lets stay to the typical events and fanfares we see in the capitol around fourth of july memorial day veterans day and so forth there is a march that happens near washington unfortunately most days and it is the case on marching through Arlington National cemetery where some of our veterans are laid to rest those are the parades perhaps this president could pay tribute to thank yous ohs david good to be with you thank you larry im now joined by lanny davis the famed democrat and former white House Counsel to president bill clinton hes author of the new book the unmaking of the president sixteen how f. B. I. Director james cone we caused Hillary Clinton the presidency he joins me from new york city well talk about the book in a couple of minutes lanny thoughts on the proposed funding bill what do you make of this meeting the minds of you know and the schumer. There is such a need for bipartisanship in this country and in the congress that this looks like a good start that we have now twenty thirty senators in the commonsense caucus republicans and democrats the best of the senate and if this is a president im all for it. All about the house the house is completely dysfunctional paul ryan is a moral failure as far as im concerned because he hasnt stood up to donald trump on anything especially the dreamers legislation that trump is manipulating these poor young people and paul ryan doesnt have the spine to pass a bill in the house to save this heartbreak by a number of young people that were promised by the Prior Administration and even by donald trump in his campaign so the house is dysfunctional i dont see much opportunity for bipartisanship there nancy pelosi indicate she wont support the budget because it doesnt address the they do the dreamers republicans will then say that the democrats are obstructions well thats a position of principle that i respect nancy and a lot of democrats who take that position but im also in favor of the democrats winning back the house of representatives and it was because of an absolute standard with no compromise that the government was shut down embarrassingly was then we opened after the country including a lot of democrats who were opposed to using the government as a bargaining chip for getting what we want on the dreamers and im sorry that speaker i hope she speaker minority leader pelosi feels that way but i think in the final analysis the Democratic Party needs to keep the government functioning and needs this budget bill as much as i really support the dream is that the station is the Democratic Party have a leader. No but it isnt unusual in Opposition Party years especially when one Party Controls all sides of pennsylvania avenue and the only thing that donald trump can brag about is something that he had nothing to do with which was the writing of the tax bill and that is his one success claim but with all sides of pennsylvania avenue sixteen hundred in both houses of congress by the Republican Party is dominant the Democratic Party has a hard time having leaders emerge and i think we have maybe ten or twenty that are thinking of running for congress in two thousand and twenty whoever does get the nomination will be donald trump and that will be our next party leader is it joe biden my clothes into the ring. He is certainly one of the strongest candidates that we have and extremely likable especially for in my case what it. Once was his chief of staff and when he was first elected at the age of thirty from the state of delaware so i have a long history with joe biden quite frankly i would love to see a Younger Generation in the same age as joe so nothing disrespectful here id love to see a Younger Generation emerge and begin to reassert the youth base of our

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