Also is that there are news shows and there are opinion shows and the problem is is that the opinion shows have taken over and the news shows many of them are letting too many opinions creep in and it can be with a raised eyebrow or an inflection and thats wrong if youre supposed to be a reporter and youre giving the news and youre supposed to let the well you know or the reader and let me say ive been here before you could write that you know we were going to bring but i cant think particularly with this russia gate thing and it was a liberal corporate stations facts get in the way of spin for them and i think thats where you get so few facts i mean the memo the contents of the memo was a really discussed but it was about the timing of it will you know we have the memo we could read it we could talk about it now but would well have to wait for the democratic one i mean this is what i mean gentlemen were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on the media and the divide in american state with our two. When gold make its manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. When the final merry go round lifts only the one percent of. The time we can all middle of the room sick. I mean real news for. Everybody im stephen bob Taft Hollywood guy you know suspects every proud american first of all im just George Washington and r. V. To suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru well hes a little bit different im not a. Good one i know no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country im hitting the road to have some fun every day americans come calling and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people which. Despite its turbulent history of the soviet union the news dominated International Sport however little was nothing about the long lives of those champions from the. Sort of you know. When armature number would. Be warmed over there with the board mediocre reviews your review of the describe what order youre looking at what those shows the worst would be reserved for your your wardrobe the first some of you to limp it team of one hundred fifty two when the clue did seach survivors concentrate. Income prisoners and front line soldiers which may be in the good. If youre. A much. Younger because you were the one who flew. With you if you. Were going to go with. Your. Will. You do when youre going to be put in your work and were here and we. Welcome back across like were all Things Considered im peter of the ultra mind you were discussing the media and the divide in america. Let me go to you in new york here i i asked rob about using the word traitor and being considered for a treacherous or treasonous here its very difficult to have a conversation with someone after you have called them that ok and this is what i find very dangerous i mean i can give you a real life example you know from the great saga called russia russia russia ok and all of the name calling of leaders around the world and then how do you sit down and talk ok and i think that this is whats really foolish about journalism when you get that hyperventilation that you know you get the the adrenaline rush and you feel really great but then when you you know think about what you just said and youre supposed to be some kind of. Play of some kind of public role so you know adding value to the public sphere and then you call hes a traitor youre a traitor you know it doesnt get down to its not disagreeing with someone now it is the youre morally. Unacceptable thats not what we should do in journalism go ahead who you. Well i think that the problem is the word moderate has become a dirty word i think that the left has gone far to the left i think the right has gone far to the right even to the point where you have republican ton of republican infighting i mean weve got phrases like rhino sellout republicans anytime you know they want to make a deal with the democrats so thats kind of the world that were operating in right now but unfortunately its being fuel i think more or less because the larger and the larger percentage of Mainstream Media sources although thats kind of a dirty word that we dont always like to use are so skewed against the president you know theyve been trying to undermine President Trump this entire time so thats why theyre reporting right now it isnt really necessarily reporting its one hundred percent spin its almost like their news programs have become opinion programs and there isnt really a lot of you know lets say moderate or middle of the road news that exist anymore in america you know ron i saw trey gowdy on face the nation the country needs more people like that you may disagree with his politics but at least he listened to hard questions and he acknowledged. Some give and take which was so its so refreshing to see it was a really remarkable moment but you know what what i would get if we compare lets say hannity and Rachel Maddow you know both of them have one thing in common one phrase our democracy is at stake our democracy is being threatened but for very very different ways again maybe im off on this here but its the status quo the new status quo thats coming into being that they dont seem to understand here you know we have a f. B. I. That has gone broke its been gotten rog for a long time its nothing new its just the curtain is revealed this isnt going on a long time to ideas and then maybe remember j. Edgar hoover i mean i do ok guys i child at least ok so i mean you know using this you know. Our democracy is a. Is under threat and i find that really hard to believe in and i find it very disingenuous go ahead ron im one hundred percent with you and fact whenever somebody says to me hey trump hijacked our democracy you know i dont like trump but my response is well we were kind of overdue to look into a new one anyway so maybe thats a blessing in this midnight and you hit the nail on the head with the status quo comment peter what nobody really wants to talk about in the Corporate Media is that the status quo is broken and ileo i would say to you you know i think on a lot of issues we probably dont see eye to eye but i think that the reason that moderate has become a quote unquote dirty word isnt necessarily because being moderate is right or wrong but because the status quo is so completely broken and people are disenfranchised as a response to that you know donald trump ran on this idea of some kind of outsider some kind of you know guy that was really going to disrupt the status quo you know and whether folks bought that or not you know i personally didnt i dont think thats what he is at all but thats what he ran on and thats what he sold and people bought into that because theyre so tired of the status quo and neo liberalism ok well a rabbi who has done it on some levels though continue go ahead julios that he has done it already on your honor and all weve seen is for keep going to go ahead go ahead go ahead to new york go ahead. Ok im so im sorry i apologize if the delay im sorry nobody has done that on some levels and i think that thats the reason why theres been so much opposition to him you know it because were going to finally i think and theyre going to do this to themselves i think the elements that were anti trump are going to lead to you know uncovering a lot of the things that went on during the Obama Administration you know things that were conducted by Hillary Clinton things that were conducted by barack obama the Justice Department you know on the right a lynch eric holder all this information is going to come out as a result of their crybaby and being anti trump because he was ultimately seen as a threat because hes not really necessarily in bed with you have a lot of these people that well for you bring up you bring up a really interesting point and let me go to rob right now because its something that ive been mulling over quite a bit and then again its this memo issue here is that you know it seems to me and i read the memo very carefully and i find it very believable ok ive been for unfortunately im have to follow the story twenty four seven is forced on you its and its a fictitious story but what isnt fictitious is malfeasance at the highest level of the d. O. J. And the f. B. I. I mean im im convinced of that and i thought the memo was very well laid out and a very interesting narrative but rob the problem is is the Mainstream Media just deny it and i find that and this is what the part of this cultural civil war that is brewing in the United States is that youre going to you do have a part of the population of the public that is aware of these what i think are reasonable facts to believe and then you have the corporatists here in the media denying it and i think that you cant it cant be that cant be elevated in the air for very long because people are going to say well i mean flynn is going to go to jail matter for its going to go to jail but comi life clinton lied to the f. B. I. And theyre not going to go to jail and at that point theres going to be a train wreck go ahead rob. First of all i think were getting into way too much supposition which is a big problem right now in the media the media shouldnt be acting on either side be it right or left or whomever absolute judge jury and executioner absolutely and comparative ok and i just as an aside im sorry but ive been chuckling about this when i j. Edgar hoover got mentioned i thought what kind of nickname would trump come up with him cross dressing j. Edgar but anyway. And im going to get a little to a general here peter ok to ron and julio but one of the things that really bugs me and i feel that people who do what we do at least at the highest echelons and im talking about the highest paid people like a mad cow or or sean hannity if i were king i would force them to get on the third avenue bus with me where it originates way down in the bowery and ride it all the way up to one hundred twenty fifth street a couple of times a week because i like to do that i get stories there i meet people there and i interact with the actual public that i then speak to on Radio Television or via a column and i think that if youre going to call yourself a journalist and you dont do that and instead you ride around in a limousine and make your thirty million a year or whatever its going to be i dont understand how you feel that you can aptly communicate with the public so i think we have a big problem there i agree its kind of like being a professional athlete now i mean are you really in touch with your fan base yeah i mean being a being a journalist on television is just another word for being a high paid celebrity ok i suppose you know theyre going to have their own you know celebrity awards were but he shows up ok but you know. This is one of the things that i find worrisome is that you have a Corporate Media that has no interest in the public whatsoever they have a bottom line. They have their donors they have the sponsors and all that i mean they. For them that system is perfected here but they get further and further away because i am convinced that it was the Corporate Media that elected donald trump by calling the rest of us deplorable and running with the smearing at us and laughing at us and talking down to and i think that im from the midwest people dont like to be talked that way from both coasts ok its going to happen again in twenty twenty if they dont change their tune go ahead ron yeah you know i dont disagree with that i mean i do think that the Corporate Media did elect donald trump and this is you know just the whole model you know i say that if you want to democratic experiment to be successful and you have the media structure that we have in the United States that would be a lot like wanting to open a gourmet restaurant and cooking exclusively with spam and no other ingredient i mean its just not its just not the right kind of structure to have this is side and we want the one Silver Lining in all that though is that i mean people are leaving Cable Television news dro i mean the confidence in cable news gets lower and lower every year theres Academic Studies that come out constantly there was a harvard study recently that revealed that what the media talks about and what people actually care about is so disproportional its about about seventy five percent to six percent and thats why people like me have a job thats why well you know thats why theres shows on you tube that are sustainable now i mean you are so thirsty of news and theyre finding it ill give you mark dice i mean his daily. Video i mean he can hes competing with the Major Networks this one guy ok i mean you did jimmy door does very well any time Jordan Peterson is on anyones program that the hits go through the ceiling here you know im agreeing with ron let me go to ron let me go to rob because i think you know people are so desperate to hear different voices and stop having spin pounded down your throat all the time go ahead rob. Well the last time i was on the show what we discuss is one of my favorite lines from the classic film broadcast news is Albert Brooks says you know were in trouble when we become more important than the story and there is way too much spin and we were also its its become so much about ratings and i started in scripted television on comedy shows and you know i learned early you know well it doesnt matter if youre funny or if its good what one of the ratings and one of the nielsen say and. So youre striving for that rather than alternately delivering the news or the real story and again from both sides id have to have certain sources ive used why have they been wrong but in the first week of december i sat down and have had an interview with with an attorney who is really plugged in and he was telling me too in two weeks kirschner is going to be indicted well you know ok i mean i know right things hang on her ground i got to go i got to just go guys weve run out of time i certainly miss Walter Cronkite many thanks to my guests to new york and in los angeles and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r. G. C. Unix times and remember. This manufactured sentenced to the public will. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the famous merry go round the facade be the one percent. Of the room sick. To the. Room with. Across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me to people this will simple song alone even some company else will they invite private companies to take over the utilities many bought a hell of. A lag so mr guthrie got. To go. By been this is. Just because. Of where you live bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water its about water but its also over much more than war its about the hurt and the redistribution of all of. Us. Date downwards we want or what. Drives us the blow to the best out of the children of. The concepts those paying to perform i have actually prepared myself to die. Sorry when i asked. As most are. In home. Time to. Her. Scanty clothes. She had the goods. So. What. Was it he could with us. Yes get more here to keep me she. Thank you with two days to go until the Winter Olympics get underway the hopes of dozens of russian athletes fighting a legal battle so overturn a ban from the games are diminishing. I do ecuadors that they will continue to protect the julian assault of its embassy in london after the british judge ruled the wiki leaks cofounder was still wanted for a. New party is being launched in the u. K. Would be a move reversing braggs it but the support its getting from across the channel has led to accusations of french meddling in britains internal affair. A warm welcome youre watching r. T. International with me thank you aaron good to have you with us this hour. That is two days until the two thousand and eighteen Winter Olympics get underway and its still unclear who will compete the court of arbitration for sport has heard the case of dozens of russian athletes but no decision was reached today but the session adjourned until tomorrow the russian athletes are challenging the International Olympic committees decision to ban them from competing in south korea over the doping scandal arties trying to reports. The Olympic Dreams of almost fifty russian asked they right now depend on the court of arbitration for sport and for the pm chang games this is their new home. The court convened for a few hours on wednesday but there was no decision we resumed the hearing tomorrow. But simply a final decision can be rendered at the end of the day tomorrow it is a huge court case as many as forty seven russian athletes and coaches with a clean doping test history against the International Olympic committee but in a sense its a battle between the court of arbitration for sport forecasts and the i. O. C. Heres why a group of russian winter asked the war and this silly a few months ago banned for life by the i. O. C. Their medals were taken away but then all of this was overturned by cas last week regardless of that the olympic officials decided to flash a red card plus there were more russian winter athletes who didnt get lifetime bans but despite the fact that they had never been caught cheating before as well they still heard that they cant come to p. N. Chang so its the careers and the Olympic Dreams of these athletes that a Swiss Law Firm is trying to save and the hearings are happening right behind these doors swiss lawyers are saying that the grounds for the lawsuits are the nontransparent nature of the criteria plus the on lawful nature of the verdict itself and most importantly discrimination on basis of citizenship and remember that some of the people whose fate is being protected here are reigning olympic champions and. Movement does not consider me an athlete who deserves to be a part of it without even providing an explanation ive never given a reason to doubt my honesty and my integrity. The games in korea were to be the first in my career together with my partner weve been working towards these in the mix for many years was my cherished dream. I was shocked to lympics my dream and i was working towards this goal throughout my entire sports career ive given no reasons to doubt that im crazy. So to put it very mildly cass in the i. O. C. Dont see eye to why the cord clears a group of russian athletes but the olympic officials cant be bothered this situation put the two organizations almost on a brink of conflict the secretary general of cass says that there is no crisis but see for yourself who these costs are the decision is extremely disappointing these decision shows the the urgent need. For reforms in the internal structure of because im a supporter. Of the traitors and so far i think the procedure was fully respected their reaction was very strong understand the disappointment of the i. O. C. Because they expected another verdict but we should not. Its better to wait before criticizing the decisions themselves because theyre not being drafted yet so again there is very little time for cast to make up its mind the opening ceremonies coming up on friday february ninth but whatever the decision is the russian sport cas and the i. O. C. Will never be the same again. Well earlier we spoke to a russian skater she didnt receive an invitation to the games despite being cleared by cas a week ago the stimulus is moses it is set for me to see other russian athletes posting videos and photos from korea clearly the first explanation which comes to mind is that they want to get rid of the strongest competitors maybe they were upset because we were ranked first at the sochi Winter Olympics they give notes permission do not share their reasons thats why the fear of losing seems the only plausible motive behind the decision i saw those look through my foreign colleagues i heard them sneaking around some foreign athletes isnt it because years of me it was an unpleasant feeling when other athletes refused to enter an elevator with me i felt helpless because there was no way for me to prove them wrong we spoke to our locals manco a lawyer representing some of the athletes currently appealing the i. O. C. Ban relief necessary to take all the legal steps available to us to ensure participation. In the uk. We hope that the independent panel that was composed was truly and thorough only look at the facts and the law in front of them and come to the right decision the i. O. C. Has almost plenary power to even ignore what the court of arbitration for sport says has decided and i think nations would probably say we dont want the i. O. C. Making arbitrary decisions that what may one day affect our athletes International Sports community and member nations really need to get together and create a body that can enforce rules fairly and across the board. Equally because we do not have that right now. Earlier the i. O. C. Issued strict rules regarding russian athletes uniforms as russian competitors are only allowed to compete and a neutral flag the uniform should bear the words a limb pick a fleet from russia or is the acronym way are and should also be of a single zero dual color and we know it will be grey no russian flag or any of its colors white blue and red are allowed well that didnt stop one russian Design Company from showing its support for the russian athletes by launching a special line of t. Shirts putting on the acronym we spoke to one of its designers. With not when used is stupid to deprive people of their own country and identity because whatever uniform athletes wearing we all know that their own russian athletes thats why we came up with the project using the strange name for a little bit teen olympic athletes from russia a we want to show you that for us and for athletes truth and sport would drive us and all these bonds and sanctions just political games weve really seen huge number of these prints for noncommercial use theyre intended for the founders we hope it will encourage their athletes theyll see that we support them and that we need their records in victory in the north korean delegates arrived in pyongyang on tuesday among them over two hundred of it cheerleaders the young women across the they did Demilitarized Zone dressed in red and black wearing d. P. R. K. Flags as they did some chatted with the assembled journalists the delegation is almost three hundred strong making it reportedly one of the largest border crossings between the two countries kim jong un says there is also expected to attend the games the north and south have agreed to march together under one flag at the Opening Ceremony something seen as a sign of Foreign Relations between the two countries while the north is on a Charm Offensive u. S. Finds president mark mike pence who is also going to the games has a very different message. Im announcing today that the United States of america will soon unveil the toughest and most aggressive round of economic sanctions on north korea ever we will continue to intensify our maximum Pressure Campaign until north korea takes concrete steps toward complete verifiable and irreversible denuclearization. A new and he brags that party is about to be launched in the u. K. With support from across the channel french m. P. s belonging to a manual nick wrongs on marsh movement and also only back the idea but have reportedly been giving advice to the founders of the new british policy i think its all they do penske pick up the story. This is really a brand new Political Party thats about to launch in the k. Its goals are quite ambitious pledging to transform british politics and reverse brigs it it wants a second referendum on it i think theres no chance of braggs it being reversed the british people have spoken and thats an end of the matter they can bash their head against a brick wall although get is a sore head for the party is the norm ching in the u. K. Its getting advice from of course we can all hear it from the helping hand coming from a manual Michaels Party the public on the march with advice

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