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A minor scare at the Ecuadorian Embassy in london apparently a package was delivered to him containing a written threat and an unidentified white powder a Police Inspector that turned out not to be dangerous but its not all being threats five years inside that small embassy means Julian Assange has had plenty of time on his hands to entertain visiting friends and supporters. Thank. You and he breaks it party is about to be launched in the u. K. With support from across the channel french blog into a manual knock wrongs on march movement not only back the idea but it reportedly been giving advice to new British Party the founders of this new British Party. Charlotte do penske picks up the story. This is really a brand new Political Party thats about to launch in the k. Its goals are quite ambitious pledging to transform british politics and reverse brigs it it wants a second referendum on it i think theres no chance of braggs it being reversed the british people have spoken and thats an end of the matter they can bash their head against a brick wall although get is a sore head for the party is launching in the u. K. Its getting advice from a court cannot hear it from the helping hand coming from a manual much calls party the public on the march with advisors said to be at a recent meeting consulting about tactics and its north one your girl friends was glad you came here like the west and like many other countries looking for who because it was feeling despair i think then too dangerous increasing you can look at the future musical and i think the movement that greece and others i meet with when you use the future you can embrace. During the ideas of mcewans which invited in every day people regardless of their experience in politics were new also calls on everyone to join and those behind it hope itll work for them to. We dont have much time the only way of winning is by the same miracle as michael the u. K. Electoral Commission Says there is no issue with the British Party receiving advice from a foreign Political Party providing it receives no funding from it so its fair enough but what the reaction be if the advice was coming from a Russian Party will there be a great outcry as there would be if politicians from any political or from any other country were trying to advise politicians or tell them what to do but i mean what we should all be doing of course is talking to politicians from other countries not to get advice from them not to be told what to do but simply to find out whats going on in those countries we are stringing for an interview to discuss the party but they said they were too busy however they made their feelings about our year saying that r. T. Would look to undermine it also accused the channel of being a propaganda tool and suggested that russia had interfered in the brigs boat dividing the u. K. For europe this fight a lack of concrete evidence. When you clearly doesnt have a problem when it comes to seeking the advice of a foreign power such as france when it comes to reversing braggs it a referendum in which the majority of voters or pleased to leave you so it seems that for a new meddling is ok it just depends on the country involved challenged even ski r. T. Paris. A recent poll has found that the majority of americans believe the media is biased it comes at a time when ever more former senior Government Employees are moving into t. V. Punditry are to use american explores if they could be a link. Many people seeking expertise on the nunez memo must be switching through channels these days so is it a big deal or is it underwhelming was it right to release it well heres a familiar face answer all of your questions the fact that the newness and republicans deny the ability of the minority the democratic members of that committee to put out its report is just appalling he has abused the office of the chairmanship yes that was john brennan former cia director and now a member of the m s n b c family as a contributor brennan was a prominent figure in the Intelligence Community appointed by barack obama but that background doesnt necessarily mean hes biased right but brett is not the only intelligence official whos joined the ranks of Mainstream Media we also have Josh Campbell who resigned from the f. B. I. And joint c. N. N. As a Law Enforcement analyst hes yet to make his first appearance on the network but before he does heres an excerpt from his latest New York Times op ed defending his former employee these political attacks on the bureau must stop those critics of agency persuade the public that the f. B. I. Cannot be trusted they will also have succeeded in making our nation less safe its not hard to guess what campbell will say on c. N. N. Regarding the nunez memo which accuse the f. B. I. Of bias and just a little reminder he was also james komi special assistant the same komi who is accused of wrongdoing in the memo but of course campbell and brennan are the first to make the switch there is an absolute leftist bias in the country most of the networks if you just add up for example the time that they speak negatively about the president is about ninety percent of the time and there are numerous studies that show this where for example president obama he would do things say things and there would be no Media Coverage of it whatsoever and case in point are the recent memos that were all seeing come out of course the republican memo released the new memo great scrutiny over most of the American Media very. Little coverage when what should happen based on that memo for example would be that that molar is investigation should be expanded but thats not what the media has called for now it said that you can never teach an old dog new tricks so how can we expect these ex government officials to magically shed their previous political associations with back in just a moment. Heres what people have been saying about rejected in the senate its the law. The only show i go out of my way to do you know what it is that really packs a punch. Yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than nothing. I see people youve never heard of love redacted the next president of the world bank so very. Seriously he sent us an email. Anyone else seems wrong. Just dont call. Me. Yet you seem. To still come after. And in detroit because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Twenty past here in the last u. S. Military chief james mattis has urged congress to increase the countrys defense spending this is necessary according to the defense secretary owing to the growing Nuclear Threat from russia and china. Ball russia has reduced only the number of its accountable Strategic Nuclear force and russia has been modernizing these weapons as well as other Nuclear Systems moscow advocates a theory of Nuclear Escalation for military conflict china too is modernizing and expanding its already considerable Nuclear Forces pursuing entirely new Nuclear Capabilities several days ago the pentagon is to go to Nuclear Policy review in which it names north korea china and russia among its main security threats the Defense Department claims that its not possible to delay the modernization of Nuclear Forces their view also says that the u. S. Reserves the right to use a nuclear sponsor against a non Nuclear Threat trying to ministration is pushing for a seven hundred billion dollars Defense Budget for this year which is ninety billion more than last years. Congress must commit both an increased and sustained investment in our capabilities disastrous level of funding for the military and insufficient funding created over underresourced military we need congress to lift the defense spending caps and the budget for military. They want more money because they just want more money i mean this is what the government lives to do it lives to spend u. S. Military budget more than ten times the size of russia. Its of course the by far the largest in the world much bigger than chinas and much bigger than anybody elses and they want more they want to spend more money they want more troops more weapons more planes more everything evil. Its a horrendous thing. I dont know whats going to happen but its very very disturbing that these guys are talking openly about this kind of military escalation that can end in the whole country is being destroyed in the whole planet being destroyed. The war in yemen is over a thousand days old and the humanitarian crisis in the country is only getting worse according to the u. N. Almost forty seven thousand yemenis have been displaced since december all reports of children being killed or injured in the saudi led airstrikes keep coming in we spoke to some of those affected i should warn you you may find some of the following images disturbing. You know a lot of us i dont know. Sunday continues to i dont know what. Climate dana will. Live among. Which is. Really you know my money that shows that i want to put my money i have got with them me michel not just me again but it has and im going to be one of them had get a little jealous and i think in them this medicine and then you know him again i think and wanting in another line. To remind you the Saudi Led Coalition started its incursions in yemen back in twenty fifteen against the who is the opposition fighters that seized power in the country since then saudi arabia has been under pressure from the International Community and has now started sending aid to civilians and the logo painted on the times says saudi arabia king of humanity. Abdel bari atwan says its hardly humane to wait three years into a Bombing Campaign to send a. Thats how they actually asked our city is overwhelmed bob and by old means that from the from sea from ground they did not actually put an end to this war and declare victory and now more than ten thousand people when killed most of them civilians and also all of that the cabin is imposed in yemen is a battery that as the situation and so. That there are saying that when ive cared about the humanitarian side of this war we are helping the yemeni people i believe the saudi is usually embarrassed they started this war three years ago and now the International Community can see the drastic effect on the people and say and the saudi enough is enough. To form a headquarters of the nazi parties secret police in the city of hamburg is one of the last reminders of the city of the horrors of World War Two but developers decided to Start Building a new life with just not going down too well with the locals. Really annoyed as many people died after the torture which is unmentioned thats why there must be a commemorative place here it is a social obligation for the victims who have come here with sorrow and users. To the future i believe that this place should be more appreciated than it currently is. So mild and how much to mine in a place of death is at the very least tasteless and what was printed by many newspapers hello hello. Which is phrased in a way thats reminiscent of the words at the concentration camp franchises work sets you free. Up so that hope for is the former could start with headquarters hamburg torture took place. One must feel sorry for the future tenants they did not even know that if its a hotel for example its a hoot. It is all an international thank you for joining us we return with more headlines. Im here at money field stadium in edinburgh the home of the high. Im here scotland legend. A man who fought many great battles on this behind me now hes engaged in the greatest bottle of all his struggle against motor neuron disease. Brings peace to the. Battle. For you tell you that let me. Tell you. That we all know what. Two americas too intensely charged in opposing news narratives to Cable News Networks reflect these divisions or rather function as triggers intensifying Cultural Divide also what has happened to journalism is it now a profession inhabited by hacks in the politically possessed in america a College Degree requires a great deal or. Paying a decades long debt. Studying so hard it requires trust just. Going through humiliation to enter an elite society. And paci to death sometimes quite literally. Wants other true colors of universities in the u. S. Facilities Water Company is a profitable public firm that supplies cheap water has a more than a half a million households a small percentage five point four six is already owned by the french multinational suez. What it was like oh my goodness where is their snows are going so my guess of course im going to ask i dont that is the simple message that he bought settles down to the doesnt it get them out of this only get the. Money out of this and. Then no i dont she has more should do if what up with elizabeth. May you do that. In a moment boy your kid but then. Youd be to see it. They known as a middle class. The bulls eye shes the also or a bit alice never jealous upon the better she had a near santa lucia or defeat of the other stricken men of the chioma. By d. A. P. Has creases largest Water Company it provides five point five Million People with water. In it by the loss of the afro and or get saved up fame they show all hallows by norse ending as their lives complete excello predicate as the mean above especially helmet on a rebel fellow man at least with a Senior Analyst in must never have i can see it will happen but they just tell minimise we think nicholas ship you might get. To go on a sunday i stop all people to a strong less than our senate but are not scottish heels or particular purity just on the last rescale reste so the bulk of myself at least it ought to shape dallas where you have been and will not bottom up after c. P. S. Said this young people keep our. Own keys as they are dead. Or fashion a place you. Theres a. Still decision. If you know pretty nifty. And whats a privatisation officially its not the commissions policy in Mississippi State however its true if you look at the troika its and if you look at the memorandum of understanding between for example the troika and portugal the commission a spot of the troika is asking to further privatized across the book to go so in the troika the commission is still pushing for privatization so if it is really human right if you really are serious to the citizens at todays initiative we should start acting on policies instead of celebration. They. Seem to produce on that wish was sitting. On until you were. Simply. Put in see if appropriate even. For us as you watch it because fundamental means. That i compose you. Each could have. Told us but if it is a so you could if you had. Concerns about the pressure being put on southern countries European Water Movement activists ropes to read. They highlighted to the European Commission as part of the troika so to force southern European Countries mainly greece and portugal to privatized that was. They say that is unacceptable and must stop. A few months later the commissions reply leaves everyone speechless. The commission believes that the privatization of Public Utilities including water supply firms. Can deliver benefits to society when carefully made. To death. In bunches was as they counted a duffer to cosign. Such nice bets on i consume about accepted on the city by screw it would put out if it was something about. This woman also did some Enormous Economic every nothing yeah if its out of the depths of a thought if i think that juvenile id goes a little botany see me but i shifted you all know gosh but it could be so open and not by deed. To dismiss your brains you know that. Is a weeks pay minimum opinion centers extreme events you can be good as a group you will see could have tweaked it got lucky let me be the less i did. Not look at dog and see yourself these dual result was that hes gone and a very serious one of the big. Thing. When detroit you came to ireland they wanted to privatized the water utility. But there was no water utility. The water was sprayed in twenty seven local authorities so they were told or government by the troika to build all the areas government. A Company Called irish water. Which began installing meters. Side to peoples homes. The first protests took place. In a sketch of the city of clark loreal woman went out in the morning and said youre not putting up be the outside my house. I told him they wont come into the station we didnt want the water meters and that was us. What even an hour or two there was a massive support of people here to stop them. And this was the first time that the irish people had taken a stand on any issue since austerity had begun says to troika write to toes and not. Because. I thought i thought it was my fault. I think for some people it probably was the straw that broke the camels back. I know of the sudden mood in the street together. And people who are joining the docks and you know what has the water meters got to do. With the fact that you cant see a doctor should go to a hospital what the water meters got to do with the banks family in taking people so this. You know this is a sewer phone a little bit of power you can cool and fun to try but you cant stand of science or false. And theres your polar and and it like it might be traders and were still not finished but people are still resisting this because it is the one thing that they have ponies and theyre never going to give them. And we knew that this is being Something Different to stop. Its about water forced to foremost but its also about much more than war its about to hurt to be trailed the surrender of sovereignty. And the redistribution of our west operatives and their debt downwards. There is a problem with the leaks and we couldnt find them until we have brought in some natures so if i see my solution suddenly it says this million liters a month for a couple of days in my house i call that have to try so thats the reason for. An island there were no meters because they had a completely different system of water charges. The irish paid through general taxation. Over one billion euro was intended for the maintenance and operation of the water system. Some people think those paper water through taxation is a little bit crazy we really only country in the o. E. C. D. That has zero war on poverty and were the only one with the a lot of poverty because were the only one that pays for to progressive general taxation thats the one thing we got right and well keep it and the rest you should look at for follow us listen to us because it all my irish got this one right. We really need to modernize our russia structure so now we really have to invest. So we need a structure to invest we need to wage borrowed money and then we need a way to pay for it paying out a general type stations people who work would probably end up paying more tax. We are losing forty seven percent of our trees and walk into the ground and leaks before it gets to the top. No billion new rock to spend do i choose to spend it on reduced or do i choose to stand up billion euro in fixing the leaks and building a new or structure. Despite the water having been paid through general taxation. No Tax Exemptions were planned to offset the new charges. Of forcing more than murder against peoples worse is. The threat of paying for water twice most citizens to regard the introduction of meat as an charges as another austerity measure and the establishment of irish water is the First Step Towards privatization. Mr ferguson down with the minister tusk by the government with setting up the new company. Surely didnt work out quite as we expected. It was never on the agenda from my perspective that it could would or should ever be sold or privatized while i was discussing this matter with my officials at the time i insisted that the legislation would have to include three point one the legislation was handed to me before i went into the parliament it wasnt innit

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