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Michoud in. Every scene medic understood that a person who fully deserved to be acquitted was being put behind bars and that means all of us doctors may end up in prison where all you learn the missing if we get punished just for following correct procedures then will be afraid to do our jobs as doctors the support Campaign Online is gathering pace with ages we starved hash tag. Me suit in our social network posts profile pictures being changed its native wish there was that it did you know that in the courtroom after she was already handcuffed the last thing she said to her husband was not about her child but about our patients she asked that they be taken care of so a doctor who was already convicted who should have been angry had not cared but was still thinking about her patient weve tried to get a comment from the private clinic that carried out the surgery following the biopsy and the stomach pains but theyre refusing to talk to journalists though in their Online Press Statement the clinic stands by its doctors and their work the case is so controversial tragic and has grabbed so much attention the authorities are scratching their heads over what to do with that Prosecutors Office request to overturn the courts decision the reason violations committed in the process of investigation the prosecutor and the she had no doubts and found no basis for an Additional Investigation request and only often a public outcry the prosecution appealed sizing violations of g. Process the offices position cast doubts on the competency of its. Yeah i do not know all the details of that case i think its the coolest business and if necessary that could be a follow up to find out if theres a link between the dont his actions and the death of the patients the staff of this clinic they want justice to prevail so was the relatives of the patient who want the person responsible punished we might never find the truth but after talking to people who work at this clinic i believe there is little doubt that experts should be given another chance to look at the scary. Over to the u. S. Now where the countdown begins on Donald Trumps decision over the release of a classified memo this friday the document allegedly details f. B. I. Abuses regarding its surveillance powers the us president earlier said he was one hundred percent behind the memos release and has seen the agency and Democratic Party go on a verbal attack against the white house. Picks up the story the pending release of a classified government memo is shaking up washington d. C. If indeed the Obama Administration used the department of justice and the f. B. I. To spy on trump during the campaign this could be quite a scandal it would discredit the d. O. J. Of the f. B. I. As nonpartizan law enforcers and destroy the democrats now the democratic leadership doesnt want to be destroyed so heres a few of their last ditch efforts to keep their boat afloat. Now adam shift from the democratic side of the House Intelligence Committee says that hes preparing a counter memo he says the republicans edited the document to fit their political agenda he says hes preparing a memo of his own that will expose the misleading character of the document. Now the f. B. I. Says that they havent been given sufficient time to review the document and they have grave concerns about the facts that have been removed from the memo. As expressed during our initial review we have grave concerns about material emissions a fact that fundamental that impact the memos accuracy. The democrats say the document was altered before the president saw it they say that these changes were made without their knowledge so the vote to release it is invalid. Discovered late tonight the chairman noone has made material changes to the memo he sent to the white house changes not approved by the committee the white house therefore reviewing a document the committee has not approved for release however some of these changes came at the request of the democrats and the f. B. I. Themselves others included minor edits and grammatical fixes. Now leaving House Democrat nancy pelosi says that releasing the documents poses a significant threat to National Security intelligence is that its the cia the d. N. A. The n. I. V. National defense everybody has their element of it and sources and methods must be protected. If you absolutely cannot stand the message go after the messenger and it never hurts to throw russia into the mix is it possible that the republican chairman of the House Intel Committee has been compromised by the russians as a possible Nuclear Shadow russia the agents running the House Intel Committee on the republican side i hope thats not the case i mean is this behavior speak of that though i mean im not the first person whos raised this hes behaving like someone whos been compromised now keep in mind this whole big stir is over just for pieces of paper but those four pieces of paper contain Vital Information information with potentially enough voltage to light up washington d. C. For months if not years. R. T. New york. A battle to turn the fortunes of my life forces and west during the second will and took the lives of over two Million People this friday marks seventy five years since the soviet on the fiction of the nazis and stalin after months of the tradition. Do you have enough food. And write to me as possible tell me everything i think about my darling i hope to return. The history of stalingrad echoes across many parts of the world affected by the war in several cities in france including the capsules streets and squares and named after the battle thats also the case in the belgian capital brussels even in italy in the ancient city of the street has been named after the soviets victory in modern Russia Stalin grodd is now known as the city of volgograd special memorial ceremonies will be taking place over the course of today celebrating the bravery of the veterans who fought for the city. Yeah. I was decorated five times during my service and received twenty five medals as well when im asked which of them is more important to me i answer the one for defending starving grad here during the battle for starting grad the fate of the whole soviet union was decided the whole world cheered our victory here after starting grad the red army never retreated we never doubted anymore that we would defeat the nazis and we did it with. Still to come the fine city of colors again proving to be a flashpoint in europes migrant crisis off to mass finance breaks out there pastoring plenty more after this break. All this getting away from us dollar as wall reserve currency a one world one bell policy linking up russia and china is out of the dollar every last trade oil away from the dollar and countries are desperate to get out of the u. S. Dollar so the dollar is going to lose value no matter what anybody says heres the treasury secretary we really try to make it look like there for all or dawned on him what he says the dollar has gone lower as weve been saying for a number of years because the u. S. Dollar is a currency that other countries recognize as funding the wars and the weapons and the poverty that theyre trying to escape. When i was sure seemed wrong. Just dont call. Me. Yet to ship out the article. And in detroit equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Back to the program the outcome of its lease general election next month could put rome on a collision course with the European Union the e. U. Will be watching the election closely for three main reasons its may have the Third Largest economy in the eurozone but it has crippling debt italian finance chief say a recent recovery could be derailed by the vote also the popularity of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his center right italia party is growing although hes banned from Public Office for tax fraud conviction and thirdly the rise of the euro skeptic the five Star Movement could pose a threat to the e. U. Is currently the single most Popular Party according to the recent polls and is candidate luigi de one twenty five percent of the vote in the twenty thirteen general election we spoke exclusively with the leader of the five Star Movement about his partys chances and the countrys economy. Everyone talks about european ism but when it comes to giving solidarity to other countries they show a little support i hope the germans can retrace their steps to block migrants from greece and italy from seeking relocation because a few years ago we approved a new European Parliament approved that provided for the redistribution and other European Countries in parts of the migrants who are in italy and greece. Surely all the other countries have become skeptical towards the issues and aspects of the European Union for this reason i think this is a fruitful moment to start working on the revision with some european parameters especially those on the deficit allows us to make more investments last year the founder of the five Star Movement to back pay grillo call for italy to leave he supported legal changes for countries and wanted to remain and. Not have the Euro Currency but the party leader again explains currency issues are high on his agenda. No no no we never said we should leave the European Union we had a referendum on the Euro Currency but right now this choice is an extreme ratio because we think there may be more dialogue european tables. Of your its obvious that if we do not have the majority after elections but we are the First Political force in the country we will make a public call to other Political Forces proposing to converge on the issues ask the other Political Forces what their priorities for italy. Vallance backlighting the french port city of callaway where migrants have been fighting at food banks at least five refugees have been shot and are in Critical Condition the city was once home to the infamous migrant jungle can frances interior minister made an urgent visit to cali calling the situation and imaginable. I came to carry because what happened here is extremely serious we have reached a degree of violence not known until today the government will propose a bill in the coming weeks to try and help asylum an immigration problem. The fighting lasted for almost two hours on reportedly involved one of the one hundred afghan and eritrean refugees using improvised weapons the incident marks another low point in the migrant crisis after those seeking asylum in the e. U. Or u. K. Remained in cali when the jungle camp was dismantled local organizations estimate that around eight hundred eight hundred Illegal Migrants are still there. Late Cuban Revolutionary leader Fidel Castros eldest son has committed suicide according to cuban state media fidel castro. Was sixty eight and its reported that hed been battling depression for some time here to earn the nickname for delete or little fidel for his resemblance to his late father its believed he had recently been Receiving Hospital treatment but was released ours and outpatient at the time of his death he was serving as a scientific advisor to cubas state council and was a leading figure in the countrys nuclear program. You can watch arties interview with the late need a sudden talking about revolutionaries on r. T. Dot com or are you tube channel because to firmly youre talking about to. Be the. They were fighting for more than sixty years together thats nothing to do with the castro family. Family as all families isnt that one body do you have any political ambitions once i was this question maybe because of my name or what i look like. To be something thats true that i have political ambitions but. My career has been a scientist and i have said many times and then i dont regret to say to you today than have any political ambition. Of our top stories dont forget to check us out on the. Website that started out com ill be back at the top of the hour with more so do stay with us. How much of. This little bundle of joy you would have no chance of surviving in the wild. Just one comment a time but you usually get to. China put a lot of effort into making up for this cruel mistake of nature. Chinas penned the breeding has become something of a production line. Its almost as though theyve been copied three d. Printed and put on show for the public. Several cubs are born here each year. But only by dedicated scientists will be for nothing if of can be encouraged in captivity its not as though they dont practice at all but in this. The lazy way they do Everything Else this proud mom a gay best to twins and has no idea that a special love potion was formulated just for the. Women all make this manufacture come sentenced him to public wealth. When the roaming clusters protect themselves. When the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent of. The time we can all middle of the room signals. Tomorrow morning real news real world. Local warhawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the Chicken Hawks forcing you to fight the battle of the dog. The new socks credit tell you that what we gossip the public by file for the most important news. Off of advertising tells me you are not cool enough and i like their product. These are the hawks that we along with our loved ones. Hello and welcome to crossfire or all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle turkeys decision to invade Northern Syria has Foreign Policy implications far beyond the middle east what are anchors objectives in syria and the region does it facilitate or hinder of final peace subtle meant to syrias proxy civil war and what is turkeys future in nato. Across talking turkey and syria im joined by my guest Sami Ramadani in london hes a contributor on iraq and the middle east for the guardian as well as a senior lecturer in sociology in oxford we have Dan Glazebrook he is an independent political analyst and author of divide in ruin the wests imperial strategy in the age of crisis and this temple we cross to change he is dean of Political Science is a marmora university all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate it ill take the senate bill let me go to you first here it is very simply what is turkeys aims what its strategic goals in syria over since the encourage and into Northern Syria can you give us you know two or three major points what turkey wants to achieve. Actually to the s. B. A. To your point very clear the first. Ones to get rid of this. We can say. This is a we call it a y. P. Or p y d this is the first and the most crucial steps as you point for turkey second play offs. To cleaning this area to put some syrian emigrants you know we have three and a half million syrian emigrants in turkey to put down some of them to. Create some kind of buffer zone between turkey and syria or iraq. We can say is safe so on in syria and also i think this is my prediction that. There will be. How can i say its off to political table leg. Or sochi or astana what they will you call it he it wants to be there on the table. So thats why you know these three reasons more strategic. Change of turkey in our atmosphere ok but i have to i have to point out that you didnt say the word kurds once ok and thats really what its all about here you know sami ill be really honestly i can understand turkeys position ok i do understand and i dont necessarily agree with it but i will tell you something sammy i understand the position of all the Major Players when it comes to syria except for one country the United States i dont understand what it is doing in syria i mean what were all told is that you know these sacred cows nato must be preserved but u. S. Policy is driving a huge wedge between the two countries that have the Largest Military in nato i mean whos making this policy in the u. S. Well for the United States in syria most of the proxy forces that they create a lie upon have been either defeated or on their way of being defeated in syria what. Changed or increased their presence in syria is this Dramatic Development of gaining. The y p g practically really unfortunately im very sadly for from my point of view that the why p. G. The Kurdish Group has decided to make an alliance with the United States big mistake in general because you know. Yes the kurds always choose the wrong side i mean historically they do this and they have done it again. Dan let me its very sad very. Dan let me go to you. What i mean what is the possibility that were going to see turkish in u. S. Forces go head to head because the u. S. Seems to it seems to me its a policy of spite it is a spoiler made one see it lost the war assad still there and it wants to spite the russians in the iranians but thats really childish thinking when you think about it go ahead dan theres a spoiler but i dont agree that this collision course necessarily on the cards between ankara and washington i mean from washingtons point of view the thing is they want their goal is to just weaken and preferably destroy any independent force in the global south first thats the big strategy right and so that includes the syrian state and frankly that includes a potentially independent strong Kurdish Force and it includes turkey so if they see the turks and the y p g tearing themselves apart thats that fits ok into into the us game plan and if theyre doing in the syria in science syria all the better so i dont see this is so odds with washington theyre going to be ok they made this announcement they want to the border force and its put the spoiler on on that but theres many ways to destroy a country is not many ways to build up a tree many ways to do so i guess what youre saying there is a method theres a method to their madness go ahead jump in understand go ahead go ahead. Because i would like to add something about american policy we are in turkey as you know government and people are mostly get. Try to create. A kurdish zone between turkey and syria and iraq in order to you know. In order to use this policy to educate turks persians and arabs and also it is good for israel to be created is it not independent pandered to United States creators on just perfect for america and most of people in turkey most of. Us and all you know columnists think that. You know you are america has Something Like that as a project. To create if. Ok so the United States. I mean it began that the us is exporting democracy in reno in liberalism im sorry its a nice its a fairy tale but its not just for the border force go ahead dan go ahead they might have wanted to they might have wanted to create a little basically syria and kosovo p. G. Areas in syria and lead to a fact of partition and it was actually not so much the announcement the border force but the announcement that the two thousand u. S. Troops the announcement by tillerson that the two thousand u. S. Troops were basing going to stay there effectively permanently i mean the wish list of what you wanted to achieve was made it a fact of permanent theyre not going to have any of those things anytime soon so that was what really told the turks look theyre basically going to stay us power and on the ground presence is going to establish basically an independent state within a state and of course they could find that as i say ok so that partition was one possible way to destroy the syrian state but. The kurds and turks destroy it and destroying each other is another way to achieve frankly similar goals of the destruction of syria and we can i have. Heard go ahead sami jump in this point in the program just just to on the other issue i think which needs mentioning is that ted kid of unfortunately. Takes quite a bit of the blame for the disk. Action in syria for the support backing for terrorist groups inside syria. Its only conflict has been with the with within syria and recent times as with the kurds of syria they got frightened because the United States backing started backing the y. P. But truly turkey should also shoulder quite a lot of the response ability for the mayhem. Unfolded in both city and in iraq by the way where they still have some forces inside iraq as you out and their policy towards the Kurdish People over many decades has been really bad that must be mentioned that the Kurdish People have suffered enormously from successive regimes tens of thousands of kurds have died inside turkey and this socalled cleansing inside syria turkey is in effect committing aggression against a sovereign state the syrian state which has objected on the shelly to the entry of turkish troops so there are a dime if you cations here and that is the other point i wanted to raise is out there is some genuine friction between turkey and the United States since the coup attempt last year which seems to have. Support to overthrow ok on its going to in istanbul jump in yes. Yeah actually you know its in turkey you know Something Like forty years we have kurdish problems about this this is not really really kurdish problems turkey. Was again its not the Kurdish People and Kurdish People live you know in very good spandex according to if you compare with other countries such as syria iraq and iran but theyre. About. Gary last you know all terrorist groups. One of the big problems and the. They are the main cause to kill Kurdish People even this. This is a kurdish they claim that this kurdish Independence Group they killed a lot of kurds in turkey and also turks as well you know. Turkey is a state it has no problem with it kurdish citizens in turkey live peacefully and more democratically down in syria iraq and iran if we come to syria initiate issue in the beginning turkey would United States and european allies in order to support freedom against bashar assad regime but after after two thousand and. Thirteen ok. Left turkey ok let me jump in here go to the end before we go to the break here i mean but it is same time you know outside powers twice a proxy civil war because this is from the outside ok i mean bringing democracy to syria is the last thing this is all been about ok its been arming jihad is to overthrow a legitimate government that is a go ahead deanne before we go to the break. I agree with what you say and i just want to comment on what sami was saying there is friction between between the u. S. And turkey and i dont say that predates the coup attempt actually in fact really it goes back to the downing of the russian plane i would read that scene obviously correctly as a low point in russian turkeys relations but i see that really as a last dance so let me jump in here to tan going to show you in europe they were going to go to Russia Ukraine are you going to go to west

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