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No one has caused a disturbance in this region so i dont think we should sell him tanks but i think thats awful became finitely too except fighting against an entire people should not be happening. Its terrible we should not be sending any weapons at all no matter who is behind them. Now if somebody asks where are you from are you offended because that very question has to wait about racism on line after sweden launched a social Media Campaign and he said he explains. Well from sounds like an innocent enough question doesnt it but it could land you in trouble heres what i actually had to explain that i first need to tell you about an Online Campaign launched in sweden to help expose racism hash tag no stranger we hope to raise Awareness Regarding the extensive issue of racism that actually does exist in sweden although many want to believe that we live in the worlds most tolerant country their dearest shakespearean says of being subjected to racism and ten south asking why are you from rep some people up the wrong way even though i was born here people always ask me where im from i hate it when they do that nobody put on a decide where my home is where i come from doesnt concern you and it shouldnt matter i say shouldnt we ever ask people about their country of origin to be on the safe side. Well heres some advice from a man behind the hashtag no stranger campaign you can also question just make sure you do it right its ok to wonder about someones country of origin but it should not be the very first thing to ask a stranger about because the reaction that follows is usually very stereotypical and racist like oh youre from viet nam i think its quite terrible that you guys eat dogs. So its name first originated and no follow up questions got it. Now the World Economic forum is currently underway in davos with some of the worlds biggest plays readying for talks at the luxury swiss resort among them is the u. S. President although not everybody is happy that hes turning up around two thousand people marched through the city did announce Donald Trumps visit and the entire gathering to several smaller protests took place elsewhere in switzerland including geneva trump is expected to make a speech later this week selling his America First economic idea at a pro Globalization Forum where there is a russian presence to the Divorce Forum we spoke to a delegation from the Cyber Security joint because. I would say the trend from the last two years and actually one of the main topics of this year in dollar six fragmentation of the world unfortunately is happening there is a global geopolitical tensions and fired between countries and it backfires private companies to work for results i would say that the pressure in the United States is enormous its the biggest its really disappointing for some reason and surprising for me that that private company can be limited in its operations in the country with no reasons with north its just very decision of the u. S. Government its really frustrating because it means that we cant protect organizations in years gone and. That is one of the best according to independence and this is just means that the. They leave themselves on protected from from cyber crime and from Cyber Attacks which is really frustrated and i believe that in the long term this is just very. Very wrong decision to them independent private company from its operation in the country. Has just gone past nine here in moscow you watching r. T. Still to come for you this hour we look at the findings of a new survey in the people there for out with social media the details in a couple of minutes. When ill show seemed wrong why dont we all just dont all. Get to shape out this day comes to educate and indeed equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. With lawmakers manufactured consensus instinctive public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the crime. Lifts and we dont want. To ignore middle of the room sick. Welcome back to wate now a new study has revealed that just one in four Britons Trust social media people complain that it promotes fake news Cyber Bullying and extremist propaganda and therefore requires Better Regulation. As that in times. It used to be seen as an innocent way of keeping up with friends and family but the love affair between the British Public and the likes of Facebook Twitter and instagram has soured now less than a quarter of the u. K. s population trusts what it sees on social media according to an International Marketing firm seventy percent of britons believe that social Media Companies dont do enough to prevent illegal or unethical behavior the majority of those are think that more should be done about preventing the sharing of extremist called intent most think the same of how social media combat Cyber Bullying and then theres the issue of fake news over half of britains surveyed worry about being exposed to it online so how to mend this broken relationship the British Public thinks that tougher regulation is key to restoring trust this time these companies and listened the public wants action on key issues related to online protection and to see their concerns addressed through Better Regulation these findings present a major shift in attitudes towards the internet when it started the World Wide Web was open free and unfettered that was its appeal but two thousand and seventeen was the year of fake news and the public is now where e in britain and the us politicians have put pressure on social media giants to disclose evidence of russian interference. In this house but the government and the Election Commission will examine these reports very carefully we must be open eyes about the actions of hostile states like russia. Is concerned first that some of these social media platforms companies did not take these threats seriously enough is that suppose for a very small fraction of the overall content on facebook but any amount is too much. Facebook will now prioritize socalled trustworthy Media Outlets and downing street has announced the creation of a fake used Rapid Response unit its fair is now that any subsequent complaints about censorship could be dismissed as the will of the people police. London the go to media analysts lionel says it is hard to draw a line between problematic content and somebodies point of view i received a letter in email from twitter telling me that they knew i had apparently visited your life reach we did some dread russian fake news site and they just wanted me to know that they were looking into it can you believe that now when i heard this i laughed other people said thank you thank you for censoring my world view thank you for keeping information and ideas and thoughts thank you from keeping that from me when i see something i dont like what i see something i dont believe or i find offensive where you find irrelevant i ignore it but i want to make that choice your opinion your sad tire your world view may be problematic to me and i should not be able to dismiss it and deny you the platform of expression merely because i find it problematic and i call it fake governments all over the world have lost the ability to control social media they are telling the companies pacifically you better limit information that we find problematic that censorship i mean thats the issue for most people. Sad to say dont see it that way. Ok lets just update you now on explosion in afghanistan this morning a suicide attacker detonated a car bomb next to the office of the humanitarian group save the children in jalalabad according to local media there gunmen sten stormed the compound after the blast at least eleven people have reportedly been injured in that incident comes just days after an attack on a hotel in the Afghan Capital kabul the u. S. State department has confirmed that several americans were killed with local officials saying twenty two people died in the overnight siege by taliban militants. Those people had no mercy it was anybody who came in front of them to show the. Best basically it was that you know most of. The exact number of american casualties is not yet known the victims all side that include citizens of ukraine venezuela kazakstan and jim in a nice but working for private afghan adeline political consultant knew rockwell believes that the u. S. Military presence is aggravating situation in afghanistan. But already talked about sending in more troops and more planes and other weapons so i think this is just a further unfortunate back down from the Campaign Promises he made he said some very good things about getting out of afghanistan that the u. S. Had no business there and then of course as soon as he was elected he switched and is now stepping up the war in afghanistan and the Afghan Government itself said that it would only last a few months if the u. S. Pulled out theres a hint that the Afghan Government maybe they ought to go with the u. S. Troops and have new people come in so that why why is the u. S. Killing all these people spending trillions of dollars in afghanistan to have a very unpopular government in power. Its terrible these people were killed i dont think we have any idea how many afghan civilians have been killed in the seventeen years of this war the u. S. Needs to get out get out of afghanistan get out of syria what the needs to be done here at home leave other peoples alone leave their countries alone. Stop killing people all over the world and expecting to be loved. Now a sculpture by an american artist to commemorate the victims of the twenty fifteen paris terror attacks is drawing heavy criticism in france not only over its meaning but also its shape and choice of location two which you can see here its a giant hand holding a bouquet of balloons it is planned to be installed next to the tokyo modern art museum in paris however it will block the view from there of the iconic eiffel tower in response artists and activists have now written an open letter demanding the project is scrapped do you finally look at the piece for me has nothing to do with what happened to the police going to be used only that people will may selfies in front of it and i dont i dont see you visually for me when i look at it overall that this was to victims i dont feel that at all its not even in the area of that but. Oh Charlotte Pinsky has been in the french capital gauging public opinion. This is where the sculpture would be installed there would be a huge hand for trudinger out of the ground grasping at twelve to lips with this view of the eiffel tower behind it which some say will be ruined as a result and while its clear that some in paris do not appreciate this gesture whats the view on the street so colorful its just nice to be different really stand out i dont like it so its a modern horrid blunder the artists is showing his vision why not its a good thing cheerful and full of color its better than the stuff you memorial day when the gesture is very very kind but if its a weather not about schoolteachers fit for the people that lost their lives its a little bit weird also to be donated by in america an architect maybe maybe it should be a french one remembering those people is. A really good idea but probably with something a little bit different if you saw a major what would it make you think of distant land i think this battle where hes our Family Member and people have died in them terrible attacks and thats not the scope of harm and i would say for controversial reasons its a nice culture but when you want to associate it with that day and what happened then. Yeah i probably wouldnt actually know bones of the own work include the u. S. Ambassador to france whos been spearheading this gift idea and the mayor of paris however so far it seems that the french on scene and many people on the streets of paris just dont appreciate this piece of american martin aunt charlotte even ski ati carice. Well thanks being with us this morning you are watching our international thats how the news is looking so far today were back with more in thirty five minutes. You mean you dont associate sunni teachers who are. Dead according to. What they need not through only ten space. Let alone a killing said. Clementina no servant is messy that a. Few speak french. Most. Of the family thank them sanibel for continuing posable any. Exposing them to. Apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the families its the age of the super money billionaire owners and spending to get to the twenty million why. Its an experience like no one else want to do because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so well with. The thinks its going to. Days ago the u. S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis updated in revised americas Defense Strategy it is a dark vision of the world and calls for a massive defense spending what he calls a Defense Strategy critics say is a blueprint for without it. Of how to really negotiate that memory over and over and over again. And water can scream in. The summer after i turned eight. Never really knew what to expect from. During a particularly bad swing through some desperate. She put us all in the bronco and to the spread drive down of the river. Before we got to the river she was just. She decided it was time for all of us. To. My memories of that moment were really in black and white. Im not sure that i ever really met my mom again after. Strange story out of florida this morning where the mother of three children drove into the ocean off her daytona beach. The pregnant mom spoke of the demons before driving into the atlantic. Police say theyve never seen anything like this. The tiny city of newburgh new york is trying to come to grips with the deaths of three Young Children who died when their mother drove them into the hudson river among the victims are two year old lance pierre and heres a loving month old sister cops we should take nothing for granted not our loves nor our lives our families or friends even a sanity one minute all is well the next were plunged into darkness unable to process what is real and what is mercurys. Fortum stringin realized this old too young is the summer after i turned eight she should not be in line and she knows it was the moment. That shattered trust. You know how do you know how to trust anybody after that. Forced to confront a mystery beyond our comprehension she spent decades haunted in search of answers in pursuit of peace when Something Like killing all six of her children. Made sense enough to put the kids in the bronco and drive into the river i see it. Gravels it again water flying and kids screaming and somehow she managed to dig it up to back out of that. And thats an incredible victory for somebody in that state of mind you know there are other mothers dont win that battle. Autumns mom did eventually die by suicide alone on a country tony steph and was now were done with. Eight children. Im laying in bed at night in my room. Listening to a houseful of morning. Just shattered the whole family just shattered the children chattered me it has become so commonplace these irrational acts and horrific scenes that weve almost become numb to it weve seen them in schools and public spaces in homes and churches. All over the news try as we might to understand them we cant try as we might to ignore them they call to us still we call the paramedics. They tried the roughly the reviver. Outside of the rebels and i was with those patients but. It was cold its two thousand and four and the downings world has just been shattered his daughter a victim of an unimaginable act of violence but it was how this eleven Year Old Girl died the truly horrified the world how cats candace hanged herself one canister star and we just we asked ourselves how could we not know she was than unhappy the downings didnt realize it at the time of course but her case was not a rare event no candace was far from alone she started on this drug somewhere around january and these things make you unafraid they make you do things you wouldnt do normally they make you able to put a rope around your neck and hang yourself. They were still dizzy from death traumatized and broken when they solve the mystery the drugs responsible they say a cold s s r is and theyre among the best selling drugs in the world s s r is better known as antidepressants these are some symptoms of the primary psychiatric drugs like assess our eyes have been defended with religious zeal by their believes and damned by others as some of the most dangerous drugs on the planet distinguishing truth from fiction has been a challenge and this is placed the public in the an enviable position of deconstructing the scientific and medical dog on their own in the midst of a thirty he a social experiment as director of the National Institutes of Mental Health thomas insel has been at the center of a storm of contradictions about the use of these drugs so i think we have to be very humble about this right now because weve often been so selfcongratulatory because we have after all many people feel made great strides. The numbers dont really support that dr insoles candor is sure to shock and upset many on all sides of the debate the word failure is one few have dad to utter fundamentally why we failed here why has the suicide rate not come down why have as they measures disability whatever those might be why have those continued to go up instead of down well all the numbers are going in the wrong direction so were already failed whats gone wrong here a lot of people say its because of stigma and access the fact is that actually more people are getting more treatment than ever before so its hard for me to quite believe that i would just submit that from the end i am age perspective. The answer about why we failed is a little more disruptive and that answer is that we dont know enough to hear the director of the and i am h. Say now that all of the axle taishan is about psychotropics. From the media from academia from the profession from governments were not merited is unsettling after billions of prescriptions and hundreds of billions of dollars in drug Company Profits how did this occur i think that our field has gone off track here by devoting so much of its resources over the last twenty or thirty years both publicly and privately to under trying to understand how the drugs work but youve got medications here that at most reduce some of the symptoms of mood disorders of psychotic disorders they dont in any sense provide a cure this change of heart contradicts what weve been told about psychiatric drugs for a generation now and raises serious questions about how and why these drugs have been dispensed so indiscriminately using antidepressants or any of the psychiatric drugs is simply not its not understood is not explained its not do well to ponder i think theyre in a different class of drugs from most of the drugs that we take for our other elements in the eightys and ninetys s. S. Our eyes were the first in a class of new Mental Health potions heralded as wonder drugs and miracle curious they were extolled as safe and Effective Solutions for the age old problem of depression and were marketed as such thus began an aggressive march towards a new era in psychiatry one which boasted chemicals for the Mental Health conditions that a dog humankind for millennia thirty years later however the window on that era and its bold proclamations appears to be closing in the immediate it can make a huge difference you could have someone going from being psychotic to being nonpsychotic which is a Pretty Amazing change in behavior. But i think what we we need to recognize has that happened or last fifty years is that they havent. Siobhan to be as good as we thought they were. While the Drug Companies ruthlessly defended their magic bullets in the courts and through the press they were in effect stigmatizing people who were harmed by using them in the early one nine hundred ninety s. This issue had reached a peak was prozac causing violence and suicide but what happened was that there Psychopharmacology Committee almost everybody on the committee worked for the Drug Companies so the conflicts of interest was so enormous that the f. D. A. Had to give them all letters for giving them with their conflicts of interest they can be sued it was a manner of how do we cover it up how do we hide it at every step of the process towards approval and marketing thereafter was designed to hide and mislead the public and physicians about the suicide side effect lillys own secret files implicate the f. D. A. As poorly by Robert Temple and thomas as being complicit in a scheme to whitewash the dark facts about prozac eli lilly has been called the house the president before the drug was introduced lily reported earnings of six hundred Million Dollars annually prozac changeless fortunes and the company banked least twenty one billion dollars in profits from the drug over the life of their patent. When i say to some people Prescription Drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in our society that seems to be the dividing line or some people who already know whats true or have read about and understand it and then theres others who think of thats a myth that cant be true they simply cant conceive of so they stop listening Terence Young is a member of parliament in canada serving oakville ontario just outside of toronto after a Prescription Drug caused the death of his daughter vanessa he founded an Advocacy Group drug safety canada vanessa collapse in front of me her heart had stopped basically she said. It up to go upstairs when you lose a child your world is upside down and i was thrown into a study of medicine of medical jargon our of how the Health Care System works and when it doesnt work and i didnt ask for it but it was my way of dealing with the loss of an s. Or so it was in a sense my way of grieving and it started the day she died for five years young investigated the practices of the medical and Drug Industries and in doing so he says he realized have pharmacy influence had permeated every construct of modern society the loss of his daughter coupled with the shocking truth she uncovered through his medical research led him to write death by prescription and become one of canadas most od and proponents of informed choice

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