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December fourteenth two thousand and sixteen through may seventeenth twenty eight seventy and when did mullers investigation into prussian blue should start oh look may seventeenth twenty seventeen surprisingly convenient the timing is just too coincidental seems that they were trying to plant the evidence somehow as an insurance policy thinking that trump had no way of getting elected and then when he did scrambling in order to try to stop the election or to create the necessity of an impeachment of trump they were conspiring inside the f. B. I. To figure out how to catch trump on some sort of you know criminal activity having a russian connection russian Money Laundering being involved with putin in the in the russian trump collusion of which they provided zero evidence. And the f. B. I. Is not the only organization where crucial data for legal proceeding to inadvertently gone missing the National Security agency says it had by mistake deleted information it had earlier pledged to keep the data was related to the president ial Surveillance Program or p. S. P. Which included warrantless wiretapping during george w. Bushs time in office the b. S. P. Internets constant merged great cheerier that were broadly used to delete dead of a certain type in response to Mission Requirements to free up space and improve performance of the backup system the n. S. A. Has no reason to believe at this time that the constant data was specifically targeted for deletion. Now with turkeys military campaign against the kurds well underway in Northern Syria the conflict seems to have spilled over into germany a mass fight broke out between almost two hundred people a Turkish Airlines task at hand over airport a large pro kurdish protest was taking place against turkeys actions in syria when our Video News Agency ruptly caught the moment it turned violent. One thing was the first thing the. Anchor began its latest military operation against kurdish groups in syria last week claiming the Kurdish Forces there a terrorist the ball in hand over airport resulted in Police Reportedly using pepper spray to separate the two groups with or it is also deployed twenty vehicles to the scene. Still to come one of the Worlds Largest consulting firms has been accused of multiple illegal dealings the details after this break. Itll. Lead. To. Pearl. Lemme walk on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace talks forcing you to fight the battles they dont believe in you stop spreading tell you that will be gossip and probably by a little supporters they. Talk about telling you are not cool enough and lets buy their products little. Things all the hawks i mean a lot of our lives were. Welcome back to the program russias defense minister has revealed that moscow is in talks with several nations over the purchase of a russian made state of the art and silent defense system. Joins me live now in the studio with more details so lets start with buying well the top man in the russian army didnt specify but he mentioned the regions status several countries in the middle east and also South East Asia and that is the region that mr shaw is currently touring but that wasnt the only so to say teaser from the Russian Defense minister he went on to say that whenever he talks to the military bosses from other countries there is always some sort of discussion about potential contracts to buy russias top defense tech so if we are to believe him soon we well we are meant to find out whos next to get the us four hundred ysaye next means russia has already sold these before its not true well turkeys already got a contract and when these papers were signed it was indeed big news because turkey is obviously a nato member and a key ally of the u. S. In the region in they chose to use the Russian Air Defense system to keep their skies safe someone else in the middle east which is all but who is sorry all but dependent on america when it comes to their military might is saudi arabia and the saudi delegation was in moscow king saul mon of course as well they agreed with russia on a deal as well china wants to buy it india too and perhaps as we understand now that list will get longer it sounds like its a very. Piece of equipment what are the advantages of this particular system well i can tell you that for now internationally by experts it is described as one of the most advanced air Defense Systems in the world and perhaps that explains the demand as you were saying but i can tell you that currently it is the Russian Air Defense shield for the Russian Army Units in syria so lets take a look at a bit of the s four hundred in action. I. I. I i i. I i. I. I i. So to just for you to get an idea of some of its features the s four hundred can be hit to eighty targets at the same time the range is more than four hundred kilometers and also the targets can be travelling at a speed of almost five kilometers per second and still in that case the s four hundred will be able to eliminate these kind of targets in terms of the contract the potential contracts that we were talking about and thats who was talking about sunil see if the countries that buy the systems will prove to be a surprise. There thanks very much for the update on the s. Four hundred thankfully. One of the largest consulting firms in the world ernst and young has been accused of multiple illegal dealings a former employee who says he was fined driven for revealing the allegations disclosed the accounting giant is involved in bribery Money Laundering and the cover up of illicit gold purchases from conflict zones. Has the details the story hidden in the court papers filed by this order to against his exposes could be one of the grandest smuggling scams greed Money Laundering and baghdad dealings many. It in billions of dollars. Is accusing one of the worlds biggest auditing firms of covering up the tracks over dubai Precious Metals megacorp act one. Ernst and young for an audit inspectors come to dubai and the first thing they see is a pile of moroccan gold buyers casually bundled up on a desk stacks of gold at a Gold Refinery could be business as usual except these buyers are literally painted silver in order to sneak them into dubai four to five tons of gold gold bars coated silver smuggled old to more cool arriving in dubai declared as gold when the team found the discussed it with with colucci the admitted this is the way of doing business with the with these moral consult lawyers inspectors do some more digging and what they reveal brings us to act two some of the precious metal in kolaches coffers could be blood gold shuffling through papers auditors discover the refinery was more than happy to shake hands with small Mining Operations in sudan and the democratic republic of congo apparently colossi asked for no licenses offering cash in hand in exchange for gold proceeds from search sales and conflict torn countries are known to directly fuel gang wars which are responsible for hundreds of civilian deaths soldiers naam Group Leaders see in control of the gold mines as a way to money guns and power for forty two of the ruthlessly often targeting civilians in the process so ernst and young employees calm through colossus cash transactions thats when we get to act three apparently the company deals in cash almost as much as in conventional Bank Transfers thats billions of dollars going into a legal black hole impossible to trace so the auditors diligently record every failure of the dubai giant but theres no pattern. The bad for them from the boss we requested a meeting with the babies to get it or when they realized that were not going to alter our findings or change them they went ahead and. Changed their own guidelines in such a way that our findings and our final conclusions will not be made public ernst and young have denied allegations they were in cahoots with the group the dubai refinery is still in business saying theres been no Material Impact on their ability to operate or trade im just rehired the man who led the team and expose the alleged wrongdoings says the audit ing giant branded him a troublemaker and sacked him so is blowing the whistle a noble thing or just a falls there and in this saga its left up to the court. Of r. T. It turns out a north korean pop star who is thought to have been executed is now going to lead to countrys delegation at the upcoming Winter Olympics and its not the first time theres been confusion of the well being of high profile figures from that part of the world. So thats the roundup of our top stories dont forget to check us out on social media on twitter you tube on our website thats all to dot com ill be back at the top of the hour with the latest news so dont go away. Were going. Here every year ago better because like mine i talk to right here that this was their your choice ok to go to all kinds of crazy. Now experiencing a bit of a fall back. Yes it was but a quick. Walk up. To. The up in the last election imo yes he will do it so will most of the young and we will see you all but you know one of the up and stuff and wishes i shall keep you from thank you for coming on the scene of the moment i was scotts movie leave the two cops believe you know t. G. C. Easy should resign if you took the stage. It was more than a million bucks to look up the procedure to the i machine you can you get other cool useful but then you tell us maybe you did to miss told me my so this mission ill post a. Little. A little. Ratings and sell you taste well thankfully after a weekend of federal Government Shutdown we are Still Standing here in the United States of dysfunction at noon on monday the shutdown ended not with a great bang. Saying with a whimper of a vote to once again kick the federal funding can down the road for another three weeks or so presumably so the democrats republicans can better hone their blame game skills and further perfect their abject irresponsibility towards their jobs and us citizens Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer announced monday that after several discussions offers and counteroffers the republican leader and i have come to an arrangement we will vote today to reopen the government to continue negotiating a global agreement. Im sorry charles but you cant put enough polish on this latest congressional debacle because it is and will always be a permanent staying on the linoleum countertop that is us politics sadly my friends the stains are many and frankly guests are really starting to take notice and stage right the twenty eight thousand idle men trust barometer published just in time for the World Economic forums meeting in davos switzerland by the idle and Global Communications marketing for i dont trust barometer in case you havent guessed by now measures the Publics Trust in various institutions and governments and according to their latest daniel port report trust in the us has suffered the largest ever recorded drop in the surveys history among the general population and even more outstanding is the trust among the informed public in the us imploded plunging twenty three points making it now the lowest of the twenty eight countries surveyed. So let us thank our illustrious democrats and republicans for destroying our faith in a working government and forcing us all to start watching the whole. What. The. Real thing is. As you keep the ball out of it. Like you know that i got. This. Week so. Welcome everybody to watching the harks i am i robot and i am having the while im in this shutdown yes the shutdown has finally ended weve got to it was epic we didnt know if the sky was going to follow up things were going to explode if seven eleven wouldnt be opened or what other horrible catastrophe would befall on our seven eleven are we open because unlike the government when you work at seven eleven you dont get to just shut the story down because you dont like. The price of thing like like a little crazy tabloid they put another stop gap which i think is their fifty five keeping track for coming up to this but they put another stopgap in basically just to keep the government funded to just do their job why was that simple call i know this stuck out and as of february i believe eighth and you know after the latest circus you know fighting and chip and like all these things are fighting over is there any hope for the United States congress to actually get their act together do you have hope to have with the congress will one day act Like Congress and do things not with this congress you know there are. On the usual dish and all just feel like liquid prize from the moving boxes and so often just little by guides to moving they should just start moving and getting their office this fact up because theyre not going to make it through their next election cycle whoever theyre there is that theyre not doing any work and im not the only person who thinks that the this is a matter of trust can you do the job will you have results well were seeing no results and this isnt just for one year this is for four years eight years twelve years sixteen years this isnt new and thats what that item and survey actually is according to the report you have no country saw steep declines in the United States you had a thirty seven aggregate point aggregate drop in trust along across all american institutions and at the opposite end of the spectrum you have china that experienced a twenty seven point gain more than any other country so here is this you know the big scary communist china thats going to take over the whole world they literally have more trust their people have more trust thats incredible thats a great its when its an Interesting Group or heres a democracy it doesnt it shouldnt be that hard to earn the trust of people if you believe in what youre saying then the people will believe in it but thats the problem our politicians dont believe what they say they just i dont think so i mean chuckle schumer i think you know people can say oh hes such a smart strategist and hes brilliant of what he does and then to me his strategy is just kind of failure after failure after failure at least actually doing the good of the people the same of the republican side because the rise i mean its not a point of im sorry everybody hates congress because congress doesnt do their job well the c. E. O. Of the gettleman richard the c. E. O. Who produced the study actually. He called this lack of trust in the government the ultimate irony because when you think about it all weve heard about is how unemployment is down and the stock market is so great. And this is where you see that huge chasm between the a leaves and the rest of the country this is why you had the election we had because they dont realize that nobody who is the one percent cares about the stock market because it doesnt change what our what our paychecks look like it doesnt change how much you know your mom or your grandma or whoever has to buy milk it doesnt change that you have to pay your rent youre not going to magically just because all the stock markets doing great you have it doesnt affect most people dont have their money in the stock market tragically you know what im sure about i dont doubt it but yeah i mean its like you know look youve got people like star burgers going crazy more our reserve people are excited more about bitcoin certainly are about to start morgan at the end of the day theres a very its this disconnect here so what is it with the big board the reason that people like it is that politicians can have their hands on it going to hell is at some point you have to just say to trust in the media is going down the trust and trust in our institutions it isnt trust in the institutions as they stand its the people who are running i could and thats why certain systems dont work because youve had person after person after all its just weve been weve got our money stolen weve been spied upon weve you know wall street bailed out there you know we have whistleblowers being thrown in jail there is no public trust in government because government has not earned our trust you know and thats what they are missing they just assume hey i get the job people automatically trust me no you get the job and you actually have to do the work of the people not the lobbyists and the people pulling your strings. For decades teenagers have climbed water towers car service tried to drink a gallon of milk eight ghost peppers and generally did incredibly stupid things to gain acceptance or amusement of their peers the tired pod challenge is the latest teen stunt to terrify adults and the media these alondra pods of small packets made out of dissolvable jelly containing concentrated laundry detergent are meant. For convenience but their colorful appearance has allegedly caused an epidemic of children and teens eating the laundry pods. Or has it according to the current headlines theres no doubt that something must be done to end the scourge of teens even longer progs for fun their children mistaking them for candy senator chuck we must investigate snort chocolate schumer has been on the laundry pod case since two thousand and twelve when he made this claim at an official press conference saying quote these pods were supposed to make household charts easier not ten dog children to swallow harmful chemicals i saw one on my staffers desk and i wanted to eat it and put since twenty twelve procter and gamble the Company Behind pas has added a bitter tasting but non toxic coating to the outside for the pods to deter children for biting into that theyve added additional locks to the containers and are educating the public on how to keep them out of the hands of toddlers but according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers and twenty seventeen more calls came in regarding Hand Sanitizer toothpaste deodorant mouthwash more than the laundry pods in fact the calls which were mostly regarding children under five and over half of which arent even related to an actual ingestion have gone down fourteen percent since two thousand and fifteen. So. Is asking. That corporations and the government become our defacto nanny is really the best use of our fragile democracy. And well now we know why the government is in disarray because good old chuckles schumer apparently has been more interested in whether people eat laundry pods and literacy on supportable chocolate really is this is this how far weve fallen that its congresss job to think about these things im sorry when i was growing up you know we had iron metal playgrounds we had things that actually hurt us and you know the classic George Carlin routine of little johnny swallows the marble than the other little kids realize it we shouldnt swallow marbles you know and we have to kind of what gods will was darwinism child rearing its right we have mr yes kids too theres this idea i mean you think there should be something you do you cant just be like oh who cares you know of course i mean there should be some sort of Safety Measures but its not what its like really is this a huge problem that we need to have story after story and all of these politicians talking about bills to protect the children what because their parents dont want to parent right i mean im sorry if teenagers on you tube want to eat stupid things for clicks and then they get hurt and go to the emergency room will everybody watches that and says hey i dont want to eat that because americans are going to go to the emergency care. Now its sort of strange is that well there was that there was a study actually in the journal pediatrics and ages one to three accounted for seventy two percent of cleaning products to little babies poisoning so theres more time on these cleaning household products forty percent of those poisonings came from cleaners in Spray Bottles so tight let me ask why are we regulating Spray Bottles thats a good question you shouldnt say that too loud this close to capitol hill we might start seeing them suddenly be like oh my gosh Spray Bottles we have to go regulate that you know i mean of course you put your you put labels on it no. That but i think its just because its like you know hey this is a new fangled fancy thing that you know these things of have only come out like these positive a little recently so it was i mean thats a funny when people say like theyve never been around but this washer has made possible like this for a long you know back in our day and we had a deep and tired read out of the box where he would have our there was what i want to bother you know whats really fascinating to i was according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission there have been a total of five deaths in the u. S. Related the to the ingestion of one hundred five out of three hundred Million People and most of those were from but dont swear suffering from dementia but even kids that this kind of smells like that you know were the out the the candy bar with the with the razor blade in a blade or thats never ever happened that only people poisoned by hollowing can you work within the same family. Yes as you can drugs which by the way were a Government Shutdown so if you wanted to rags running get them now and bring them back grab some for me to because theres no one there to stop us its crazy oh im well its interesting because i think its so funny that there is this idea that we have to its always like keeping teenagers from smoking big teenagers from drinking keeping them from doing drugs keeping them from having sex will just tell them not to do it and tell them everything is dangerous and it seems that Chuck Schumer is so shocked that kids you know to do crazy things theres actually a study Cornell College of human ecology had studied this back in the early twenty four or twenty two thousand this idea of why do kids do this so what she said is teens often decide that the benefits of risky behavior Immediate Gratification for gratification or peer acceptance outweighs the risks. And we need to we needed studies multiple studies to explain the guys on capitol hill. Teens do stupid stuff for attention and if you tell them theyre not supposed to theyre just go and even though it means theyre going to make more so you keep bringing it up to me its just teams are going to be teams and you know johnny the year olds going to swell the larboard are all going to be sad but shouldnt be swallowing the marble anyway as we go to break card watchers dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics covered up facebook and twitter see our full soles of our t. Dot com coming up former cia analyst ray mcgovern and the hawks nest because the n. S. A. And the f. B. I. Sudden onset the butterfingers of pope agencies are now being accused of accidentally on purpose deleting controversial important data stay to lunch. As you read the senate had tea with him last night and i. Have. No problem what has. Run out of it i know right now i think that there are guys that you know that i thought for four and a kid and that i. Only use the unlucky but im going to cut him then you cut them and keep an eye on what i have to lose a child for trying

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