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Obama the same unfortunately i dont get any response. Those who see the backing of the us will not stand the turkish nation it is our national struggle. Is essentially turning on and has allies hes accused the west of providing weapons and ammunition to the Kurdish Militia he says that aside from five thousand trucks weapons and ammunition from some two thousand planes has been provided the turkish president also saying to quote that his allies are dishonest when they do not admit to the fact that they have been supplying weapons to terrorists and here of course hes referencing the Kurdish Militia known as the y. P. G france is calling for an urgent United Nations Security Council meeting while at the same time germany has expressed that it is extremely concerned with these developments particularly saying that the cultivated risks that could result from this confrontation between turkey and the kurds is something that might mount at the same time we are hearing from the Turkish Foreign minister who says that anyone who does not support or took his actions in the african region essentially is siding with the terrorists and will be dealt with accordingly so what we see is some pretty harsh rhetoric coming from ankara particularly towards its allies essentially saying that it will not sit back while they get involved in warning them that they could potentially take further action. Turkeys military action against the kurds in syria triggered protests across europe people took it to the streets in a number of capitals to denounce the incursion and demand deescalation of the crisis we will be following developments on the turkish Syrian Border as they unfold. This week the two koreas agreed to march together under a single flag during the upcoming Winter Olympics of the north well now sent twenty two athletes to compete in three sports of the chuang Games International Olympic Committee president thomas bach praised the agreement calling it a milestone in the long and a long journey and the two koreas will also form a single team in womens hockey for the first time in olympic history and will also have a korean folk song as a common anthem officials from both countries have been meeting throughout the week to discuss peace efforts but the seeming reproach made between the koreas has it not convinced the u. S. President who said he is not sure talks can lead to anything meaningful also this week the u. S. And allies of the one nine hundred fifty s. Korean war gathered in canada for separate talks on the Current Crisis and agreed more pressure is the only solution. The person. Decides to do i think that could be no is to send out a very clear message we want to intensify that pressure discord that included cutting off diplomatic ties the reason those career. We spoke to human rights lawyer erica and he says washington fears dropping out of the spotlight in the korean crisis President Trump somehow believes that this pressure approach is the this is Something Different than that has been applied before which it isnt and in reality he wants to pull back some of the thunder if you will back to washington because you have again the north and south talking i think the u. S. Is a little jekyll and hyde with its policies because on one hand it wants to have a resolution wants to have de mille nuclearization wants to have peace and on the other hand pumps up this rhetoric and so the motivations relate to finances they relate to geo political factors of the u. S. Power in the region if you will and they relate to trying to ice out china and russia a little bit as a player in this as was evident in vancouver. More than thirty people are feared to have been killed in an overnight siege at a major hotel in the capital kabul that according to reports citing of Security Officials this is in afghanistan of course what hes put the death toll at one thousand including a high ranking afghan diplomat and fourteen of foreign nationals most of them the employees of a local airline all of the five attackers were killed the taliban claims it was behind the assault. I think unfortunately the Afghan Security forces are just not. Up to the standards or theres too much pressure on them and theres not much coordination between nato forces and the Afghan Police there are multiple threats theres the taliban theres ice is theres also has missed it which is also in the government so there are a number of opponents and i think there simply isnt the right intelligence to counter these kind of attacks because theyre happening on the regular basis one day its a civilian target one day its a military target one Commercial Road or a hotel like today to Counter Terrorism in afghanistan you need a regional approach and the regional approach means working with iran working with pakistan and working with russia in the Central Asian states at the moment the us is not really doing that they have their own strategy and its not doesnt fit in with britain strategy. Drug related crimes are becoming so bad on parts of the paris metro that train drivers are reportedly refusing to stop at certain stations that is according to a Union Representing the metro and bus network in the front of the from the principal went underground to invest. For most parisians the metro is a staple of life with its winding tunnels and lines that stretch across the city its often the easiest way to get from eight it be but down in the underground the gritty underbelly of the capital is being exposed drug related crime and violence has been a long standing issue on pariss metro but now the unions representing train drivers say its spiralling out of control dealers including those taking crack cocaine a new role god thing theyve doing. Metro drivers is so fearful of attacks at some stations many are choosing to no longer stop there survive more fuss over more quickly is very dangerous and its terrifying if it can range from a simple punch to people using nails knives. Stations like marks door more and market a year are especially troubled druggy says come here for their daily fix and gangs have taken over for problem of. The problem is very dangerous for both the metro workers and for the commuters its even more dangerous they are targets of fast ive seen more than one hundred attacks take place within minutes of arriving at marks door metro station we witnessed what looks like a drug deal the man with his back to the camera has just arrived with a bag in hand he walked the platform stopping and exchanging some packages with people and then he left with his bag empty this seems to be the new normal. There are lots of drug users and i think that with everything thats happening in the match row they should be doing something most of the time the drug users are aggressive and everyone is afraid for the security of. Children. Twenty twenty five. Lived there weve weve weve heard of course. Been attacked just one time because. We had in the middle of the night. Smart for. Playing with that problem was a precipice a problem as the security robberies can happen sometimes its maybe aggression physical aggression sometimes to my ceasar man attack another young man. As we travel through some of the most days. Stations we saw Metro Security and police trying to crack down on the problem they succeeded in moving this bunch but in reality all theyve done is move the problem to another stop on to another day charlotte even ski. Paris. Germany social democrats have agreed on Coalition Talks with chancellor Angela Merkel but the road to an agreement does not look easy one that after a short break this is the week we are to. Something that is really important for us. To be only a common market. As we say to be a community of that dont adopt this view was proselyting as if you twitter is song here to power that from moscow. To dominate it why the their way to be and several communities refusing to. Sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chickenhawk forcing you to fight the battles. That you talk to try to tell you that everything off of the public by feel free to. Tell you on and buy their products. Are the hawks that we and all the dollars worth watching. Welcome back this is the weekly on our international now in germany in the p. D. Party convention has voted in favor of launching Coalition Talks with the merkels party and even though the result is what the s. P. D. Leader Martin Schultz has been campaigning for its been anything but an easy ride for minorities peter oliver reports. This was the result that Martin Schultz wanted it was the result he campaigned for but it was real hard stuff as the leader of the social democrats waited for this result to come in he was visibly nervous waiting for the well what was certainly not a foregone conclusion it ended up being three hundred sixty two votes in favor two hundred and seventy nine votes against joining the coalition with angola merkel so they are going to go forward with that but what schultz did lay out in a speech there to delegates and so Board Members before the vote it was really a speech that was more pleading than it was inspirational he said there was only two options you either go into coalition with Angela Merkel or we have fresh elections and it was very clear which one he preferred that you do you know you everyone should realize the question is Coalition Talks for you elections my take on this is very clear i dont think new elections are the right way for us. But it was a visibly relieved Martin Schulze that received those results he definitely doesnt want another election in the region for that is because of just how badly the last election went for the social democrats and theres no sign of that turning around any time soon last time around in september they lost forty seats in almost dipped below twenty percent of votes cast for representatives in the German Parliament hes also going to have to of course though if hes going to form this coalition hes going to have to cross some social Democratic Party red lines namely on quotas for refugees that his Party Opposes also on social spending which hes party want to see increased and thats why this whole campaign to decide whether the social democrats would go into coalition with Angela Merkels conservatives that has seen a vision its so in well and truly within the social democratic ranks we saw a big campaign launched. By the youth wing saying that they didnt want to be part of government they wanted four years of opposition in order to try and get the party back to the roots where they believe it comes from so how will it look if this goes as its been put forward on sunday evening well what it would mean is that the social democrats would no longer be the Largest Opposition Party they would be part of the government again and that would mean that the main Opposition Party well that role would go to the alternative for germany the right leaning and to do stuff which meant party they would get that role it would be new ground for them and they would get everything that comes with it including the traditional role of being the head of the budget committee. Which is quite interesting when you look at it because in the lead up to the previous election Martha Schultz amongst all the senior members of the social democrats it said a. F. D. Had no position whatsoever in the bundestag and should have no position in the book in trying to hang on to power he may well put them into the main seat in german opposition. Four people have filed a lawsuit against the city of berkeley in california and its university for injuries they claim they received during anti trouble riots on the campus there last year violence erupted over a speech that was to be given at the university by a prominent conservative. We spoke to katrina red l. Shimer who is taking the legal steps against berkeley university. But when the attack started and specially after i was pepper sprayed i was completely incapacitated there was nothing i could do to defend myself so i had no choice but to turn around and just face the barricade i was worried about what was happening to my husband it turned out he was just a few feet away from me being beaten worse than any of us he was being unconscious afterwards by the police both the city and the Campus Police were clearly not equipped given what happened in the injuries that were sustained read i saw personally it was police initially standing outside of the building that they later locked us out of i thought in their knowledge with a wave and by the time the attack actually started they were nowhere to be seen they had locked themselves inside the building and wouldnt give us any aid at all. University of california berkeley has declined to comment the city itself previously filed Court Motions seeking to dismiss a similar case but the lawyer representing the victims say says that they want to send a message to campus staff and police to do a better job injuries caused to our clients two of which were beaten unconscious and still suffer from psychological disorders posttraumatic disorders so they are seeking money damages to compensate them for that but the main goal of this case is to send a message to Campus Police and campus universities that they they have to do their job you know i liken what happened here the deliberate effort to not intervene and to not do anything to fire a man watching a building on fire with their with their hoses water pouring out of them but theyre too afraid to go into the building because they might get hurt its the goal of Law Enforcement its the role of Law Enforcement i should say to serve and protect the public and they did not do that. It doesnt for me this ill be back in about thirty five minutes with another look at the weekly youre watching the International Stay with us. Heres what people have been saying about redacted in the us is it just full on awesome well the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch oh yeah mr john all over a Party America is doing the same thing we are apparently better than blue Nothing Better and see people you have never heard of love redacted tonight not the president of the world bank so they are going to write me seriously send us an email. Thanks guys or financial survival guide. When customers go by you reduce the price. Now well reduce and lower. Thats undercutting but whats good for the market is not good for the global economy. The two thousand and eight economic crisis turns some countries into paix these are the countries with weaker economies that needed austerity policies if you are in a situation of flow bloat even the recession austerity is a very bad idea it doesnt work and it makes millions of people very unhappy those who are unemployed see their wages decline almost a decade how good are the results she saw all of it during peaceful by the people gathered in which to watch the world get people to see what you are doing a choice that you can treat it be it will be she still plummers i mean to for legal. Challenge must be more than this she did not was always think they see something and not get it. While the same mission is still in place to one of the consequences to. Blue bird flu disputable who will first. It would. Be considered this is. Really quite acceptable to seduce the. College welcome to well to far off you are but not with it for centuries both russia and the United Kingdom struggle to find their relationship with Continental Europe over the last few years both seem to have decided to go their separate ways i mean both seem to be pulled back what does europe think of it and what is europe after all well to discuss that im now joined by julie on that the former Prime Minister of italy and now the countrys Constitutional Court in charge mr ma its great to talk to thank you very much for your time. Now about two years ago you wrote about how a dangerous Cultural Divide is now growing between russia and the west i wonder if your sense of concern has been allayed since then or has a on the contrary intensified well. I dont know whether it turns intensified the certainly it is still there and. The more i think of it the more it seems to me as sort of nonsense economic political and also historical in my view something has happened which we are responsible that has created again in this country in russia the sense of being surrounded by other we dont really want us i mean you as a partner is or allied but somehow that as a was saying are defending themselves against us now these goes back to the all the history you will know of this country and makes it acceptable to make it very clear and short in my view it was a mistake to bring nato they regularly to the border of russia well im sure many people in russia would agree agree with you on that point but i personally dont think thats the only point of contention here but i want to see something that you mentioned in that very same article the point that i havent heard anyone else make and that is that russias criticism toward western countries is similar to the gravitas that the jihadist movements a spouse towards the west what made you reach that conclusion you know. The fact that this identity tarion culture that is grueling again inside the russian saul brings itself a. Distance between yours. And our societies this distance is under the line and by sword to criticism that is similar to the criticism of mostly integra least people. The west with valueless societies the west materialistic the west against to the holy values around which a community is formed no these go. Behind the soldier in its in the holy notion of the mother russia. And it creates actually a distance this is something that they found the frightening because they diffusion of this kind of criticism really creates. A deep again but it made mr mudd if i may interject here i think this is a very interesting observation i think its also very true but i would point to what lies at the root of. Jihadist sentiment toward the west is not some cultural separation but primarily in this the sounds of and just as the sense of an indignity the bloodshed the suffering that western countries brought into meenie arab society im sure they were driven by good intentions there was always things that its doing the right thing but i think what matters to the afflicted country is not the intentions but the actual result dont you think that russia has the reason to be concerned at the same kind of do gooding would be visited upon it by the western countries im in i see an enormous difference here between the two situations. Are you wouldnt deepen these pull into much more the needed because if we saw of a problem. That exists between us nowadays and it is the ukrainian problem probably all of these differences can be watered down little by little re storing the common now bertie that existed years ago so i dont think that it is necessary really so you know all of us have a dark side the problem is whether we do things that are was to keep it compressed you mentioned the dark side and i have a lot of friends in the west who believe that russia needs to be saved from the thought that it is sad on spreading your words serve serve to be saved from our there exactly but what people in the west thing is that russia is trying to spread its vices you know corruption operatives and authoritarianism and what the west thinks of itself is that it is spreading its virtuous you know democracy his usual or a point this is not my but is that in the case in the craze of ukraine it is not so because it dont do it that well is resized because it is a result. Of that country is not good and is not. Protected by russia but the choice that was presented before the ukrainians was either you stay with this dark country to your east timor there russia which is forever doing to authoritarian join our you know western club and they are perfect not necessarily so it was simply you are here. The eastern prefer thirty thirty of the union you can join the union not necessarily can be here in the union though at the moment they would say take it easy. I want to song born i cant do anything because im only an old man. But i think that solving the problem we have with russia is a priority and reducing the pressure around its border is a priority but of course its in that tree russia has a responsibility now which is also International Law as you well know but i dont want to do the things in these terms simply let us take these idea of the ceasefire seriously this is do it but mr mayor i appreciate you mentioning International Law because i think its this question is absolutely central to the differences between the current challenges that in russia and the west because the law you know you may argue that the law International Law was transgressed in ukraine but it was also transgressed in libya it was also transgressed in iraq i think in syria nobody even pretense that it exists anymore and im sure as a constitutional lawyer this issue would be very near and dear to your heart of the law and not only as a mechanism of justice but as a mechanism of restraint how can we bring bags they respect to the International Law back into International Politics so this is a very good question and it implies i suppose this is my britain view should we europeans really adopt a common Foreign Policy im convinced that a common Foreign Policy would abide International Law much more easily as you well know the intervention in libya was designed to one place plus one European Countries not the European Union it could never have been a European Initiative but the italy still eagerly participated in it so it really perhaps would have done it either way its really. In a sort of the. Nadir bombing of tripoli or through the know it was a sort of third stage but in any event im not here to defend it

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