Our budget on health care and ten percent must go to health care when in fact only six percent actually so thats like theres a big disconnect and its not like military health care of these are the only things you know i mean whats really disturbing is the idea of what people thought we spent on veterans or for veterans they guess the Veterans Benefits would account for almost eleven percent. Of mandatory federal mandatory spending neither it has to go to matter what actually the only outside about four percent of the actual have it and it was an agriculture in transportation that kind of amazed me because this mandatory spending they doubled the amount we spend on agriculture and transportation so from agriculture they thought it was you know its from four percent to eight percent they thought it was a present only for transportation they thought it was at least six and its actually only two per cent and to sit back and wonder whats happened this is where its happened this is why but theyll tell you were spending all this money on health care where are. Spending how do you pay her to do we how would we pay our education how do we pay for heating and baltimore schools you know how why do you spend what america and the what the American People think. What were supposed to be spending and you know its interesting when we talked about that mandatory you know the mandatory spending side of the budget whats interesting about this particular survey is that the men and women surveyed actually believe the we should the late they think less money should be spent on Social Security and medicare yeah and they actually put more into veterans food agriculture and transportation because they think theyre important right you know which is interesting is this kind of like ok you know theres two things that were paying for for the future so starting medicare but today we need this thats kind of what you get from those services from this particular service like look its great that were saving but really i mean we spend a trillion dollars in federal management Social Security thats just to take care of people that are out and theyre coming for it now you can talk about republicans and others on the hill we need to dip into that we need to bring some of that back into the fold and cut into peoples Social Security or laced was the excuse let other people use it you know let them decide what they want to use of which is the most. Well there are laws in place to protect employees from harassment abuse of a company doesnt actually have someone on staff to ensure those laws are followed they could be in for a world of trouble in the reformation sparked by the me too movement foray into the news world the other sense that a child has discovered that multiple publication of the heart of harassment allegations have had no working Human Resources person or Department One former employee of the new republic told the intercept that staffers quote had no power no leverage to get it to stop no one to tell what was happening to and no reason to believe that they could speak out and still keep their jobs a Formation Institute not a Nation Institute employee told having imposed that abuse their quote all took place against a backdrop where there was no personnel handbook and no one in the h. R. Role. Finally sarah jaffe a former freelance reporter at alter net said she didnt remember quote ever getting a handbook or getting told where i should take complaints if i had any Board Members never interacted with any of us in a capacity of actually overseeing alternate so could it truly be as simple as having an h. R. Department well in a lot of ways it is managers cant simply interpret an official handbook any way they want which is where h. R. Becomes important for arbitration in the event of an issue arising and in the event of a complaint conflicts of interest can be avoided because im reality who do you complain to when your manager or boss acts in appropriately when the person everyone answers to is the perpetrator of that abuse which is why especially in the News Business the value of having proper Human Resources people or departments cant possibly of be overlooked as people finally refuse to be abused harassed or discriminated against in the workplace. You know. Theres its great you know people are sort of ask these questions and bringing these things up from people that have all of the entertainment business but this should be across the board not just a member of. The whatever you should have someone there. You know you have to have somebody whos outside of it and this is to protect companies and c. E. O. s as much as it is to protect your you know the guy in the mail room you need that i was already you need an honest broker for everyone because what happens when you try to sort of this is whats happened in these multiple organizations and weve seen it with like you said with harvey and everybody else its like is there or is there any of our department and is that is your department substantial enough substance have enough that they will take these complaints and actually deal with them having you know having worked at miramax back in the day i dont know that that you know theres this is where some of the issues are just because theres an h. R. Department doesnt mean that theyre doing their job correctly if you dont get me wrong just having one is a great you have to have somebody who is willing to say this is how this goes now one of the things you know even if someone is acting as an h. R. Person all along and this was the problem number of places at the new republic this is where they ran into an issue is they had somebody who was working another job as the h. R. Person and the problem was there was a number of those its an issue of trust so what happens here is you have a manager assigned to handle h. R. Complaints than most times the managers in this new republic just swept them under the rug made refused to take a formal complaint or would often retaliate against an employer you really didnt mean complaints so with everyone in a bad position because. Its something as a manager that seems totally fine isnt ok when youre in that job a major personal voice of right so this is what ive known tribe or an scheiber and Julie Cresswell had talked about this a little bit in New York Times of the piece in december and what they said which is quote a lack of trust manic. Thats itself it is a self perpetuating quandary women are hesitant to approach Human Resources departments and those departments cite the absence of complaints as proof of a respectful and for my entire career many times have i gone to an h. R. Department to complain about something they sort of do sleep it often happens and even a full on h. R. Department suites and under the bridge says its going to be harder for you and then you dont have any backup and eventually what you learn in this business as a woman as a. Woman. Or years old that i am that honestly i dont my first reaction is not to go to h. R. Its not to go to the authorities when something bad happens because theyre not going to believe. That this is the truth that i always feel every day things are not all that culture. How permissive the culture. Of what is and isnt acceptable or. Even from a male side looking at a work Entertainment Industry almost lol. And i can think off the top of my head like h. R. In a Production Company but i dont know how you feel youre like what that examine how can you know i dont sure does but like no one ever says this is where it is this is where you talk to infidelity is unnecessary you know you know how do you think you think. Theres this idea that business is a very different world that its you know the idea of even saying like that makes me uncomfortable if youre told to just suck it up right theres a certain amount of balance that has to be had in that and i think that were seeing now that were seeing the me too Movement Really take root its good that suddenly companies are asking which of you know how beefed up is our h. R. Department you know how independent are they how well do you know where do we stand on that and how do we move forward in a way thats not traditional because we clearly need something thats a little red and what we are not happy about the conversation started i like the conversation continues all right as we go to break watchers dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics you cover the facebook and twitter sphere both shows are key dot com coming up. Alan cooke updates us on f. C. C. Chairman oggi sun cancellation from the Consumer Electronics show and i guess why that arties latasha suite raises some important questions about the future of trade and travel United States state to watch. A play for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money killian erroneous and spending shouldnt twenty million one player. Its an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so will more chance with. The base this minute. In two thousand and sixteen the Panama Papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets to trillion United States dollars passed through most. In the amount of time that weve been in Panama Papers exposure thats what it shows a lot of money it really is. Journalism its an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. Millions of most like from psycho documents where examine. All the people which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of. Newspaper. And probably other politician which was tough attacking other politicians the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. And russian president Vladimir Putin of course. Oh my god ive had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things dont just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. The panama chronicles. Everybody im stephen ball. Task hollywood guy usual suspects every proud american first of all im just george bush and r. V. s to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different ive noticed. That one of the well you know we know that with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the brood have some fun every day. Americans. Really start to bridge the gap this is the great american. Way or in the world is. Yeah you heard that right the chairman of the actually see fein of the harlem shake and beloved savior of Internet Service providers nationwide the controversial occupant of a usually noncontroversial government post is missing in action at the Consumer Electronics show in las vegas where i was supposed to speak before a panel before withdrawing at the very last minute but no not because verizon forgot to dispatch their Corporate Jet for another obamacare regulation needed scrapping in d. C. The actual reason may unfortunately be much more sinister for some answers we were joined earlier from las vegas by collin cook host of the big picture. Column thank you for joining watching dogs from the Consumer Electronics show and all the big moves going in to this weeks you know c. E. O. s was on the f. C. C. Commissioner rajiv pis mysterious sudden interesting decision to back out of his planned appearance there what are you hearing why did he back out what are they saying on the ground there. Well he is a fan fave here and arrived extra early last year and i still got shut out it was standing room only so this was going to be a big deal and the chairman cancelled on fairly short notice after a reported Death Threats that are assumed to be because of him nixing Net Neutrality and i wish i could say we didnt see this comment but we saw the anger and the overwhelming public opposition to this change when he scotched Net Neutrality and i winced when i saw some of the p. R. That he put out you might have seen on you tube f. C. C. Chairman pie answers mean tweets and it was snarky and you may have seen around the time of the vote which was just before christmas of video he put out he was dressed up as a hip hop saddle hop an all around and frankly the decorum that you would expect from somebody whose first name is honorable when youre a president ial appointee seem to odds with the personality hes projecting and a little of that goes a long way this guy is the darling of the broadcast industry because hes deregulating right and left within the last several weeks alone they have undone what was called the main studio rule which required local broadcasters to wait for it broadcast locally now its going to be easier for radio stations to just pipe something in from the mothership in another time zone and then they on did the newspaper across ownership rule which seems tailor made for the mega merger of two Corporate Media baby mets right wing sinclair t. V. And Tribune BroadcastingCompany Since when was it the f. C. C. Hes business to ensure the health of newspapers and now comes this Net Neutrality thing so this is classic question more stuff and we saw the aheer of the protesters around Net Neutrality and this is why the chairman is under federal protection and we pray for the safety of his family but frankly mr chairman at your age great point great point its interesting you know when you see government doing something so wildly unpopular as not to you know rescinding Net Neutrality in taking that away and then you know tragically you see Death Threats you see this kind of you know scariness after words were you know it is a divisive issue but i think i really its likely i think more people are on the side of keeping Net Neutrality than not one of the thing i want to ask you is you know there on the ground in laws vagas one of the other potential big headlines coming out of c. E. O. s this week. Its everything here and curiously we are we the media are under strict instructions from the Consumer Electronics show not to utter the phrase Consumer Electronics show because theyre trying to shake the image of this as a gadget bazaar and that it is the exhibit hall is the size of a fifty foot ball fields several thousand companies are going to introduce tens of thousands of new products but think about life today you wouldnt dare leave the house without your smartphone we go Christmas Shopping on amazon we get our ride from president ial tweets and bitcoin are grabbing headlines every day so theres lots more to life and to what were seeing here in vegas this week then just gadgets although a product called pet q. Will allow your dog to face time you. Cant wait for that i really care where. That is where i call it Artificial Intelligence exit glad to have this law galant thank you so much for coming out and shared all thats going on out there and c. E. O. s you pat. I understand ok. But i guess for us every day and i still come to. Blows with my mother because i understand that youre worried about yourself or your family and go play any place where. You could still do it remote you could do it think about it. Like hey im going to be here in d. C. But i will transmit my miami to the interview that way people can hear. So we could have timed with everyone. Exactly good so i think its one of those things if you want to be the big man on campus if you want to be the one with the videos in the viral and everybody think youre cool then dont go running the minute someone you know im sorry but there are many people in this business and in your job that get death. Threats. Like everyone here and every news station or if youre a woman on the internet and the fact that his whole thing is im too scared to go but to not speak at all means it wasnt about safety because like you said he could have and he needs they he he needs to go out there thats a responsibility everyone there is why we. Depend on the f. C. C. And what happens there if you cannot face the Consumer Electronics show if you cannot face the business thats part of the idea of making hard decisions is that when you make a decision or wildly unpopular you have to stand up and account for that decision you know and thats the problem most politicians none of them want to you always see the come out like sidestep well i made this decision but ill blame somebody else for making me do it or i wont ever talk about that or ill answer the question ill give you an answer to a question that you didnt actually ask me ridiculous. In many countries around the world the trading system is a source of National Pride and somehow not a source of tragic monthly headlines but alas we are not. So fortunate here in the United States leaving Many Americans to question why we cant have the luxury of europes cheap reliable Train Service to the lightning fast bullet trains of japan because our american viewers are likely to know we are much more likely to experience a two hour delay or an inexplicable to rail and before we actually experience getting to work on time parties natasha sweet takes an indepth look at just how significantly this lack of development of facts our nations larger economy. Now in a larger urban areas of life we all come across access to Passenger Rail systems and some cities column metros others call it a subway and even a trolley and while it does have its benefits like bypassing bumper to bumper traffic it seems as though the vast majority of people still enjoy getting around in their own cars. Busy highways and intersections or a trademark for some of the major metropolitan areas if youre living in New York Los AngelesSan Francisco congestion on the roads is something youve likely already come to terms with. But it doesnt make it any easier and ideas to fix the problem like the high speed rail in california or the metro connecting baltimore to d. C. Are entice enough for many commuters if you recall back in prior to war two the us had a fairly robust Passenger Rail system across the country. But postwar to this when things really changed jamie finch former director of government public and Family Affairs for the National Transportation safety board remembers that World War Two devastated europes infrastructure to rebuild they hardly invested in rail but that wasnt the case for the u. S. Even though the u. S. Had a fairly robust Passenger Rail system prior twelve were to president eisenhower took notice of the autobahn the German Government built it benefited the country both economically and defensively he brought up. So many people into middle class it created jobs at several levels not just manufacturing but also car parts make notes and selling which of course impacted the economy a great deal the Auto Industry exploded and changed the culture of driving in the u. S. Economy travels all that know the americans love for their cars and their own sense of independence while americans do love their independence solutions to the endless traffic jams are on the minds of many. Californians high speed rail was approved by voters in two thousand and eight sixty four Million Dollar plan will bring in hundred miles of track stepping down the golden state if guns dont dry up and construction remains on schedule the trains first phase will be completed by twenty twenty nine but finch questions if this master plan is in californias best interest financially i would hate to see. This huge amount of investment going toward something that is just going to prove to be a. Social experiment. Its billions and billions of dollars that it will take to build but on the east coast offense questions why there arent more connections for places like pittsburgh philadelphia to d. C. Maryland lawmakers just oppose a high speed rail route which would make the trek from baltimore to d. C. Only fifteen minutes lawmakers cited the amtrak as being too disruptive to communities but finch isnt convinced they do bring their own economic benefit to that community with the gas stations and other services in a restaurant and so on you know when someone takes an exit but if more Passenger Rails are going to be built safety and proper maintenance have to be a top priority according to finch that medically what are you reporting i am right. Now. Investigators concluded that the real mention Washington State last month was a result of the train speeding nearly fifty miles. Over the speed limit as technology continually advances investigators are looking into the options of controlling the speed of trains remotely regardless of advancement for instance without proper investment safety cannot be guaranteed by the board. To fix it for those shortfalls now some question the need for these Passenger Rail systems as of right programs like uber left are also Cost Effective however the issue of traffic still remains in los angeles untouched suites our team. When corporate plunder and brazen lawlessness are sadly nothing to even bat an eye at it takes a lot for a simple heist to make worldwide headlines but it did and thats exactly what an ambitious burglar accomplished in denmark infiltrating a chic cocktail bar at night and taking off with a single bottle of vodka its price tag and the eye popping one point three Million Dollars was justified by the bottles thirteen pounds of gold and Silver Diamond the winding and original one nine hundred twelve race ribbon commemorating a monte carlo grand prix victory but fear not because in just days the thief lost his mojo leaving the bottle less alcoholic content dented and bruised but easily find a ball in the midst of a pause copenhagen neighborhood and as with everything miss these days the quick resolution to this alcoholic caper did not come without a little russian collusion with this directing with theyve got cold feet after hearing that big bottles russian owner famous for outfitting the worlds rich and paranoid with gold plated armored trucks was apparently to dispatch a search party of his own gold plated armored trucks but how was the vodka that im sure i want to go home with and just only in matters im going out all over that one point three Million Dollar hangover if you drink a bottle so well you just slam a bottle by yourself you know you will go up a little sore i can do that for thirty bucks at home but i got it with the. With their Million Dollar going over that you didnt even have to pay for dont steal people dont sail delta logica thats not right that is are so predebate remember everyone in the world were about told that we all love so i tell you all i love you i am tired old winter and on top of the long lists keep on watching those hawks have a great day. Thanks guys are playing the Survival Guide book stacie just like all the stored safely at pebble resurfaced. Be sure its still there are you going to get it back. Oh heck no this is a repatriation scheme look at the rest in seven years. Bill of the century was kaiser report. The two thousand and eight economic crisis turns some countries into pigs these are the countries with we Korea Companies that needed austerity policies if you are in a situation of low bloat even the recession austerity is a very bad idea it doesnt work and it makes millions of people very unhappy those who are unemployed see their wages decline after almost a decade how good are the results she saw all of the new york citys welcome by the people gathered it was the water of good people with your daughter julie. Who created beautiful blue she ate at the thought it was i mean if a legal. Challenge nothing more than this she was always think its the family and not getting paid why are the same measures still in place to one of the consequences to weaken blue bird flu. Will first one of the suits the truth be considered is the consequences are actually quite acceptable to the decision makers. In the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. To prosecute these forms all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i kept boards and sold inside this warehouse thats where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet but also discreet because they concern fraud. Some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these. Secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport. Youll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the worlds black box of the art business. Unfortunately it appears that once people learn that youve reported a Sexual Assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared of you instead of being scared of the perpetrator. I think. I. Was. Lucky. I. Know korea and south korea hold high level talks for the first time in two years raising hopes of a postable diplomatic breakthrough over the crisis surrounding the peninsula. And the launch of a state of the on space to exploit his classified u. S. Governments not to like hes to speculation about whether it made it into space with none of the usual information released. Hundreds of people have been protesting in the spanish capital against the governments decision to house refugees in a regional jail