Reveals the u. S. Led operation to liberate the iraqi city of mosul from islamic states may have led to ten times more civilian deaths than was initially claimed. The life from a snowy moscow. Today thanks so much for joining us here on r. T. International. Well top of the headlines tension over jerusalem dominate the news this week on thursday the u. S. Was strongly rebuked by members of the United Nations over its unilateral recognition of the city as israels capital one hundred twenty eight states rejected President Trump starts on the divided city thats despite pressure and threats from u. S. Officials. When we make a decision about where to locate our embassy we dont expect those weve helped to target as on thursday theyll be a vote criticizing our choice the us will be taking names. They take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us while were watching those votes let a vote against us will save a lot. Of those in favor of the draft resolution please raise your hand. For. Those against. Four team foods in favor one vote against the United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation america will put our embassy in jerusalem no vote in the United Nations will make any difference somebody will now take a decision. The use of the veto obstructed the Security Council and made unable to perform his duties and do decades or work of the International Community it is considered a blatant violation of the rights of Palestinian People it must be resolved through negotiation between the two parties are un members very threatened all the other members this is bullying and this john boehner will not bow to the without. Thank. You or even countries that often disagree on the major issues joined voices to condemn the u. S. Move on jerusalem rivals such as saudi arabia and the rod as well as india and pakistan came together at the General Assembly some of the political experts we heard from so americas allegedly bullying tactics undermine the United Nations think its unfortunate that the United States finds itself under this kind of leadership which is undermining the standing of this country internationally if countries acquiesce to the us and if they accept being punching bag for the American Administration and voting in accordance with directives from nikki haley then whats the point of having the United Nations i think we all know. A new era in which a major. Resort to blackmail and bribery and order to secure votes in the General Assembly but this is the first occasion on which the state to create a major. Member of the Security Council has resorted to such midgets i do think that it will be good to or believe the United States will to carry through threats of this kind because theyre called indicator states in future situations or gives a greater gauge the United States they do so wrong. Still being felt in the palestinian territories with clashes in gaza and the west bank as well for a third week in a row. Love of. God. Was that i thought it was. God. Was your. Reports now from our middle east correspondent paula slayer issues in the west bank and gaza journalist and dari both have seen just how tense things there have been. The situation here is extremely was home. To chris because hes been running down the road now and. Holders have made their way to the right in see them off my last time a final someone a third one firing tear gas and everybodys been running amok the streets are rich and. The soldiers are just one thing i think yes thats. All the way into the pit. You can hear the ambulances so they certainly will be the ships crew has been in. And at the same time were just going by coming over to the back of the posse from here exactly what. Weve taken proper weve taken cover in a in a petrol station. Coming into a situation where informants how can a man who often pick. Up and. Were standing right over here you can see that theres a number of injured people you can see the incense are carrying people with them you can see the israeli tanks that which in the last few minutes just made their way from up the road to emmaus into the precinct also from but they really have come all the way in now so. Now. That. Todays day of rage that has been called for by various palestinian factions is well and truly underway there are youngsters whove been here for the better part of the last hour who feel hurling rocks and pavements at these waiting soldiers whose slowly been inching their way closer theyve been filing tear gas in the stomach cell is still quite a strong smell of tear gas that is hanging over us. The protesters and demonstrators come here today for the third friday raids and this friday was different other than the two fridays people were very close to the fence this time and we kids are very important leader active and polluted shins and activist joining the civilians during the protests as you see there are at least five ambulances waiting for any injury and ready to pick them up there are still hundreds of protesters as you can hear we can hear live bullets i think there is another another injury right now and theyre actually throwing gas bombs on the demonstrators as you can see despite all of the by bullets despite all the gas bombs despite all of the rebel berlitz by listening protesters what theyre ingalls are the west bank already chosen in our separate testing are still demonstrating people are certain expressions their anger. To prosecute spurious johnson has visited moscow for the first time in his role as britains foreign secretary the trip comes with relations between the two countries looking strained but franco was following johnsons meeting with his russian counterpart. Well we hadnt seen a u. K. Foreign secretary in moscow for five years and i can tell you that i hadnt seen such a remarkable press conference at the Foreign Ministry villa behind me for a long time there were many jokes many ways to poke each other not necessarily in a bad way after listing all the essential topics that are usual for such talks ranging from north korea to Ukraine Russia and the theories that it meddled and the votes all around the world and the u. K. As well came up once before just to remind you the foreign secretary Boris Johnson said that he hadnt seen any evidence of russian interference he even used the words not a sausage well mr johnson seems to have changed his mind today he said that he hadnt seen any evidence of successful attempts to interfere and i asked Boris Johnson to elaborate on that a little bit there was last on the free abundant evidence of russian interference in the elections in. Germany. From. America but as i say there is militants of any successful russian into theories. In the u. K. Other highlights of the press conference included Boris Johnson speaking russian a few times saying that he has committed to fall in response to another question by me the u. K. Foreign secretary confirmed that once he was in tehran a couple of weeks ago he visited the Russian Embassy secretly to see the venue of the famous tehran conference during the Second World War he was also asked about moscow travel advice that he received from one of the british m. P. s which included warnings about drinking challenge game. And honey traps many other things so the question was about trust and the question was about whether he had encountered any of these threats so far in the russian capital. You know i want you to know its a measure of my of my trust. To students i go to into this excellent for a loose try mediately handed my coat my hand my gloves. Everything that was in my pocket secret or otherwise to Sergei Lavrov in the knowledge that he would look after it. Would come to to no harm more than just a few times Boris Johnson reminded of the differences in the views that london and moscow have on various International Issues it seemed that he really felt it was essential to keep talking about this every time he said something positive about russia but at the end of the day the common message was from both top diplomats that dialogue needs to prevail. I was hearing the joint News Conference with foreign minister lavrov Boris Johnson also tried out a little bit of russian. Im i am in a rush to find. A date committee. A diplomatic relationship that is four hundred fifty years old and dates from the time when Queen Elizabeth sent an envoy to ivan the terrible right in the fall. Im certain that im the first foreign secretary in the history of my office to be called boris. Russian customers as i said earlier on of buying loads more british things fruit from kettle crisps to please. Somebody has just given me a pad for the for the wrong the solution is a puzzle that you get i guess thats the fs the. Best so when it comes to trust our trust poorest and trust him so much im ready to call in the forest nobodys going. To buy these. Thank you very much so get your generosity to your hospitality and welcoming me in my teeth today specifically. Well the British Foreign secretary also visited Rhodes Square as well as seeing central moscows most famous landmarks he and his team laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier thats a Second World War memorial next to the kremlin during the war britain and the soviet union force alongside each other against nazi germany writes of them broadcaster mary matters f. Q. Thinks johnsons visit will bring positive results but this could take some time. And you can see maybe some glimmer of hope on the horizon just in terms of the sort of growing report that there seem to be at that meeting between Boris Johnson and Sergei Lavrov but i also think that anything that is anything positive thats going to come out of that meeting seriously positive will only emerge in time i think Boris Johnson is going to come back to london hes going to say you know i really put it to the russians i didnt give an inch. And then be with time that well see maybe those least another visit maybe well have a reciprocal visit and maybe just maybe things will start to unfreeze but then you know im an optimist and were coming up to new year so heres hoping. Coming up the deposed former president. Of the. Majority. More after the break. Everybody im stephen. Proud american under george bush and. This is my buddy. Financial guru just a little bit different. With all the drama happening in our country. Every day americans. To bridge the gap this is the Great American to. Welcome back to the weekly dependence policies in the spanish region of secured a majority. Of the Central Government in madrid which had hoped to diffuse the independence crisis having. Referendum local leaders allowed the deposed president is hailing another victory. I want to congratulate the catalan people because they have sent a message to the world that catalan republic has beaten the monarchy and article one fifty five the spanish they has been beaten. So i think youre right we saw. The next morning that many of these more men. I lets take a look at how the results are reflected in the castle and parliament as you can see prone opponents parties took seventy out of the one hundred thirty five Seats Available the problem unionists Citizens Party at the top there fifty seven seats they actually won the election by a small margin in terms of vote share its not enough though to form a coalition capable of taking power and the results left the spanish Prime Minister clearly disappointed last get those who want to ensure you didnt get enough to carry into the open you know who are at least on the not come from two shouldnt quote were still think its a lunatic or about or back in october madrids rejection of the referendum was not only characterized by a political pressure also by use of police force against the voters up to a thousand people were injured. Oh good people and i think this is not the first people to be hurt and taken from here by hunger so i think from the early hours of the morning it seems like the madrid government and the madrid media. Tools in their tool box theyve used violence used media demonisation they tried to cover yellow trying to go after the kind. Of us t. V. Station simply calling people. Calling the president a president acts i dont and i dont know what other tools they have left just by trying to use all of these tools dependent to say what to do extraordinary wrong to democracy i. The u. S. Led operation to liberate the iraqi city of mosul from our soul may have killed ten times more civilians than previously thought thats according to research by the Associated Press the agency obtained data from our argue morgues and n. G. O. S it says as many as eleven thousand civilians may have died during the operation in a third of those were said to have died because of bombing the coalition acknowledges three hundred twenty six civilian deaths a most international has joined calls to investigate the campaign and for the true cost in deaths to be revealed our correspondent what i was in the city during and after the operation. To see that prices bodycount surprise anyone whos actually been to mosul and who has seen what has happened to the city you can also. Argue that the death count that theyve given become outdated already hours after they released their report we got a call from mosul from rescuers there saying that three more children had been killed when an explosive device buried in the wreckage of a house that they were paying on dead today to ease explosions happen almost every day rescuers tell us and this is a direct consequence of the battle of mosul itself nevertheless e. P. A. s body count is a semi official milestone in the in and of itself because the numbers we previously had from official sources from the Us Led Coalition in iraq east even the u. N. Was a tenth of that barely a thousand civilians and unrealistic numbers the Associated Press found that three to four thousand of those civilians killed in mosul died to ash strikes carried out by the u. S. Led coalition and the Iraqi Air Force the u. S. Led coalition had previously claimed responsibility for no more than three hundred or so civilian deaths saying that it didnt have the resources to send investigators to look at every reported incident see the press didnt Police Numbers out of a hat they cited various human rights agencies as well as an official body count accounts that monitored events in mosul as well as with tip offs from iraq he moves but as i say this number is unsurprising if youve been to move slowly and see the city of his be tended to injuries and corpses. This is the reality of war what you likely havent heard of is the smell its noisy aging repulsive and its everywhere the sort of smell that makes us. Sick the smell of rotting. Bodies this is what rescuers have collected just this morning three suspected isis fighters two women and two children. Thats an iraqi. Launching missiles. At isis targets in and you can hear isis small arms fire that targeting the helicopter went. Over there six seven hundred meters away the aftermath of. That hit minutes ago just before we got here this was a city of two million that had been. Annihilated during the nine months of the battle of mosul the rescue as we talk to tell us that the city the city the old city of mosul that bore the brunt of the fighting in the devastation its still reeks of decaying bodies thousands and thousands of corpses still buried under rubble mixed with them or explosive devices that continue to claim peoples lives. Here on our teams national my colleagues and your tutor will be with you next hour. As a civilization just a tiny bit more advanced than we are that they can already pick up Jerry Springer or any other sit coms interview shows the nightly news they see what were doing to our planet you know it isnt really a very pretty picture and so in addition to sending this chaotic messages that we use to communicate with one another we want to send a clear signal to the extraterrestrial that theres also some rationality on the world. Russianness leads to film showing olympics remains controversial what awaits the olympians in sales korea and more important what awaits them after the good times. Previously on the Great American pilgrimage specific to texas please dont think everythings going to be fine there are people in need. Tell me about dashon charity when the storm hit i decided to focus funds to the hurricane would be prepared what youre about to see. Hey everybody im Stephen Baldwin gosh i want to ask hollywood guy itll suspects every proud american first of all im just George Washington and r. V. s to see just uncle steve to try to be quiet because this is my buddy max famous financial guru and well just a little bit different. And i know that there well you know we know the last but not least my larger than life. The night an aspiring star rio. With all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have fun. Meet everyday americans. And whats america. Suffered the most insane how things got so crazy i was naked to keep my finger on hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the Great American pill which. Stephen to max continued their pilgrimage to texas. And theyve teamed up with danny from the crypto show to further learn how dash is helping to bring some relief to those affected by Hurricane Harvey and the floods that followed. Somethings going to remove. Something from some of the. Stuff that was underwater. Saying its. Water some. We want to. As our heroes make their way through the afternoon they had to meet with the family that survived the hurricane but its still a little help. Our heroes are also joined by allie a friend of the show and fellow pilgrim im actually ok allie i see even higher only these are my friends amy and jacob are you ok amy steven jacob jacob. Cerebrum no max i am going to get any i take it i mean these are cup my friends were all working together on the Great American pilgrimage. Im from new york. Were on the Great American pilgrimage you know and destined for cash is one of our sponsors but really friends because they share the same heart we do which is wanting to be in the business of impacting or connecting with folks so thats why were here today. When it first started is rolling through Corpus Christi and sending tony over and over here would still bed yet you know were still trying to get through our heads on in between shifts not certain if were going to be working and i had gone back up to the shop that day and as i was coming back the by you down the road i guess its about two miles back to the east started coming over the highway and we decided that we dont try to hunker down and we didnt know the water was coming but we could see more rain than usual settling here where its never flooded in that area before so we were just kind of like oh itll get maybe to the porch but its probably not going to get in the house were going to be ok it wasnt till like one in the morning the water had risen up to the floor of the house. They were coming by on here about marking peoples houses. With red x. Saying you know you gotta get out there opening up the dams you think the waters high now its going to get worse there were helicopters flying overhead we didnt have any sewer we didnt have any water you were having to use garbage bags and then dispose of it i was just i was panicking and you know it was like only going to the secure place you have your family became a house of horrors. I think we were in disbelief when we heard the back porch detach and quite often in the back trees there was a current going and we were like oh we better get

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