Prevent crime while this is obviously part of a Dystopian Nightmare where robo cop you have autonomous robots and machines and drones targeting human beings economically theyre not participating in the grid they havent purchased anything in six hours therefore they must be almost therefore they must be killed and swept up into an open pit lighter fluid doused on them set a fire and whats great is that these new autonomous robots will probably be all jacked up with Face Recognition Technology and all kinds of databases so they just come up to be like hey bob. We notice you havent bought anything in your credit card in over fourteen hours so youre no longer used to society and then they put a hypodermic needle into they inject him with cyanide and they sweep this mess where are whoa whoa whoa Merry Christmas emphasis on green so i think green is people so of course. They do have all our tracking devices in our smartphones are keeping gas where you fall maybe thats why they dont want to go on the streets but in terms of this canine robot when our robot overlords become more advanced this ones not quite advanced because it was deterred show you the interesting Merry Christmas story here is that the canine robot circling the San Francisco p. C. A. Has drawn mixed responses within the first week of the robots appointment some people who are setting up a homeless encampment nearby allegedly quote put a tarp over it knocked it over and put Barbecue Sauce on all the sensors according to Jennifer Scarlett the president of the s. P. C. As a writer they are damaging corporate property which is becoming a felony so then the next with the flying robot was moved in and the flying armada of tanks moves and the aerial bombardment of hell fire missiles is targeting remember its all about homo says because there is no such thing as home i mean were all on planet earth we all share the same home its about commerciality if youre not if youre not using your credit card thats defined as quote unquote homelessness and youre no longer used to society youre not putting yourself into debt if youre growing your own food if youre sustainable in any way you are targeted for death this is the new eugenics slash fascism which is coming out of the global elites in order to keep their sidewalks clear so that may better access their. You know castles made from all the ill gotten gains that theyve stripped out of the economy over the last thirty years thanks to a corrupt fed and Central Bank Policy ok so now were moving on from magical thinking to on real thinking our own real reality and that is. Is this city and alaska is warming so fast algorithms removed the data because it seemed unreal last week scientists were pulling together the latest data for a no was monthly report on the climate when they noticed something strange one of their key climate monitoring stations had fallen off the map all of the data for barrow alaska the northernmost city in the United States was missing and this was because the temperature in barrow was rising so fast that the data was automatically flagged as real and removed from the climate database it was done by algorithms that were put in place to ensure that only the best data gets included and no as reports there handy to keep the data sets clean but this kind of Quality Control algorithm is only good in average situations with no outliers the Current Situation in barrow alaska however is anything but average an algorithm is white this town off the map off the data doesnt exist. This of course could help many people would like to deny. That there is no warming in alaska even though you can see we all saw the video of the polar bear starving to death right before christmas we also can see even from the photo in this article that barrel aska has no snow its no less and its the northern west town in america where you can you can deny reality all you want and it seems the algorithms i will help you maybe they dont want you to do anything to fix it maybe because these robot overlords want to take over in the first story we have robots that can drive away the homeless so you can pretend that there are no homeless that there is no poverty created by Silicon Valley and blah blah blah well its the equivalent of a donek adjustments you know in economics when the government doesnt want to pay any more to Social Security recipients than they can or they dont want to pay the cost of living adjustments so they change the way they calculate inflation by substituting whats a steak for a hamburger is a classic example lets call it donagh adjustment and then they look at that data they say see inflation is not. Accelerating so were not going to raise rates were not going to have to pay any more money out for a cost of living because there is no cost of living increase you see thats what the data tells us so here youve got manmade Global Warming incinerating planet earth and causing an eco hole a cost but the corporations feel like you know what that might cost us a penny at the end of the year so we do have donek adjustment to our algorithm it will take out the city of alaska that would flag us to take action appropriate for survival of the species and were going to instead rely on our Balance Sheet and our algorithm like im going to g. P. S. Monitoring a car thats pointing over a cliff theyre saying i dont care if the cliff is there my algorithm says its not there so i keep driving im going to a film and always going to go right over the cliff because after the data tells me im now flaming ball of wreckage at the bottom of the canyon im dead im incinerated im cooked but you know what i did it because yeah for the algorithm i salute the algorithm to heck with america jack with people to act with symbols. Numbers are my god numbers are the key i support the numbers even if it kills me as we established at the top of the show santa claus is real a lot of people think its magical thinking but he is up in the Arctic Circle so there could be a real world consequence of this absence of snow up a parallel aska is that he might not know its christmas because he assumes you know once the snow comes thats when all my little helpers comedy and i put together all the packages of our christmas presents on the back of the sleigh and then rudolph you know flies us around the world back in just but he doesnt see the snow we might not get our presents well rudolph is transitioning this year. Becoming a different species well you better not become a polar bear this is not good for them though a red nose to help santa through the storm because there is no storm there is no christmas. Just a grinch a great range of cars if you are on the great kaiser board theres going to be no christmas this year has been cancelled and then finally heres another fantasy i guess it looks like that oh susan whoville going to be torched all this so the lorax is gone all these robots and algorithms taking over of course apparently they also need to be entertained and amuse just like humans algorithms oh may i artificially to be out of the chamber robots well thats what this next headline suggests heres what happens if you let a whimsical robot write the next harry potter chapter watch out writers Artificial Intelligence is coming for our jobs just take a look at this chapter of harry potter fan fiction the robot called it harry potter and the portrait of what looked like a large pile of ashes is a three page after of literature produced by an algorithm trained by bought an exterior on the meat of rallies expanse of magical universe as an author assistant predictive text document creator jamie brew and other writers helped nudge the. Algorithm in the right direction the result is just as weird and uncomfortably for some of us readable as you might expect filled with the characters and whimsical vocabulary notable to routing the logical plot however is not as great a strain so it does like come up with a whole bunch of bizarre sentences and realities a world we might be replaced you know by now is it all this is the way im doris you know and naked lunch and other classic texts i think he was stoned right there dont be a crisis he was on heroin. You know ripping apart of pages and counting them and rearranging them in the collage technique of literature and the fantastical nature of his otherworldly. Science fiction informing us about the future that it would be without any connection to what we would identify as human species as weve become cyborgs and its going to be harry potter and the flaming train wreck as the future comes out as breakneck speed and just plows over everybody with teacher istic police bots injecting cyanide into our children and processing them for frozen food you have fetuses armed with guns shooting at people so that theyre not aborted theyre going to actually shoot people trying to abort them with gun wielding fetuses thats going to happen in twenty eighteen i predict. Well Merry Christmas everybody out there. Also due for the second half a whole lot more coming your way. About it under the rhythm i did but thats not a. Listen to soul by k. No me you must be still a lot. Of. The guys in the room assuming the women are funny to the left of the number of people that do something. And then a morsel of. Something as. Would condemn. Them some listeners. Somehow must post something so awful and they got. No other. Russian athletes taking. A live picture remains controversial what awaits the olympians in sales korea and more important what awaits them after they get. Los angeles the city of luxury and fame but also an Alarming Number of People Living in the streets. The simple fact in l. A. Is theres a. Not in a shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in theres nowhere to come in its been a struggle. This man phoned his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. You know having Something Like this may as well be a castle to the authorities accept such solution. On a city parking space is not a solution. To someone monitoring the site otherwise it will be a free for all there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. Hey welcome back to the kaiser report i macs guys are time now to continue our conversation jim records author and now hes a big data guy and it wasnt just now big data welcome back thank you max just to wrap up from our previous conversation you know you he went to the Intelligence Community and he said hey you know the markets theyre off a lot of data and if you know how to read it correctly it helps you know predict the future or as you would say wall street discount the future and then you read a lot more data and you come up with this in your america and you are the chief global strategist there and Artificial Intelligence wouldnt touch on that at all and so does that a key part of the product as such right this is actually where the quote Artificial Intelligence is really third wave so first the first wave is sort of you know big data second wave was Machine Learning so that the machine with conclusions which would then it would simply put it back into the room so now the machines teaching it so third wave is external inputs from Something Like watson there are other machines are kind of to read plain language so you know every every ten q a. You know ten ks footnotes hundreds of millions of pages of information you can read a lot more than any of this or all wall street combined could do for meaning were working with a finnish team of cognitive scientists linguists to to advance this to the or in terms of word identification like i could write code this is no way for macs and cars are in the same sense as probably you ok but you can get way more sophisticated in that were doing all of that. Is there a risk i just saw a video on china you know they had their. Remarkable data gathering ability. They are essentially surveying the entire population. They People Living there have given up the notion of privacy more or less just said you know were going to. Privacy completely to the state and. Is this a risk in other words youre in the Intelligence Community youre looking for attack vector youre looking to keep everybody safe from the trade off is that you put in a lot of data and there its coming from a lot of sources social media obviously were people are pouring in their lives into social media and you know how much privacy factor how do you weigh in on that is it or is it the same world that we lived in thirty or forty years ago is the world changed or are these things still valuable its absolutely changed radically its not the same where we lived and thirty years ago it is in some ways the human nature doesnt judge human nature hasnt changed in fifty thousand years were were base of the ice age k. People could digression but if so many machines are imploding the data arent we in fact leaving kind of a human based. Society and moving more toward a machine basis idealizations are informing the data and then the data is making decisions based on the machines who are then taking that data and acting out their machine worlds and then it goes in this Loop Feedback loop of machines to machines are we advocating our humanity here a big guy and the whole you know your heart you know youre a christian you know youre a big fan of jesus you know this is this seems like were forsaking our humanity for the for the mark of the beast this is the devil jim are you are you caving in to the devil came into the devil but i think youre on to something your description of this and this were a curse word because the singularity is the merger of man and machine so you know this is protrade in the blade runner of twenty forty nine which i saw those great move by the way everyone hated it i just i love i love three hour movies where nothing happens i was kind of but it was it was very very deep in the you know thats where were merger now were. In the Government Small Business of course but the private part of it from you know the google face but we dont know who they are yahoo and amazon and all that. And there was did money like crazy and you know on the books about a lot of books you know buy a book and says oh you bought this one might want to buy this one so well often its you know thats interesting and maybe i will buy it so theyre obviously on the something privacys gone you know you ok so just to stick with just a facade otherwise the question was one of privacy and you have a feeling there is a privacy has gone wrecked and you feel comfortable with that and no i dont and im acknowledging your point i buy that the trade off for security is privacy in other words if i felt like i would be surveyed last in another nine eleven what happened im since im a new yorker i say i dont give up i dont care let another nine eleven happened because you know stuff happens big big deal you know i dont get it i dont understand of that huge response to nine eleven to begin to use ears which i was may i was i would not care if the n. S. A. Surveyed everything i do they dont actually do that but they you know they they suck up a lot of method data we are i wouldnt really care about that if i had confidence that it was only being used for National Security purposes but i dont we saw during the Obama Administration with you know lois lerner surveillance the tea party and prosecutions general petraeus International Says im not saying that they both pleaded guilty or must and they do anything wrong im saying they were singled out for political reasons theres a lot of that so i have no confidence that while the government collecting the data ostensibly for National Security purposes all it takes is somebody like obama and Valerie Jarrett to target you and then all of a sudden thats a whole different world so thats troubling to me the other thing i think were people can resort selfhelp this stuff is addictive and thats you know its just very basic biochemistry so you know why are people there to her long as it feels good well thats you know endorphins and things well those indoor friends are triggered by a lot of things other than drugs and there are sex addicts their alcohol addicts are gambling addicts there are many many kinds of behavior that are all addictive that same biochemistry or its pretty clear at this point that the whole thing the thing in your hand so ive started just you know i go out leave my cell phone home you know just try doing that more and more by social media. They were against a higher touches on the same and the art of this is right i think so somewhere it is addictive in that we would think that its the devices themselves back to who for most people see Marshall Mcluhans of the medium is the message it wasnt so much the content was the medium that you were getting a through some of the new york. Can down here to the studio today and i have myself in my pocket was often turned on later but if its working well he was you know you all know it my talk to bridger i recall of the blue faces poor people in the back of the car in the row center of the screens in their faces or blue in the dark with an auto show that understood so so youre youve opened up a thought here the where you have your conflicted your so you feel a bit conflicted about all this others if the dividing line for you is that the data has to be safe and used for the say National Strategic interests sure ok but you know that the data gets hacked all data gets hacked right we havent seen a database not get hacked the government database has to know that youre going to be on your own obama say targeting folks i mean obviously thats clearly a dictatorial breach of the constitution to act. With as bad but there but the data gets hacked all the time so how do you resolve that conflict over do you feel comfortable that your work which is heavily dependent on data surveillance in the end youve given up on privacy and you have admitted that this is seemingly like with the work of the devil how do you use your own records you know what were what institution in America Today do you trust in other words you trust the system and you can say you know what all the stuff troubles me but i know that x. Is unimpeachable and im and i salute the flag to that what is that institutional im a member of the most countercultural organisation on earth which is the Catholic Church were so out of fashion with the conventional wisdom so thats thats an institution i trust but getting back to my work versus the work of the n. S. A. Were using complete. Open source data so were we buy a price free from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in your star anybody can do outside free but anybody can get that information you know twitter is out there if i you know i use twitter a lot i have an open twitter account you dont have to belong to twitter to be my counsel i choose to put that information out there and so do hundreds of millions of other people so thats really where the process is our enemies are traveling to you know they are you can be programmed to make money on wall street you know they pick a price and then they do the trades and meet that price sure they manipulate markets so it will go the algorithms can be used to manipulate social behavior you know facebook card manipulating social behavior i was in this way absolutely right so youre right youre developing a little more sophisticated weaponized version of this with this product in fact getting into some more trouble were doing something very specific which is you know im going to whether its going to be tomorrow dance or whether its going to be in six months where the feds going to do in six months you know how the economy is going to do those are were sort of along or kind of intermediates a longer range Predictive Analytics and Capital Markets were not trying to sell you a book were not trying to you know we offer this to us to let us serve actor you say oh theres a bomb coming in from jihadi ok we predict it so were going to drown them yeah ok does the database say wow you know we invaded their country a few years ago to take all their oil and resources and were addicted out of control empire and work murdering people for money this is the model suggest that maybe the actions of the u. S. Military should be curbed in that sense and maybe there should be a more comprehensive Foreign Policy that doesnt prize a genocide in this way but ok so were not policymakers cant tell the pentagon what is in the data if the data is blind and it just looks at specific outcomes youre facilitating and exacerbating a failed policy and you making death for a higher a norm normalising and one thing we dont do is get our Blood Pressure of were analysts we get that we get the information we do we do consider geopolitics additional capital. Markets i cant tell Rex Tillerson what to do in north korea cant tell general mattis was doing korea but we can analyze it using a basis to this is a priority hypothesis but the probability war in north korea we update the probability all the time actually within the last twenty four hours my probability were going to korea which was seventy percent went down a little bit i extended the timeline i had before the end of march now coming out to summer based on some things that Rex Tillerson said yesterday to an account so thats an example of good days in updating dont get married to a particular conclusion but increase or decrease the probabilities based on income do so we do analyze it we do advise clients as to know what we see coming but we dont change the outcome im not something that im not pushing the chairs on a drone missile sometimes we get a rent a car we did the geo locating system i never gives out working and i says drive into that brick wall but i dont drive into the rehearsal i override this is this happened to me recently i was with my wife we were in australia we were in the outback we had the dry river a break and i sky could have been nicer but he had one of those g. P. S. Kind of things were driving all the sudden he turns off the main highway were going to dirt road and then gets on the tertiary road and im like is this guy going to take it somewhere or turn around shooting some mob decide whats going on or seem like a nice guy he gets to offensive. Things as i can keep going but i can hear the turnaround in the way all of us might so it would your right but i never do i use maps im actually a little youre not hearing. My point is i want to cut on a couple of things here on the kaiser four years ago the u. S. First pulled the trigger on weapon izing swift remember with all international you know i guess theyre ready for a while. And you any of the alternative you predicted that alternative Payment Systems would erupt thats kind of whats happening right correct iran russia venezuela these countries that are being sanctioned and theyre abusing swift there have been venting thanks to algorithm scientists Technology Thanks to crypto currencies theyre inventing their parallel systems sure its not a good. Front nuff within the states is good for them i mean this is this is geo political hardball among the the board of a think tank in washington called the center for sanctions and illicit finance and my colleagues are great people these are people who kind of invented the financial war on terror meaning they were they were in the white house in the treasury after nine eleven during the Bush Administration all the laws that that we live with today the other wrote those laws or what the regulations are of course and theyve been extremely effective the stuff is really powerful but i tell them because what you wish for because if you keep hammering people with this disrupting them which youve done a number of countries theyre going to do the work around where theyre almost there so i would expect russia and china to come up with the serial Leisure Technology not because of by the way because its a sideshow a serial ledger i mean i mean they say this is a bit of luxury and thats the new name for the deal if you like to religious Technology Just a real leisure military grade encryption and maybe well have a putin corners equal wont be because of the club of their own coin and then transact among themselves right so maybe russia is paying for china with this putin coin and china so willing it spills into the dollar as a civil rights which if we nicked it for any extra thats where it is now happening technologically and thats and thats and so your view as as a predictive analytic guy is that that six deaths becoming a bigger factor does in the us and we got to go actually fortunately were out of time already already time thanks for being on thanks nat west and if thats the edition of the kaiser report with me Max Kaiser Stacy i would like to thank our guests jim records if you want to catch us on twitter its kaiser report in the next on bio. How does it feel to be a sheriff the greatest job in the world its as close to being a king as any job there is what Business Model helps to run a prison now we do stuart dont like us here nobody oh visitation i dont no one comes in anymore we dont have to serve them anymore its Cost Effective thats what they want to do that at the moment they dont give a damn if you did so as a man there are actually paying us to put it back into the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the u. S. N. Breach what secret is behind such success. Across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies who have it in a dispute about the sales with simple song alone even cycle niggas else with oh they invite private companies to take over the utilities anybody tell us that all. Of us you guys youve got to be a while in the going to be cool i been this is us to quote them out. For you man but philip. Locals are ready to stand up for the basic human rights of access to water its about water but its also over much more than war its about the hurt and the redistribution of all as to. Date downwards do you want or. Is a civilization just a tiny bit more advanced than we are that they can already pick up Jerry Springer or any other sit coms interview shows the nightly news they see what were doing to our planet you know it isnt really a very pretty picture and so in addition to sending this chaotic messages that we use. You communicate with one another we want to send a clear signal to the extraterrestrial but theres also some rationality on. Israels Prime Minister orders the countrys withdrawal from. The spies having several recognized World Heritage sites in the country. Also this hour a u. S. Olympic Gold Medalist reveals years long abuse. Using high ranking sports officials of. Speak for another four months it was the first to publicly come forward. I wish i could say that i was surprised but the reality. Is they have a decades long policy of covering up sexual abuse and facebook admits that its fake news red flag them as having the opposite effect and even more views

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