James mattis that you oppose. That saving despite every overwhelming evidence that both the classified and unclassified level certain individuals in the Defense Department remain staunchly opposed to further research on what could be a tactical threat to our pilots sailors and soldiers and perhaps even the next essential threat to our National Security wow these revelations along with the two videos that the former military Intelligence Officer released to has revealed that the truth ladies and gentlemen is indeed out there and we definitely need to be watching the skies and law. If thats. What the you know that i got. The. Lead. Role in the corner watching the hawks i am tired rover im sure im sad but i wallace themselves those. Fans want us to discuss that this today is american engineer former nasa astronaut entrepreneur motivational speaker and Engineering Consultant the right thank you so much for joining us today right. Oh my pleasure well its a pretty exciting day and i want to talk a little story forward about the actual videos themselves and that is you as someone who has spent your career around aviations aviation and physics and the physics of aviation and what humans are capable of what is it about how these unknown objects in these videos are moving that makes the aircraft so on identifiable. Yeah ive only seen the video on the on the news outlets and it appears to be an object that is flying in a way that normal aircraft dont fly i. Wouldnt be quick to ascribe it to any kind of an extraterrestrial vehicle or anything like that as an astronaut ive seen plenty of things that looked odd at the moment and all of those things were later explained as either manmade or natural phenomena and you know i think several astronauts aviators have seen similar things and and we can give examples of some of those what are some of the things that might make that i mean what are the things that could have made who could that can move like that. Well its hard to say you know it could be a trip played by the lighting could be any number of things i can tell you about an example on my second Space Mission and we were told by the Mission Control center to look down towards florida because we might be able to see a rocket launch slouching a satellite and we couldnt actually see the rocket but suddenly the whole horizon lit up in all all the colors of the rainbow and that was because at the third stage the spent third stage was venting its residual fuel into space once the fuel hit the cold vacuum of space it turned into crystals into little prisms and all the sunlight passing through all those thousands of little prisms turned the entire horizon into a rainbow and so if we had been warned in that scene that boy i dont know what we might have done it was so are you saying that you dont believe any of the u. F. O. Or anomalous aerial vehicle fight against our action that im an anomaly its well i think its sightings themselves are legitimate but i think theyre probably reasonable explanations and its not really its so much extraterrestrial now i you know just give it you know i gave you that example there are several others that i could tell you about from my experiences in space where we might have thought we saw u. F. O. s but we really didnt and you know my belief is that there is life out there but i dont believe weve been visited because the distances are so vast the nearest star that might even have a chance of having a planet with the right temperature to support life as we know it is several light years away so traveling at the speed of light which we obviously cant do it would take at least several years to come one way and more likely the distance of the universe are so vast that you know you might expect earth like planets to be hundreds of millions or more light years away so i think that that the life is out there but i dont think well ever find each other and i have a hard time believing that they found us so as far as youre concerned most of the claims of anomalous aerial vehicles have been spotted have been valid every. Verified as being something that could be explained there are not many remaining stories or vehicles that are still in an identified in your opinion. Well there you know a lot of these sightings i would bet i dont know because you know im not in that business but i would bet there are classified Aircraft Programs you know advanced Aircraft Programs of the general public doesnt know about and you know pilots might happen upon one of these being going through a flight test and it would certainly seem strange how their stories in the end nine hundred sixty s. One nine hundred seventy s. The pulse jets High Altitude post classified experiments of these hypersonic aircraft that were cited by pilots and astronauts and so its you know its hard to say exactly what they might be but i would i would bet that there is some kind of logical explanation for them and you know i think the real question is why why are we why did the u. S. Government spend twenty two Million Dollars looking at this certainly the cia the air force is already looking at aerial threats its a little puzzling to me as a taxpayer you know twenty two Million Dollars may not seem like a lot of money to lawmakers but it is a taxpayer cheer seems like a lot of money to me and thats actually the next question i kind of want to ask you is you know do you believe that the military or other Government Agencies should be investigating you know claims of my lack of a better term unidentified flying objects and you know were garments of where we are one wants to believe theyre from or anything like that should we be spending money on having these departments looking at these u. F. O. s. Well i think the main thing is that i think theyre already doing that you know any time theres some anomaly or something something that may be a threat im sure that the c. A. A. In the air force and other agencies are already looking into those things so im a little puzzled why you know why one senator would hire you know your mark twenty two Million Dollars to have another group go and probably duplicate what is already being done its very interesting and i want to ask you this because i think the search. I think its hard for people to understand the value twenty two Million Dollars a lot of money and there is a lot of research being done that i think could have probably been better done by universities and that i understand the secrecy but that secrecy sort of. Is the exact opposite of what you need in astrobiology or in this search for this life or search its such a multidisciplinary you have to know about a strong a strong army and physics and all of these things and one of the things about that science is that it brings us together whether we find light if all the sciences Work Together and it unifies us and we tend to discover brilliant things but help humanity do you think this kind of stuff should just be more in the open in that way that we look at it as not as will be will we ever meet that goal but what we can do along the way. Yes in principle i absolutely agree with you i think there is that in research especially you need openness and Frank Exchange of ideas and thats what universities around the world are set up the way they are so that you can share data you can share information at conferences and to publish papers and you know in this case im guessing i dont know im guessing that maybe some of the videos are being remain classified because it probably is showing some kind of a classified program of some advanced aircraft that the military doesnt want to show the general public you know so but in principle i do agree with you absolutely thank you so much for joining us today theres a lot i mean theres no way were going to be all that im shocked that you didnt tell me that you thought it was aliens thats great. For helping us sort of work that out we look forward to talking more about this step as as it goes as we move forward with more i guess disclosure we find out nasa astronaut entrepreneur motivational speaker the right track thank you so much. Thank you my pleasure. Thanks for staying so here we are yeah sort of a disclosure amount that you wouldnt think we were going to have no i dont want to kick it off by saying you know theres something behind this were harry reid ted stevens and noise from hawaii whats interesting is ted stevens was also the guy who got the funding for harp. And sean you and i both through Conspiracy Theory not only investigated hard but we this with bigelow as the money that went out and sky and read on this program this is basically what you and i were hunting down in twenty one twenty two zero in exactly the same time for their audience programs when i approached below at the conference and i said can we talk about what youre actually doing its going walker which is one of the locations where theyre doing experiments and tests about base and trying to figure out what is going on as far as interdimensional or promo anomaly he said i cant i will never discuss ill never disclose that he said directly to me and now i understand why he was basically getting you. Hes working in collaboration with very secretive projects you know and they do we look at me where i said what do you guys think about this because when you look at these the amount of money its twenty two Million Dollars which are you going to get in your ear right here twenty four thousand dollars in this great essentially as you were said to double check the work why did it why are we spending you know twenty two Million Dollars a year on a private lining the pockets of a private industry when we have a much bigger infrastructure between universities private space and i think the secrecy aspect of it because if you you know i mean youre not going to if you dont want everyone else to know about it then you dont want then youre going to hide it one little private area plus big lie was a big contributor to read like im sure that you know if you already had expertise because youve been spending money on this before and im sure when approached read you know really hey lets give it to this guy hes an alien not he loves this stuff that hes a lot of theres a lot of its going on that youre putting in essentially the hundred millions that were talking about is probably a drop in the bucket as far as the overall secret Space Program that has been discussed in the scrub elsewhere so i think that when it comes to like where that money went it was a small it was a token basically as far as what bigelow was particularly doing in nevada but even the whole breadth of it was a record of regis so harry reid was asked by the New York Times about this and he said why why it was a secret and what he said was quote this is socalled black money stevens knows about it anyone knows about it but that was it and thats how we wanted it so here is harry reid and made it not only that he got twenty three Million Dollars a year to these this private group to do something which was essentially funneled through the press on all through the pentagon and the second part of it is that he just didnt read it but there is dark money in that to people can just twenty two Million Dollars a year just the little thing i never saw the noise himself had said the eightys that he believed there existed a Shadowy Government with its own air force its own navy its own fundraiser it is a much more thats back in the eightys a lot more to discuss and a lot more. This close all right as were going to read Court Watchers dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics reporter says. Three in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the wives of our. First sit. Everybody im Stephen Baldwin task hollywood guy yell suspects every proud american first of all im just George Washington and r. V. Im losing steam this is my buddy max famous financial guru and well just a little bit different im not a Abraham Lincoln lawyer though no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country and im shooting the road have some fun meet Everyday Americans call me and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people. How does it feel to be. The greatest job in the world its as close to being a king as any job there is a Good Business model helps to run a prison now we do or dont like theres nobody that you visited and i dont no one comes into modems a service in a breach of our favorite student who approaches police with nothing for example in the mag to tease calls where you have someone who is armed or allegedly says more or less the situation but just to note that this happened so that it was four but by the time it was in fact nine of fourteen people sometimes the disability very much related to the situation as a model sanchez sometimes less so sometimes in more than one case there does seem to have been a loaded firearm which is a situation where most people would understand why the police used force although we can talk about the limitations there too and in other cases as with scout schultes you know there was a closed Utility Knife as far as crisis intervention training its a fine training and it tends to be the thing that gets called for whenever whenever a story like scout schultzs killing gets reported and gets some Media Attention and ive actually traveled around to various crisis intervention trainings in the country ive sat through it theres nothing especially wrong with it but the real solution first of all costs money and id like to see more resources poured into communities poured into non policing Mental Health response and supporting the work of Community Groups and Community Leaders but just in general weve got to get the police out of out of being the First Responder for Mental Health calls as much as possible now you know i like to think through these situations very seriously and from a kind of non ideological perspective and say well if theres a nine one one call that theres a person with a gun its going to be hard to get the police out of that specific call but even there they could practice restraint you know police start. Trained in i like to call it the cult of compliance but the police the Police Language theyre trained in something called ask tell make which is you ask someone to do something then you tell them to do it and then you make it. In a situation as with scout schultes where they were in a crisis ask tell make is just asking them to either be normal or be killed its putting them in a situation where theres no outcome in which the police arent going to use lethal force you know i like the point that you made that you know we need a little less intrusion of police in our lives and we have to kind of store allowing you know going back to you know communities taking care of their own especially when it comes to the you know those who are mentally you know handicapped or mentally ill when theyre in situations like these you know i also wonder is the other problem too that weve seen kind of a drop in Actual Police academy where you know you actually have you know police i did not to get to the training thing again but like i dont see as many Police Academies i dont see as many you know proper actual training for police from beginning to end as if you know thats going to be their lives work its more like we got the law degree and you have this and you could pass the physical you know i mean is there is some of the breakdown as to. You know i think we could in any given case kind of dig into the training issue again i i have to say im very skeptical that the solution is ever to pour more resources into police say and i just moved to minneapolis from chicago and chicago right now theres i think its an eighty three Million Dollars Police Academy that rahm emanuel wants to build while theyre shutting down schools i think in the long run building schools rather than Police Academies is the way to go what i would like to see is is decriminalizing noncompliance activists in the Community People whove been working on this much longer than i have i think it has been under reported informal journalism but lets be clear that that there are activists who have been. Very aware of this for decades they like to talk about decriminalizing disability decriminalizing Mental Illness decriminalizing homelessness decriminalizing noncompliance every officer is trained from the ground up to take control of the situation and that puts people who are in any way noncompliant any way nontypical at risk there are cops who look at things differently they talk about for example stabilizing the situation well thats a thats a core philosophy and thats not about an expensive new Training Program or building an eighty Million Dollars Police Academy thats about just fundamental basics of what we think police should be doing in American Society those are also important and i want to thank you for making those i think very very good. Whats your into and i would like to know what your take is on the uncertain proposals because ive read some of the other things which is the idea of having a database of people with Mental Illness developmentally disabled that police could have access to or so before they go on a call they can check to see if someones on this list i mean aside i guess it could be effective from personal standpoint i just have a lot of concerns that it crosses lines when it comes to privacy and personal dignity because if you understand how many people have even severe depression who are go to work every day and function and are are some my normal people is everyone going to be on this list and how dangerous is that so what do you think about that as a policy the idea of sort of register a people you know i i am i am strongly opposed to using registration as a tool to stop police from killing disabled people and im certainly joined by that again by people whove been working on this much longer particularly you could look to to leave the lewis who in the group heard that focuses in particular on deafness in prison and i quoted Rebecca Coakley who is a. Former executive director of the National Council on disability and now at the center for American Progress and who called it the mutant registration act that the minute you create a database of Vulnerable People what else will that database be used for and i have to say i get the a get the impulse so i am the father of a boy with down syndrome and in fact we do make sure that at age ten the police are aware of him so that if he leaves the house we have a better chance of him being brought to our house and that was a very hard decision to make but we cant have so as a parent i understand the impulse i have seen people propose well if youre if youre autistic just wear a bright yellow shirt and then everyone will know youre autistic you know thats just going to reinforce stigma the solution to police not killing people with disabilities is for police to not kill people with disabilities and the method is for me is to focus on this issue of decriminalising noncompliance i think i think thats a really good really good point your medicare weve got about a minute left so i just want to ask you you know what what should people do in their communities to help get to what youre talking about go about a minute left. Yeah i would focus on talking to local Police Trainers and talking to Police Chiefs Police Agencies about about how to not respond to someone not immediately behaving orders by resorting to lethal force right away to ask your ask your police your local Police Authorities to look at some best practices that are being proposed to people focusing on restraint people focusing on patients people focusing on investing time and space just one quick example in milwaukee not long after a black disabled homeless man was killed two officers encountered a man covered in blood holding a butcher knife while they would have legally be within their rights to shoot him but not wanting to cause an incident when he took a. Step forward they took a step back when he to right up forward they started putting the police car between him and them they did everything they could to bring time and space of obstacles into the encounter to try to save his life and thats the philosophy id like to see every most of the way all right thank you so much david perry journalist and historian thank you thank you so much thank you. The movies make it seem as if the secrets of the prehistoric earth are just waiting around for us to discover. And in this instance they would be right the recent discovery by Oxford Universitys museum of Natural History research fellow. Went to is the first direct evidence that prehistoric takes said on feathered dinosaurs this completely change the prevailing theory that they only found on a mammals and reptiles and another first of its kind the discovery broke the wall between private collectors and science the private collectors obtained the ninety nine million year old samples with a number of pieces of amber that had been found and mine and my and mark they then gave them to step aside just for study and even donated some of the pieces to the American Museum of Natural History in new york even more remarkable if its possible they found an entirely new species of tick in that amber called dyken croton dracula or dracula was terrible take no plans yet to use the blood to clone a herd of dinosaur board birds mainly because humans dont have the techniques to start d. N. A. From the tribes but never forget that the discoveries of today could be life saving dinosaur making technological tools are often true but we look for aliens to remake them dinosaurs and want to show proof to show that theyre all right that is our show for the space remember everyone in this world were not told robots would tell you well i love you i am to roll over and have a lawless johnstones people are watching the hawks out there that were great to me at night. And theres plenty of viable guys like stacy just like walt to start simply i believe that at. Least theyre you going to get him back. Next year. So its no good says a Repatriation Team look at the way the seven years. Will of the century you guys are ignored. Join me every thursday on the all excitement and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport im sure both of those ill see you then. I know what. I think that im. Going to do doing it for. The headlines here on r. T. The u. N. Security Council Level well mainly banks a resolution with jack to trying to decision to recognize jerusalem as the congress of israel but its a veto by the u. S. At least three people are killed at the passenger train derails from a bridge in the u. S. State of washington. And thousands of protesters rally in vienna off to a far right party takes key posts in austrias new Coalition Government so. You can read all about those stories on our website r. T. Dot com well be back with your world news update in iran an hour in the meantime though russia gates the korean crisis and Net Neutrality are all up for discussion in cross talk and if youre watching in the u. K. Or ireland renegade in clips of how the plight of refugees is patrol

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