NAGPUR: An era came to an end for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) with the demise of its senior ideologue Madhav Govind Vaidya on Saturday. The 97-year-old former editor of ‘Tarun Bharat’ — a newspaper with RSS leanings — wasn’t keeping well for the last few days and breathed his last at around 3.30pm. Vaidya had recovered from Covid a month ago. He succumbed to an oldage-related illness, his family said. He is survived by wife Sunanda, 3 daughters and 5 sons, one of whom Manmohan, is a senior RSS functionary.
Fondly called ‘Baburao’ in RSS’ inner circles, Vaidya, who was older than the RSS itself, also outlived all the Sarsanghchalaks. Born in 1923, two years before the RSS was established, he joined the Sangh at the age of 8.