Roy Exum: Look In Tonight’s Sky
Monday, December 21, 2020 - by Roy Exum
Roy Exum
There are some in the world who believe today will be remembered as The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. There are others who have long called 12-21-2020 as “The Great Conjunction,” this because astrologers have known for years that on this very night there will be a rare cosmic event that signals the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets in the solar system and tonight, according to our scientists, will be the first time these big boys have allegedly been this close since the year 1623. Yes, those who love the zodiac are so giddy they can hardly stand still with their telescopes. And then there are those who shrug the shoulders, blink rapidly, and say, “You fool … it’s just the shortest day of the year.”