Roy Exum: I’m Not A Christian?
Friday, March 5, 2021 - by Roy Exum
Roy Exum
The email read: “I cannot comprehend how killing unborn babies and using their tissue in medicine is obedience to Christ.” Earlier in the email the writer acknowledged that I publicly state I am a Christian “… then I see a huge problem with your characterization of (the new Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine as a ‘Godsend.’) “Killing babies for their parts is not from God, it is evil and clearly from the enemy.”
Well, dash me with a bucket of ice water. Please, any size of a jerk who wants to make folly of my deeply held Christian beliefs in order to tell me that the J&J vaccine “is the first one (so far) to use aborted fetal cells in the vaccine itself” should immediately grasp his own Bible and read, Exodus 20, verses 2 through 17. Pay close attention to the 12th verse where No. 9 of ‘The Ten Commandments’ warns, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” In short, that’s not to tell or spread a lie. And I’m pointing my finger …