Roy Exum: An Inquiry From Seattle
Monday, July 5, 2021 - by Roy Exum
Roy Exum
It is the saddest letter you’ve ever read. Here’s a man born and raised in Seattle. He is now a retired engineer after a good career at Boeing, and despite the beauty and the raw majesty of the Pacific Northwest, he can’t stomach it anymore. Are you talking about the senseless and lawless riots, the constant skirmishes and gutless leadership that have driven almost 200 thankless police away this year? Nah, it’s worse – it’s the liberals.
There was a time when Seattle and its sister city of Portland were magical, their lure and their climate and their people among America’s greatest joys, but in the past 18 months almost 200 businesses and scores of people have left each of the hard Leftist cities, just like hundreds of others have bolted California for admittedly better environs.