'Brought the country together': Thousands of Kiwis cheer as Team NZ sails to victory
Wed, 17 Mar 2021, 8:18PM
Team New Zealand helmsman Peter Burling was surrounded by adoring fans as he made his way to the America's Cup trophy presentation. Photo / Dean Purcell
'Brought the country together': Thousands of Kiwis cheer as Team NZ sails to victory
Wed, 17 Mar 2021, 8:18PM
Jubilant scenes erupted across Auckland's waterfront as Emirates Team New Zealand won their seventh race to secure the America's Cup this afternoon.
Thousands poured into the America's Cup Village hours before the first race was set to start at 4.15pm, with the Kiwis leading six races to three - needing just one more to win the Auld Mug. At its peak, 40,000 Kiwis were in the village and 1600 spectator boats were out on the water.