Author of the article: Letters to the Editor
Publishing date: Jun 01, 2021 • 1 hour ago • 2 minute read
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The Boys and Girls Club began as an adjunct program offered in the city’s north end by the Community Council of North Kingston. Financed primarily by government grants for youth employment and without wider community support, its future was in jeopardy. This is when the Rotary Club of Kingston stepped in.
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Rotary Reflections: Giving the Boys and Girls Club a future Back to video
On the recommendation of a committee made up of past presidents, the Rotary Club of Kingston voted in 1990 to take on a substantial fundraising campaign to establish a Boys and Girls Club in the city. Under the presidency of Ron Southward and the chairmanship of Reg Shadbolt, our club committed to raise $300,000 over five years.