Virginia Woolf laid out her views pretty clearly in
A Room of One’s Own, the book-length essay based on the lectures on Women and Fiction that she gave at two colleges in 1928: “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.” She could afford to be an idealist, but for the rest of us, a quiet place to work without distractions is difficult to come by (and money is an entirely separate matter). So how did Woolf and other female writers create their own writing spaces?

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Alexandra Kilburn ,Lauren Marino ,Virginia Woolf ,Harry Potter ,Leonard Woolf ,Morrison ,Balmoral Hotel ,Women Who Wrote Themselves ,Chawton Cottage ,Haworth Parsonage ,Elephant House ,அலெக்சாண்ட்ரா கில்பர்ந் ,லாரன் மரினோ ,வர்ஜீனியா கம்பளி ,ஹாரி பாடர் ,லியோனார்ட் கம்பளி ,மோரிசன் ,பால்மோரல் ஹோட்டல் ,ஹவொர்த் பார்சனேஜ் ,யானை வீடு ,

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