Ronald McDonald House faces financial challenges amid pandemic
Updated Dec 17, 2020;
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SPRINGFIELD — Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts are facing a fundraising deficit of $272,000, according to its executive director, Michelle D’Amore.
“Due to the cancellation of our events, our fundraising deficit to date is $272,000 — equal to 2,267 nights of lodging, meals and services to families,” she said. “However … to ensure families’ safety and well-being, we have ramped up our cleaning regimens and have constant supplies of disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers on hand for all to use.”
Personal protective equipment is provided to all family members and staff on a daily basis. These additional costs are approximately $4,000 a month for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.