Romantic Honeymoons on the Horizon
Postponed because of COVID, couples are preparing for honeymoon travel in the coming months.
By Flora Rosefsky
June 29, 2021, 8:08 pm
Alli Allen previews Sydney, Australia, for honeymoon travelers.
The Schwartzes planned a mini-moon in the Blue Ridge mountains.
Corey and Hilary Sloane on their HMI trip in Israel last year.
The Schwartz wedding at the Brasstown Valley Resort in Young Harris, Ga.
Alli Allen tracks elephants in Namibia.
Alli Allen sits near a campfire last month in Namibia.
Visiting Valerie Kulbersh’s family in Israel was the couple’s first big trip in 2019.
The day after their 2020 wedding, Valerie Kulbersh and Benjamin Myers had a picnic at a park.