William Walsh Corcoran, “Bill” to his friends and “Pop” to his family, (91) died after a suffering a heart attack on Tuesday morning January 19, 2021.
Born on October 16, 1929, Bill was a life-long resident of Newport and a graduate of Rogers High (1947), the Portsmouth Priory (1948), Brown University (1951), and Boston College Law School (1958). He served as a deep sea diver in the US Navy, specializing in submarine rescue, before embarking in a long career as an attorney and senior counsel to Corcoran, Peckham, Hayes, Leys & Olaynack, P.C.
William served as a member of the Newport City Council from 1967-1971, and he was a member of the Redevelopment Agency of Newport, which was responsible for the transition of Goat Island from a derelict torpedo plant to a hotel, marina, and public space, the development of Brick Market Place, the renovation of Bannister’s and Bowen’s Wharves, and the upgrading of Newport’s sewage system, ending of the practice of dumping sewage into the harbor. These efforts, coinciding with the construction of the Newport Bridge, resulted in the overall transformation of Newport’s waterfront from an industrial center to the beautiful harbor and shopping district that we know and love today.