Reliance Industries (RIL) and bp on Friday announced the start of production from the R Cluster, ultra-deep-water gas field in block KG-D6 off the east coast of India. RIL and bp are developing three deepwater gas projects in block KG D6 - R Cluster, Satellites Cluster and MJ - which together are expected to meet approximately 15% of India's gas demand by 2023. These projects will utilise the existing hub infrastructure in KG D6 block. RIL is the operator of KG D6 with a 66.67% participating interest and bp holds a 33.33% participating interest.
Infosys on Friday (18 December 2020) announced that it has divested one-third of its holding in Boston-based Whoop Inc for about $10 million. In 2015, Infosys had made a minority investment of $3 million in Whoop, which offers performance optimisation solutions for professional athletes and sports teams.