Rewilding effort sees jaguars return to Argentina's Iberá wetlands for first time in 70 years
The return of the jaguar is a dramatic development in a nation famous for intensive agriculture and ranching
Jaguars, the largest wild cats in the Western hemisphere, are found in 18 countries
Credit: Getty
The release of jaguars into the Iberá wetlands of central Argentina earlier this month, following a 70-year absence, marks a significant moment. For centuries, development in this famously fertile southern nation has been largely defined by clearing land for growing crops and grazing, and protecting stock from predators.
A female jaguar Mariua, brought to Argentina from Brazil by Tompkins Conservation in early 2019, was allowed to step out into the wild on January 6. Early the following day she returned for her two captive-born cubs, Karai and Pora. She had apparently made a kill – of a capybara – during that first foray and was taking the cubs to share it. (The news of her release was only made public this week after permission was granted by the national parks authority, which is run from Buenos Aires.)