The show opens with a Ghost Light center stage. As most shows of a Brechtian nature go, characters of nondescript fashion layout the evening events in the manner of Prologue. The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, or as it is subtitled “The Parable Play,” tells the story of the rise of Arturo Ui a fictional Chicago Mobster as he ruthlessly tries to control the Chicago vegetable market despite opposition. A political satire based on Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in Nazi Germany prior to the events of World War II.

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Germany ,Austria ,Roma ,Lazio ,Italy ,Chicago ,Illinois ,United States ,Spencer Meyers ,Betty Dullfoot ,Mark Antony ,Maggie Duffy ,Anton Chekov ,Andresia Moseley ,Brian Smallheer ,Blake Smallen ,Giri Hermann Wilhelm ,Jo Averill Snell ,Derrick Phillips ,Giles Davies ,Christopher Plummer ,Charlie Chaplin ,Dullfeet Engelbert Dollfu ,Katrina Stevenson ,David Jenkins ,Ernst Rohm ,Jeremy Douglas ,Julius Caesar ,Young Dogsborough Ragg Crocket ,Adolf Hitler ,Robin Gammell ,Cauliflower Trust Prussian Junkers ,Franz Von Papen ,Straz Center ,Ghost Light ,Resistible Rise ,Parable Play ,Chicago Mobster ,Nazi Germany ,World War ,Joseph Goebbels ,Engelbert Dollfu ,Cauliflower Trust ,Prussian Junkers ,Vegetable Dealers ,Petty Bourgeoisie ,Berliner Ensemble ,Colleen Cherry ,Midsummer Night ,Ignatius Dullfoot Hugh Timoney ,Tampa Bay Times ,Shimberg Playhouse ,Performing Arts ,

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