Rev. Roland Gordon
On July 27, 2003, Ingleside Presbyterian Church celebrated the 25th anniversary of Reverend Roland Gordon's arrival. "Reverend G.", who was recently honored as the 2003 Distinguished Alum of San Francisco Theological Seminary, remembers what things were like when he arrived:
"This church had died off to four members, the property was the eyesore of the community, the community called it the 'pink elephant.' Our presbytery pretty much had given up on the Presbyterian witness here at this site. So a few of my friends called me in to preach on Sundays, two ministers that knew about me. I was already a young preacher. I was in the seminary for two months and came over here to preach on Sunday morning to keep the worship service going, but I saw a bigger picture that the Higher Power was calling me to at this site. I liked the community. I saw the potential of the building, although it was outdated. The bathroom was so dilapidated, the women wouldn't even go downstairs to use it."