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Results for Utqiagvik Mayor and NWAB Assembly races postponed :
Results for Utqiagvik Mayor and NWAB Assembly races postponed
The Arctic Sounder - Serving the Northwest Arctic and the North Slope
Related Keywords
Craig Daaqsi Moore Jr
Jamesk Patkotak
Justina Wilhelm
John Hopson
Corrine Tuurraq Danner
Corrine Danner
Frieda Nageak
Craig Mcconnel
Dood Carr
Delbert Rexford
Jonathan Hadley
Victor Mekiana
Tariek Oviok
Colleen Akpik Lemen
Joanne Harris
Philip Sittinchilli
Mary Lum Patkotak
Alice Melton Barr
Forrest Deano Olemaun
Delores Ann Barr
Fanniem Suvlu
Qaiyaan Harcharek
Elizabeth Asisaun Toovak
Herman Ahsoak
Carla Simskayotuk
Kristin Tuuq Gutierrez Edwards
Crawford Patkotak
Martin Qalgilan Edwardsen
Stella Atoruk
Ilisagvik College
Utqiagvik City Council
Slope Borough School District
Affairs Coordinator Of Ilisagvik College
Slope Borough Assembly
Arctic Borough Assembly
North Slope Borough Assembly
Northwest Arctic Borough
North Slope Borough
North Slope
North Slope Borough School District
Seatd Point Hope
Point Lay
Seatc Utqiagvik
Asisaun Toovak
Forrest Deano
Mary Lum
External Affairs Coordinator
Craig Daaqsi Moore
Northwest Arctic Borough Assembly
Northwest Arctic
Deputy Clerk
Northwest Arctic Borough Stella Atoruk
Ann Barr
Smiles Cleveland
Tillie Ticket
Laska Newspapers
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