RDOG tracks the S-Network REIT Dividend Dogs Index, a benchmark that’s similar to those found on ALPS’ other dividend dogs ETFs.
To conclude 2020, the real estate sector and RDOG are bouncing back, indicating these assets could be in style in 2021 as interest rates remain low.
“Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are an undervalued opportunity for 2021 as it underperformed this year due to fears of a repeat of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), according to American Century Investments,” reports
REITs and the RDOG ETF Methodology
RDOG also has a layer of payout protection not found in rival REIT ETFs. The fund requires member firms to have Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) Funds From Operations per share (FFOPS) that exceed TTM Dividend Payouts per share (DPS). That’s an important trait when considering the rough payout environment endured by REITs in the first half of 2020.