Private Pensions Series No. 4
The first conference of the International Network of Pensions Regulators and Supervisors (INPRS) was held on 23-26 April 2001 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and comprised:
the Regional Conference on Private Pensions in Central and Eastern European Countries and the New Independent States;
the Workshop on Pension Reform in the Baltic States;
the Research Network of the INPRS.
This conference was hosted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Bulgaria, and sponsored by the OECD, USAID, the East-West Management Institute and Watson Wyatt.
The International Network of Pensions Regulators and Supervisors was established by the representatives of pension regulatory and supervisory authorities from OECD Member and non-member countries on the occasion of the OECD Forum on Private Pensions organised in Prague, Czech Republic, in April 2000.