REGULAR MEETING OF THE KILLDEER CITY COMMISSION February 7th, 2022 Commission President Carey Praus called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Commissioner’s present were Kelly Summerfield, Kevin Candrian, and Logan Wallace with Commissioner Ryan Schleppenbach absent. Nate Bouray, Deb Harsche, Carie Boster, Del Olson, David Lym, Pam Kukla, Laureen Keller, Jenni Wallace, Abby Oase, Katie Lengyel, Cameron Deperalta, Brett Morlok, Jeff Fair, Megan Fair, Eric Braathen, and Courtney Cook were also present. Commissioner Summerfield moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Wallace. The consent agenda consisted of the minutes of the January 17th, 2022 regular meeting, bills, and a building permit for the Homola SRF house. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Deb Harsche, realtor with Continental Real Estate, discussed with the Commission the lots in the Killdeer 110 (the area around the North Prairie Park/Baseball Diamonds) that are currently for sale. Jenni Wallace, Killdeer Park Board Commissioner, discussed with the Commission about the City hiring a full time Parks & Recreation Director position for various Park Board items. Commissioner Candrian made the motion to have the Killdeer Park Board provide a job description for the Parks & Recreation Director Position, seconded by Commissioner Wallace. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C David Lym, Dunn County Roads Superintendent, and Cameron Deperalta, Public Works Superintendent, discussed with the Commission paving the High ST/3rd ST section along the Rodeo Ridge Subdivision on the east side of Killdeer, with Dunn County & the City of Killdeer going 50/50 on the cost. Roads Superintendent Lym noted that the proposed project would be in the 2023 construction season if approved. Commissioner Wallace made the motion to approve starting the process for the 3rd ST/ High ST paving project with Dunn County, seconded by Commissioner Candrian. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Commissioner Summerfield made the motion to approve the Flex Pace Interest Buydown for fair Repair & Service for $25,000, seconded by Commissioner Wallace. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Commissioner Summerfield made the motion to approve the hiring of Mechelle McFarland for the Convention Visitor’s Bureau Director position, seconded by Commissioner Wallace. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Commissioner Wallace made the motion to approve the Independent Contractor Agreement for the Convention Visitor’s Bureau Director Mechelle McFarland, with a twelve-month compensation rate of $10,400 plus incentives, seconded by Commissioner Candrian. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Commissioner Wallace made the motion to approve starting the process for the 3rd ST/ High ST paving project with Dunn County, seconded by Commissioner Candrian. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C The Commission held the second and final reading of Ordinance 2022-001, an Ordinance Amending and Re-enacting Chapters II & III of the City Code of the City of Killdeer Relating to Ordinances and Public Places & Property. Commissioner Wallace made the motion to approve the second and final reading of Ordinance 2022-001, seconded by Commissioner Candrian. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C City Engineer Brett Morlok discussed updating the Capital Improvements Plan project listing for 2022 as well as provided several projects to be on the CIP list. Commissioner Candrian made the motion to approve the current provided 2022 CIP list, seconded by Commissioner Wallace. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Commissioner Candrian made the motion to approve Engineer Morlok to continue design and estimations for the Capital Improvements Plan update, seconded by Commissioner Wallace. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Commissioner Wallace made the motion to approve the Cerberus Security quote for $3848.24 for the Aquatics & Wellness Center after hours door entry, seconded by Commissioner Summerfield. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Commissioner Wallace made the motion to approve the quote from RDO Equipment (John Deere dealer) for a new 1550 mower for $24,187.96, seconded by Commissioner Candrian. All voted aye on a roll call vote. M/C Having no further business, Commissioner Wallace moved to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M. The following bills were approved for payment: Payroll 2-04-2022 $33,651.74 EFTPS 02-04-2022 $12,092.70 NDPERS 01-24-2022 $14,613.62 4415E BCBS $21,651.34 18611 Verizon Wireless $674.59 18612 Adv Business Methods $854.24 18613 Ashley Murphy $847.50 18614 Axom Enterprises, Inc. $5,790.00 18615 Butler Machinery $1,025.98 18616 Cameron Deperalta $140.00 18617 Cooperative Legal Serv $4,000.00 18618 Dakota Filter Supply $198.52 18619 Dawn Muscha $704.89 18620 Defensive Edge Training $450.00 18621 Dion Steinley $144.04 18622 DMC Wear Parts $7,129.36 18623 Dunn County Golf Assoc. $28,913.46 18624 Dunn County Recorder $11.00 18625 Elite Cabinets $9.49 18626 Esco Supply $1,015.47 18627 Fastenal Company $104.37 18627 Ferguson Waterworks $584.01 18629 Forsgren Associates $858.87 18630 Forum Communications $326.48 18631 Hawkins, Inc. $984.85 18632 Hinrich’s Super Valu $24.80 18633 Information Technology $71.30 18634 KDKT SportsRadio 1410 $150.00 18635 Killdeer Park District $520.86 18636 Midco $381.99 18637 North Dakota One Call $1.25 18638 Northwest Tire $1,251.87 18639 Olympic Sales $1,027.41 18640 Pitney Bowes $500.00 18641 Prairie Auto Parts $167.43 18642 Safe Life Defense $1,520.10 18643 Smart Computers $450.00 18644 SRF Consulting Group $2,609.14 18645 Tony’s Auto Repair $162.00 18646 Transunion Risk $75.00 18647 Verizon Connect $92.95 18648 American Bank Center $275.92 18649 Dunn County $1,000.00 18650 West Plains, Inc. $748.36 18651 Workforce Safety & Ins. $13,114.64 $160,921.54 Minutes are subject to review and revisions. Carey Praus, Commission President Matt Oase, City Administrator (March 23, 2022) 43996