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Reflecting on 4 Years at the helm of JGR: Solid Earth :
Reflecting on 4 Years at the helm of JGR: Solid Earth
The outgoing Editor-in-Chief of JGR: Solid Earth reflects on their tenure and expresses appreciation to all those who contributed to the success of the journal over recent years.
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Qin Wang
Yan Liang
Chao An
Isabelle Manighetti
Chi Lin
Yoshihiro Kaneko
Sheng Dai
Luca Caricchi
Carmen Blackwood
Phil Janney
Qinya Liu
Qingsong Liu
Annette Eicker
Ikuko Wada
Niklas Linde
Peter Decelles
Yves Bernabe
Stephanie Stanford
Max Moorkamp
Emilie Hooft
Camilla Cattania
Javier Escartin
Mike Crowner
Birgit Mueller
Haijiang Zhang
Takashi Yoshino
Gou Fujie
Emily Chin
Gideon Rosenbaum
Sujoy Ghosh
Francois Renard
Estelle Chaussard
Marie Violay
Ilya Zaliapin
Zefeng Li
Valenti Sallares
Matt Ikari
Ingo Pecher
Norimitsu Nakata
Masumi Yamada
Lindsay Worthington
Patricia Martinez Garzon
Graziella Caprarelli
Fang Zhen Teng
Elisa Tinti
Corentin Caudron
Jianli Chen
Marco Pistolesi
Eduardo Contreras Reyes
Alice Gabriel
Ankej Friedrich
Erin Syring
Adriana Paluszny
Olivier Roche
Bjarne Almqvist
Randy Townsend
Sylvain Barbot
Adrian Muxworthy
Tobias Markus Muller
Emma Hill
Brandon Dugan
Mia Ricci
Joel Sarout
Kazutoshi Imanishi
Jenny Lunn
Li Zhao
Yihe Huang
Agnes Helmstetter
Kristin Morell
Gregory Waite
Anne Becel
Kelly Liu
Kate Rychert
Nikolai Bagdassarov
Jordi Julia
Alexander Webb
Baosheng Li
Andrew Hooper
Rachel Abercrombie
Agnes Kontny
Yehuda Ben Zion
Hsin Hua Huang
Lorraine Hall
Yosuke Aoki
Ellen Syracuse
David Dempsey
Juliet Biggs
Matthew Huber Paleoceanography
Mark Behn
Paul Tregoning
Sebastien Chevrot
Mark Dekkers
Nikolai Shapiro
Aleksey Smirnov
Fiona Ann Darbyshire
Daniel Melnick
Pietro Sternai
Olaf Zielke
Brice Lecampion
Ja Ju Hsu
Anna Kelbert
Fenglin Niu
Martyn Unsworth
Kate Huihsuan Chen
Jun Tsuchiya
Alexandre Schubnel
Bryant Loomis
Sarah Dedej
Lujia Feng
Susanne Straub
Isabelle Coutand
Chris Micucci
Laurent Montesi
Michael Bostock
Linda Warren
Ludmila Adam
Martin Schoenball
Fabio Capitanio
Andrew Frederiksen
Jing Liu Zeng
Michele Cooke
Steve Parman
Ylona Van Dinther
Douglas Schmitt
Yajing Liu
Moran Wang
Mai Linh Doan
Maria Sachpazi
Tanya Dzekon
Vera Schulte Pelkum
Yingjie Yang
Gail Christeson
Thomas Goebel
Robert Evans
Diego Melgar
Sigrun Hreinsdottir
James Wookey
Shin Chan Han
Satoshi Ide
Peter Fox
Vedran Lekic
John Lassiter
Brandon Schmandt
Susanna Ebmeier
Tom Mitchell
Han Yue
Matthew Giampaola
Colin Farquharson
Maxim Lebedev
Qinghua Huang
Michael Taylor
Georgia Destouni Water Resources Research
Union Session
Solid Earth
Associate Editors
Special Collections
Solid Earth Geophysics
Induced Seismicity
Chinese Associate
Solid Earth Editors
Plain Language Summary
Benoit Pirenne
Space Science
Claudio Faccenna
Taylor Schildgen
Lamy East
Earth Surface
Georgia Destouni
Water Resources Research
Matthew Huber
Lorraine Hall Petty
Casandra Long
Jeanette Panning
Solid Earth Associate Editors
Marcelo Assump
Sascha Brune
Maarten De Hoop
Michael Heap
Dawn Kellett
Fan Chi Lin
Daniel Pastor Galan
Michael Poland
Jeffrey Priest
German Prieto
Beatriz Quintal
Alison Rust
Richard Secco
Hiroki Sone
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