Records of the Year Part 1: Nos. 10 to six
Durango, Colorado
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020 6:21 PM
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Bryant Liggett
The bulk of 2020’s forced isolation left many with nothing to do but bake bread, do push-ups and listen to music. Or perhaps that is what your 2019 and every year before was like.
What else was like 2019 and every year before was the output of commercial and independently released music, the latter of what this reviewer mostly prefers (sorry, Mr. Springsteen). As always, there are lots of stinkeroos, but also many worthy of an annual, year-end top 10. Here comes numbers 10 through six, with numbers 11 and up going to Jeff Tweedy, The Country Westerns, Nocona, Moon Hooch, FUZZ, Bananagun, Rookie, The Turnstyles and more, more, more.