Reasons to Love Denver 2021: Acts of Compassion
It's been pivotal past year for Denver, as the city faced overlapping crises—and began to reckon with harmful parts of its past. While plenty of work still lies ahead, Denverites still found ways to show our neighbors we care. Corinne Anderson, Daliah Singer, Madi Skahill, Spencer Campbell •
July 1, 2021
1. Because we know when it’s time to name-drop.
Naming is power. And this past year, Denverites used it to reckon with the racist legacies that plague our city, one local symbol at a time. From Sunnyside’s La Raza Park (the moniker bestowed on what was Columbus Park is a nod to the area’s history as a center of Chicano activism) to Denver South High School’s new Raven mascot (formerly the Rebels), we are finally acknowledging that everyday places and symbols can be (not so) hidden harbors for hate.