Ready, Set, Gold! Launches Eight-Week Virtual Classroom Series for Spring Semester, Hosted by Top Olympians and Paralympians
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New Video Series Provides At-Home Fitness and Nutrition Tips for Students in All Grade Levels to Stay Active Every Monday Beginning March 1
Ready Set Gold! is fulfilling the additional need right now for our youth of keeping them plugged into a consistent community that understands what it takes to be resilient, intentional and hopeful when new and uncertain scenarios are thrown in front of them.
February 18, 2021
Ready, Set, Gold! (RSG!) is launching a new eight-week classroom series this Spring featuring tips and firsthand advice from Olympic and Paralympic athletes designed to help students in all grade levels to stay active while distance learning from home. Released every Monday beginning March 1 through April 26 (with the exception of March 29), each 30-minute video covers a thematic topic focused on evidence-based physical activity and social emotional learning. In partnership with the Foundation for Global Sports Development & Sidewinder Films, this is the second classroom series created by Ready, Set, Gold!, the public-private partnership between the Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games and The Foundation for Global Sports Development that matches Olympic and Paralympic athletes with schools to promote good fitness and nutrition.