Captain Dan Deluce, CF-18 Demonstration Team Pilot, RCAF. (Photo: RCAF)
The Canadian Forces Snowbirds and CF-18 Demo Team both released tentative schedules for the 2021 show season, which are subject to change because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
A day before releasing the schedules, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) appointed Captain Dan Deluce as the pilot for its 2021 CF-18 Demonstration Team, which is comprised of 13 members including the demo pilot, eight technicians, three safety pilots and a public affairs officer/narrator.
“It is an honour and a pleasure flying the CF-18 for Canada and representing the RCAF, and I am looking forward to sharing my passion for aviation with Canadians next summer,” said Captain Deluce, CF-18 Demonstration Team Pilot.