RBL Bank reported 34.1% drop in net profit to Rs 75.34 crore on 3.6% decline in total income to Rs 2610.83 crore in Q4 FY21 over Q4 FY20.
Net Interest Income (NII) declined by 11% to Rs 906 crore in Q4 FY21 over Q4 FY20. Net Interest Margin (NIM) was at 4.17% as on 31 March 2021 as against 4.93% as on 31 March 2020. Cost to income was 45% in Q4 FY21 as against 50.6% in Q4FY20.
The bank's operating profit grew 17% to Rs 877 crore in Q4 March 2021 from Rs 752 crore in Q4 March 2020.
Provisions and contingencies increased 27.5% to Rs 766.25 crore in Q4 FY21 compared with Rs 601.17 crore in Q4 FY20.
Profit before tax in the fourth quarter stood at Rs 110.28 crore, down 26.9% from Rs 150.76 crore in the same period last year.