Ray Chew and Vivian Scott Chew announce internship for young music creators
Working at an internship (Photo credit: shutterstock.com/fizkes)
Ray and Vivian Chew announce the Power 2 Inspire Foundation summer internship/mentorshi
p program for young music creators
Ray Chew and Vivian Scott Chew are pleased to announce its four-week Power 2 Inspire Foundation 2021 Summer Internship/Mentorship program for gifted musicians, ambitious singers, songwriters. Power 2 Inspire is dedicated to creating a pipeline between upcoming music creators, young executives, top-selling artists, and music and corporate business leaders. Applications for this year’s program are available here.
The virtual program runs from July 12, 2021 – August 9, 2021, and allows for mentorship opportunities for sixty ambitious young people from throughout the US and abroad.