Meanwhile, following the good show in Zila Pramukh member elections earlier this week, the BJP on Thursday elected Zila Pramukhs to 12 Zila Parishads and Congress had to contend with five Zila Pramukhs.
In the results declared Tuesday, of the 636 zila parishad member posts across 21 districts, the BJP won 353 and the Congress won 252. In Jhalawar, BJP has won 19 out of 27 Zila Parishad seats – well past the majority mark – but voting for its Zila Pramukh post will be held Friday on account of repolling in a booth.
Apart from Dungarpur, Independents won in Ajmer and Bundi. In Ajmer, despite having a clear majority, BJP had to suffer a shock as its rebel Sushil Kanwar defeated the BJP candidate by 14 votes – with the help of Congress.