이마트 미국법인 Sourcing Merchandiser (신입) 채용
글쓴이: EMART | 등록일: 03.04.2021 11:55:22 | 조회수: 169
이마트는 대한민국 생활 트렌드 선도기업인 신세계 그룹을 중심으로 성장하는 대한민국 대표 유통기업입니다.
이마트 미국법인 Sourcing (Food) 팀에서 열정 가득한 인재를 채용하고 있사오니, 아래 자세한 직무 및 지원 자격을 확인하시어 많은 지원 바랍니다.
Emart America
Job Type: Full-time
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
E-Mart America Inc. is looking for a talented and driven Souring Merchandiser to join our team. E-mart is a leading and largest retailer in South Korea. E-mart conducts direct business with vendors in order to supply goods to our stores in Korea. With a myriad of different channels, E-mart offers a variety of popular brands and products for everyday and special occasions.
The Sourcing Merchandiser is responsible for sourcing and procuring products that delivers the best value in price and quality, establish and oversee the production functions of vendors, and develop new supply chains for new trends and buying programs.