Today we are going to the northeast of Romania, to one of the national parks most appreciated by tourists. Some of the high interest points in this region are the Lacu Rosu spa, the belvedere on the Suhardul Mic massif, and the Bicaz Gorges, also known as the Rock Empire.
The most spectacular route linking Moldavia and Transyvania follows the Bicaz Gorges. Ancient waters delved into the stone of the Hasmas Mouintains a very deep and narrow route, where at points the level difference between the water and the rock ridges is over 300 m. The limestone structures here allowed many more such structures here, in addition to the Bicaz Gorges. There are many gorges here, bigger and smaller, that we got told about by Barna Hegyi, administrative director of the Bicaz Gorges National Park:
“The Bicaz Gorges- Hasmas National Park is one of the smallest national parks in Romania, and it boasts many natural treasures. I would mention Lacu Rosu and the Bicaz Gorges as points of interest known all over the country, and all over Central and Eastern Europe. Lacu Rosu is a natural dam lake, which formed in 1836. The forest in the area was flooded, and to this day you can see through the water the petrified forest underneath. Also, the Bicaz Gorges are the most impressive limestone gorges, 6 km long, with tall rock walls.”
Once you get to this wonderful place, as a tourist you have many ways of spending your leisure time, as Barna Hegyi told us:
“We have 18 tourist trails and 3 educational trails. The educational trails have some photo booths that are unique in Romania. They oversee the gorges and the lake, and they are only found in the Alps outside of this place. 10 km away from the national park, on the 12C national road, we have a ski slope. Also, all the tourist trails are open for business at this time. You can trek on all of them. There is also a bicycle trail around Lacu Rosu, and you can rent electric bikes in the resort. We soon hope we can turn Lacu Rosu into a natural skating rink. As you can see, tourists can undertake many activities, especially in this time of the year.”
The park does not have a visitor center, but you have an information booth in the Lacu Rosu resort. Also, you can find on the park website phone numbers to put you in touch with guides for all the trails. Here is Barna Hegyi:
“We are in touch constantly with foreign tourists when they visit our website, seeking guidance and advice. We offered such services for tourists in Greece, Hungary, Poland, or England. They were delighted by what the national park has to offer. Considering that the park is crossed by national road 12C, with intense traffic between Transylvania and Moldavia. Unfortunately, those in transit leave behind a lot of litter, and we try to remove it as best we can. This is the only negative thing noticeable to foreign tourists, but we are trying to keep this aspect under control.”
There aren't that many local artisans in the park, but you can find a lot of local souvenirs in the Bicaz Gorges park. Itinerant potters from the village of Corund come there, and also, there are a lot of traditional events, according to park director Barna Hegyi:
“In the summer, we celebrate Lacu Rosu Day. Also, in Neamt County, in the village of Bicaz, there is a bucolic celebration called Armidem. The tourists are eagerly welcomed at these events. Accommodation is not a problem. The spa of Lacu Rosu has accommodation for any pockets.”
The mountain trails recommended by the administration of the park are for both experts and beginners. They can be walked in between one and eight hours. Some are not recommended in the winter, but some are available all year round. Most are problematic when it rains or snows. You definitely have to have proper equipment, and to check the weather, and check in with park administration in order to avoid perils. Director Hegyi told us about the plans they have for the future.
“We have plenty of plans for the future. Right now we are beginning to implement two European projects. Among other things, these projects promote sustainable tourism. We want to widen the bicycle trails we already have in the national park, and to set up special horse riding trails. We will implement these plans with help from local authorities and NGOs.”
The Bicaz Gorges park can be the entrance to Neamt County. You can enjoy there the spectacular view of the Bicaz lake and dam. The impressive dam, built in the 1960s, is 6 km away from the town of Bicaz. Behind it we find the Izvorul Muntelui dam lake, 35 km long, which blends with the surrounding landscapes, the villages in the valley, abd the Ceahlau massif in the background. From here you can go straight to another wonderful park, the Ceahlau National Park, but that is a destination for another week.