USA - Debate
Friday 8 January 2021, by Ashley Smith
1. What happened. Trump incited a mob of far right and fascist goons to sack the capitol building in DC. This was planned for several weeks. The protest drew several thousand if not over ten thousand and was coordinated with actions in several state capitals throughout the country numbering from a few dozen to hundreds. This marks the emergence of a new fascist right in the country.
2. This is not a coup, but a pathetic, failed putsch organized by the far right that was put down relatively quickly. It was greenlit by Trump and his inner circle. But it was uniformly condemned by capitalist class (NAM, Chamber of Commerce, CEOs of every major corporation, as well as Twitter and Facebook, which shut down Trump’s accounts), both political parties, the leadership of the military and police, and by the bourgeois media. The capitalist class, its various representatives, and repressive apparatuses united against it, and shut it down. Soon thereafter Congress reconvened to confirm Biden. Unsurprisingly, the stock markets throughout the world rallied with relief that a new administration will restore business as usual (at least they hope).