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MORGANTON, N.C., May 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Millennial-led publicity firm, Publicity For Good (PFG), announces its very first PR Expo for Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) brands. Entitled "On The Road To Expo West 2021", the said event happens on May 11, 12:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m. EST via Zoom. It aims to equip leaders of the industry with the knowledge they need to launch their new products, increase consumer awareness and better navigate the world of PR in 2021.
Publicity For Good
"Obviously, the world has changed a lot in the past year," explains Heather DeSantis, founder and CEO of Publicity For Good. "The Covid-19 pandemic is permanently changing consumers' behaviors, especially towards CPG brands and their marketing efforts. As an agency that works with a lot of CPG brands--even through the worst of the pandemic--we've had a lot of opportunities to gather insights and observations about consumers' shifting behaviors, and we think that the time is right for us to share them with others."

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