Publicist Taroue Brooks reshaping the image of Black men with new documentary
Taroue W. Brooks (Photo credit: Blair Devereaux)
I am very cognizant and aware of how we are viewed in society. I want ppl to open their minds to hearing what we have to say as Black men changing the programmed mindset of who we are,” says Taroue Brooks who understands all too well how important image is. A publicist by trade, his focus is to build brands for his clients. Representation matters now more than ever, and the need to combat the stereotypes that have shaped how Black men are viewed by society and even how they view themselves must be addressed. It’s difficult to imagine an America that doesn’t consign them to one of three categories, criminal, athlete, or entertainer. Black men have endured a checkered history of extreme racism, violence, and other offenses committed against them, and yet they’ve still prevailed. With all that has happened, one may wonder if it’s even possible to reshape the stereotypes and the negative images of Black men? The short answer is yes, but it’s complicated.