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May 6, 2021
Forty School Choice Programs Have Saved Between $12.1 And $27.8 Billion Through 2018
A Working Paper released by EdChoice in March 2021 finds that education choice programs have saved taxpayers between $12.1 billion and $27.8 billion through Fiscal Year (FY) 2018.
The Fiscal Effects of Private K–12 Education Programs in the United States, authored by EdChoice’s Director of Fiscal Policy and Analysis Martin Lueken, analyzed data from 40 separate private school choice programs—including 19 voucher programs, 18 tax-credit scholarship programs, and three education savings account (ESA) programs—in 19 different states as well as the District of Columbia. The report also “uses short-run and long-run variable cost estimates to generate lower bounds and upper bounds of the fiscal effects of educational choice program on taxpayers through FY 2018,” Lueken notes. “The longer that a program operates, then the closer the savings approach the upper bound (long-run) estimates. The shorter a program is in place, the closer its fiscal effects to the lower bound (short-run) estimate.”