By Iridian Casarez
on Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 5:10 PM
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Public health
A Humboldt County Public Health Laboratory employee processes a COVID-19 test.
Humboldt County Public Health has confirmed 18 new COVID-19 cases and one new hospitalization of a person in their 60s, bringing the countywide total to 4,989.
Today's results come after laboratories processed 62 samples.
According to a state database, 16 people are currently hospitalized with COVID-19 locally, including four under intensive care.
In a press release today, Public Health highlighted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's revised masking guidance due to the increased spread of the Delta variant, which is believed to be more contagious than other COVID-19 varieties and results in more severe illness, stating that all people, regardless of vaccination status, should wear a mask indoors in public areas of substantial or high virus transmission, which includes Humboldt County.