Protesters Rally Against Gun Control Bills in Delaware
Several hundred people gathered at an anti-gun control rally outside the New Castle Court House Museum on April 11. They called for the protection of their constitutional right to bear arms and to oppose two gun control bills, SB3 and SB6, that just passed the Delaware Senate.
The rally was organized by the Women’s Defense Coalition and other groups. Tyler Yzaguirre, president of the Second Amendment Institute, came all the way from Washington, D.C. to attend.
SB6, known as the Delaware Large Capacity Magazine Prohibition Act, prohibits the possession of magazines with a capacity larger than 17 rounds. The bill also requires gun buyers to attend a training program to get a permit, which is valid for 180 days before they can buy a gun. If the permit expires, citizens are required to apply for a new, fee-paying permit to buy a gun.