International Times (hereafter
Yoko Ono Water Show "for one week," from May 28 through June 1.
1 The next issue of
IT, however, while still listing
Water Show as continuing through June 1, lists a new exhibition,
John Lennon and Yoko Ono: Four Thoughts, opening at Arts Lab on June 2 and continuing through June 9. Although this latter exhibition marks, as I propose, Ono and Lennon's first truly collaborative exhibition, little mention of it appears in the voluminous documentation of all things Beatles—or in the literature on Ono, for that matter. Its scant representation in the literature no doubt arises from the dearth of documentation of the exhibition itself, which is somewhat surprising given the amount of attention Lennon generally received from the press as a member of The Beatles, the world's most famous pop group at the time, not to mention Ono's growing reputation as an avant-garde artist. Ono caused quite a sensation with her performances of