About The Employer:
The National Research Foundation (NRF) supports and promotes research and human capital development through funding, the provision of National Research Facilities and science outreach platforms and programmes to the broader community in all fields of science and technology, including natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities.
The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) spearheads South Africa’s activities in the Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope, commonly known as the SKA, in engineering, science and construction. SARAO is a National Facility managed by the National Research Foundation and incorporates radio astron-omy instruments and programmes such as the MeerKAT and KAT-7 telescopes in the Karoo, the Harte-beesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO) in Gauteng, the African Very Long Baseline Interferom-etry (AVN) programme in nine African countries as well as the associated human capital development and commercialisation endeavours.